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Everything posted by M61A1

  1. With the difference being that it’s larger in relation to the aircraft and has an added strake According to various engineers, a rule of thumb is to draw a line upwards and aft at 60 degrees from the leading edge of the horizontal stab and another at 30 degrees aft from the trailing edge and see how much of the rudder is blanketed by the area between those two lines. I was trying to find an online image, as the textbook that it’s in is buried. Have a look at the difference between rudders on an Extra 300 and a Bristell. Even something like the Esqal VM1, which is a similar looking aircraft, but the rudder extends all the way down past the stab.
  2. Not to mention regulation as a development killer. I read an article a few months ago that discussing how new innovation in highly regulated areas such as aviation and medicine were in serious decline based on the significant decrease in the numbers of patents whereas the less regulated IT industry has been moving extremely fast with many new innovations.
  3. Seems to be a problem these days......The necessity of making directives prohibiting what should be very obvious. I bet any of these clowns wouldn't spill stuff on their gaming console. That said, I recall trying to trouble shoot a negative release of a 2000lb GBU from an F111. No fault was found anywhere. Multiple components were changed out in order to cover our bases. The answer came weeks later when the weapons control panel was opened for maintenance in the avionics workshop and found to be full of a sticky brown substance. It was only then the the crew thought to mention that the co-pilot had spilled chocolate milk on the weapons control panel.
  4. Yeah, I have my own copy. Every time someone mentions Matt Damon, that's all I hear.
  5. That's what I said earlier......For some reason everyone knows about it,base to final stall/spins, stalling in a turn back etc, but they still happen. There was a well known instructor who frequented this forum, that began a thread about the turn back, so clearly he knew about it, then it happened to him. I don't know what the answer is, but I'm quite sure that the vast majority of certificated and licenced pilots understand these things, but fail to apply them when it matters. https://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/the-impossible-turn-a-known-killer.5984/ https://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/pilot-dies-in-light-aircraft-crash-south-of-townsville.30952/
  6. Maybe if the climate got warmer you could cut back on heating......
  7. One might argue that it's all about AoA. The load factor just means increased AoA. I don't know why few would understand the relationship between between stall and AoA and the effect of load factor. It's right at the very beginning of BAK and you need to understand it to pass.
  8. They look schmick....but you can see at a glance that rudder design is likely to kill you if you make a mistake.
  9. Perhaps the absence is why the media and others jump on it when it does happen. Even car crashes are statistically rare, but not many people give a damn unless it involves them, then they want move the world.
  10. This is part of the mystery.....Like the turnback with an engine fail on takeoff. Everyone knows about it, but for some reason it still happens and way more often than we would like. This article is not particularly about stalls, but later in the article it looks at illusions and why people may do some of these things that cause an inadvertent stall. https://www.australianflying.com.au/news/dragons-of-the-downwind-turn
  11. On one might ask why there are so many YouTube instructor clips and written articles about the base to final stall, with many of them described as I did above, if it’s not really a thing.
  12. Believe what you like. You are wrong.
  13. From what I've read in incident reports this is far more of a killer than steep turns. The pilot has been taught that you mustn't exceed 30° of bank in the circuit and so boots in some rudder (so as not to be seen banking excessively) to skid it around without adding bank or power. This makes the nose drop and roll a little, so they pull back and add opposite aileron and keep adding the same inputs until it's all over. So what if you were....sideslipping is quite a reasonable practice for many.
  14. I only get on my ipad, not my pc. I got no idea how to fix it.
  15. Another good story... https://www.pacificwrecks.com/aircraft/f4u/klingman.html And another shot of an a different aircraft. There are many pics of damaged aircraft that miraculously got home, but I like the F4U. [MEDIA=reddit]Warthunder/comments/4y7y5w[/MEDIA]
  16. Hard to say....I've seen some out past 1200. 500-600 is not unusual. I'm sure some on here could give you some idea about examples they have seen.
  17. Then all you (the pilot) have to do is send a copy of the flight review page in the logbook to RAA and then you've covered RAA as well if you have a pilot cert too.
  18. No...It's a completely different set of circumstances. I have no problem with paying landing fees, but I do have a problem with RAAus's inability to safely handle my personal details. Letting anyone have access to my data just because they are an instructor is a different kettle of fish.....what could go wrong you ask? Just because you are nice , well balanced character doesn't mean that all instructors are I have met more than one with a serious god complex and at least one that was the holy trinity. He not only had the god complex , but also the saviour complex and thought he was everywhere at once. These people shouldn't have access to much at all, they take it upon themselves to rewrite histories and make themselves the hero. To add to that, most students have no idea of what's going on with that instructor type until they go to a different one and even then may not realise what was going on until much later in their flying life. Do your BFR, charge what you like, assess them as necessary, advise them as necessary, fill out the logbook, send them on their way and let them manage their details, they aren't children.
  19. There's an expat Aussie in China on the rec flying forum who's designing and building a new plane........with all that flu stuff going down in China, it's going to take that contagious.
  20. I have posted this previously, but it seem appropriate here....
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