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Everything posted by planesmaker

  1. It won't matter what motor it has, who will buy at 45k?
  2. Forget the airshow side of things, that will cut the expenses down. I don't know about anybody else, I find airshows a tad boring. I am quite happy to fly in, meet with other aviators, inspect aircraft, check out forums and vendors products. Then be free to fly home without the limits of restricted airspace due airshow. Just my thoughts
  3. O K strutted cessna's don't have a history of wing folding, they've been safe for long time now. I am very happy I have a strutted high wing!
  4. OK better go online if you want to vote.
  5. Glad it's not me having to do that. Don't forget after opening oil system, you will need to bleed the system again.
  6. A tail tie down stake missed in the predawn preflight, pilot said it took a bit of power to get it to taxi!
  7. I have a J400, operating costs are minimal, mainly because as the builder I can maintain it myself. If I sold it to someone else they would have to have it maintained by a lame. I save a little on no yearly registration fee, however there are higher costs associated with a ppl in regards to medical requirements. Overall I would consider not a lot of difference in costs to RAA.
  8. I would be reluctant to make such a sweeping statement blaming maintenance personell for jabiru's bad name
  9. There are different systems depending on the altimeter, as to the adjusting mechanism.
  10. Desk pilot, your altimeter may well be working correctly but is the subscale correct? This needs to be adjusted from time to time.
  11. As I said 6.5kg of fabric including coatings and paint from the entire skyfox airframe( wings, fuselage, tail). Quite light don't you think?
  12. Paint and coatings are light after solvents evapourate. What it weighs in the can is no indication of weight of finished product.
  13. How do you know you will save weight? From the company selling it? Like I said I have weighed a polyfibre fabric with paint and was surprised at how little it weighed. Not really any substantial weight savings there!
  14. Rotax check list is a good place to start. A minor service would be 50 hr oil change.dont forget allow time for safe tying, magnetic plug inspection, cut and inspect oil filter, write up log book, clean up etc. But if on the other hand this becomes more of an annual, expect a lot longer. Unless you know what you are doing, best to find someone you can trust to do the service, expect to pay reasonable rates, quite a bit of time involved in paperwork, checking SB's etc
  15. I doubt oratex will save weight. I recently removed all fabric from a skyfox and weighed it. 6.5 kg including paint! This from entire airframe.
  16. Skippy I have no problem doing 115kts @ 20lts/hr 700kg (355kg payload) with better climb than C172. Admittedly smaller inside but quite a capable aircraft.
  17. Savannah? Are you kidding? At 6'3 my knees are jammed against the dash.
  18. My 4 seat jab is good for 355kg better performance than C172 while using half the fuel.
  19. Not the cyclone kit from Canada which is a reversed engineered C185. Nice!
  20. Having just done the W&B exam I am wondering if any one out there has scored 100%? I would really like to know if it's even possible.
  21. You actually sit the real exam every time you fly.
  22. Reality of driving to the strip preflight and refuelling aircraft, 40 min flight( depending on wind),arriving at other end, tying aircraft down then transport to work place, I think will not be less time than simply driving, but on good days more fun. Drive 10 min Preflight and refuel 45 min Taxi and flight 50 min Tie down 10 min Transport to work 15 min Comes to 2hr 10min!
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