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Everything posted by M61A1

  1. They are the government's enforcers, making them an extension of government.
  2. There have been times I would nearly have been parked and shut down if I turned base when I was ready but waited for the radio traffic to finish. That's usually due to several unnecessarily longwinded calls rather than too much traffic.
  3. I have to reply on Dazza's behalf.... THEY'RE
  4. True, but I think often the best ones won't go near the job, so what we get are well meaning , but incompetent or outright self serving, power hungry narcissists that know exactly what they are doing.
  5. I spend an awful lot of time wishing they would stick to the necessities and hurry up so someone else can make a timely transmission. Even more so when the correct phraseology would have been "two thousand four hundred" or just "four hundred". I heard an obviously non-English student the other day making clear concise radio broadcasts....shame his language was so bad I could not pick one useful piece of information from them.
  6. A well known engineer uses a "tailplane volume" formula in his design courses. The area and arm of the tailplane is directly related to the wing area. I will see if I can dig out the formula.
  7. Get yourself an RC flight sim. It will save you money in the long run. They are worth very penny.
  8. Tourism is the first to take a hit when money's tight. I can't see it taking off in a hurry after this.
  9. What would have been wrong with taking the initiative? I remember thinking this could turn to sh*t when they were allowing the students in. Now I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but how dull do you have to be to not realise you are virtually watching the horse bolt while you hold the gate open for it. When it got to that point I figured they must be just going to let it run it's course, but no, they decide that they aren't doing either. The borders don't even need to be completely closed, just proper quarantine on entry. I agree that it's all hindsight now and I have no idea what would be the best course of action would be now that they have completely missed the best option. Only time will tell how good or bad it will all come back together.
  10. The initial response was slow and poorly targeted. If they had taken proper control of the border initially, none of us would have needed to stay home and many businesses would still be going and the CV19 induced debt would be much smaller. Letting students paid by universities bypass the intended restrictions without quarantine was bad enough, letting anyone of the cruise ships without proper quarantine was criminal. Without those events most of our lives would be almost normal, but too late for that now.
  11. No, that's just one alternative to what we did. There's all manner of middle ground that could have achieved varying results. Just because someone says they aren't in favour of a complete lockdown doesn't mean they are in favour of no controls at all.
  12. For all the Queenslanders there has been an update today.....Finally some clarity. Revocation The Home Confinement, Movement and Gathering Public Health Direction given on 2 April 2020 is revoked effective from the time of publication of this direction. PART 1 — DIRECTION – HOME CONFINEMENT, MOVEMENT AND GATHERING This direction applies from the time of publication until the end of the declared public health emergency, unless it is revoked or replaced, except the permitted purpose in paragraph 6(d) applies from 12.01am on 2 May 2020. Home Confinement requirements in Queensland A person who resides in Queensland must not leave their principal place of residenceexcept for, and only to the extent reasonably necessary to accomplish, the following permitted purposes: to obtain food or other essential goods or services; to obtain medical treatment or other health care services; to engage in physical exercise; for recreation within a 50km radius of the person’s principal place of residence; Definitions For the purposes of this Public Health Direction: Recreation means an activity engaged in for pleasure or for mental health benefits, including: motorcycle riding, jet skiing, boating and other forms of personalised transport; driving a motor vehicle, including for a learner driver to accumulate driving hours to comply with logbook requirements for the learner driver’s practical driving test, but the learner driver may only be supervised by a member of the learner driver’s household; shopping at a place permitted to remain open under the Non-essential business, activity and undertaking Closure Direction (No. 7) or its successor; and having a picnic in a park or public space that remains open under the Non-essential business, activity and undertaking Closure Direction (No. 7) or its successor. https://www.health.qld.gov.au/system-governance/legislation/cho-public-health-directions-under-expanded-public-health-act-powers/home-confinement-movement-gathering-direction
  13. Or it could be that fine old tradition of promoting someone out of a job they are useless at. We're dealing with the results of that at the moment. several of the people I work with knew one of our managers as a tradesperson. As he was useless they would send him away on courses to keep him out of the way of the workers. Now he's kept on moving upwards but never really been competent at anything and it really shows now that he's in a spot to do some harm.
  14. Looking at Melbourne from the Enola Gay could be a good perspective......
  15. I have spoken to a few military helicopter pilots recently who have mentioned that ATC at Brisbane and Coolangatta are happy to have someone to talk to lately.
  16. That's pretty much exactly the point. They've done a lot of investigations, coroners have made tonnes of recommendations and made a lot of rules and changes over the years without a significant result. The facts are that in the western world over 80% of crashes are caused by the crew and that hasn't changed in decades neither have the reasons they crash. HF is supposed to get to the root causes of decisions made not just say they screwed up. The way I see HF applied here in Australia is just used as another term for pilot error when at the end of the investigation you see the cause as "Human Factors Related". HF in it's current form is a pointless exercise. Companies carry out HF training, implement their SMS and quality systems without a second thought to the fact that their admin intensive system contradicts every principal of HF by making a more complex system with distractions at every turn. I'm casting stones at administrators here, not pilots and crew.
  17. It seems to have made a difference to RPT, but nothing really noticable in other flying. The same stuff keeps happening, except they call "Pilot Error", Human Factors Related" now.
  18. Yep....Aside from the SAO title and use of petroleum fuel there are virtually no similarities between the two. If RAAus was holding competitive events we might have some similarities, but we have more in common with weekend tourists.
  19. I was posted to Orchard Hills for a few years, I didn't much like living there. I like rural NSW but I don't have much time for city/suburban life. I also lived in Logan for some years and while I didn't like it much it was definitely a big improvement on the western suburbs of Sydney. I drove my ex-wife's stuff to Tasmania in a big trailer ,and I have to say that I didn't really start to feel at ease until I hit the plains of NSW. I like wide open spaces.
  20. I though your comment was about Queenslanders moving there. The only ones I know that like Victoria came from there originally.
  21. I don’t think you’ll have much to worry about there.
  22. You should read a book titled “ Boganomics “. I takes a look at “ Cashed Up Bogans” or CUBs and the marketing involved in a rather tongue in cheek way.
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