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Everything posted by Jabiru7252

  1. I would assume the nose wheel and the rudder can be adjusted independently of each other. So, disregarding the rudder, adjust your nosewheel so you taxi straight ahead with the pedals neutral. Once you're happy with that, adjust your rudder so that at cruise power there is no yaw. Remember, maladjusted ailerons or flaps will cause a yaw, but with roll. Under high power, a yaw to the left is normal, under a glide, yaw to the right is normal. Remember when your instructor kept yelling "MORE RIGHT RUDDER!!!" as you gunned it down the runway during those first few hours.
  2. Too many experts sitting in their couches blasting our leaders, calling them slouches...
  3. https://www.recreationalflying.com/uploads/monthly_2021_08/VIDEO-2021-01-15-15-36-51.mp4.d12abcac21caa0a00551df1a088bee6c.mp4
  4. I used to fly the TB10 Tobago in 35° temperatures and 30 knot winds, rough as guts but tolerable. I could never get used to strong turbulence in my Jabiru. I took off one day in gusty hot winds and 30°C. It was dreadful. Rolling 30° or more but really violently and the 'pot holes' were so bad I was sure the wings were going to come off. The water bottle on the passenger seat disappeared down the back of the plane somewhere and the video camera came off its mount. Landing was just as bad, I remember seeing the wing tip about one foot off the runway while floating along as Jabs do. I'll never fly in hot gusty conditions in my Jab again. Flying is meant to be enjoyed. Only glider pilots like that sort of 'thermal activity'.
  5. I had to go around just after touch down in my Jab. Full flaps and the trim was full back, as expected. The tendency for the nose to pitch up is quite noticeable.
  6. I reckon he/she was caught by a gust, the wind sock did stick out as he/she touched down.
  7. Yes, if you are vaccinated the effects of Covid, should you get it, are far less than if you are not vaccinated. Also, because you are vaccinated the virus is killed off quicker by your immune system so you are less likely to spread the disease than the unvaccinated. My book on biology (Biology, Helena Curtis, 5th edition, ISBN 0-87901-394-X) is a great resource and less likely to be full of the crap you get from the Internet. GET VACCINATED!
  8. Considering there are people who claim the Earth is flat, people who deny the moon landings were real, people who say aliens live amongst us it only makes sense that people will deny there is a pandemic. I blame this on the X files. Dammed shows like that have those at the lower levels of IQ believing nonsense and then creating problems for the rest of us. By the way, 12 hours after I had my first jab (AstraZeneca) I thought I was going to die. Uncontrollable shivers, freezing cold, dreadful aches all over. God, it was a terrible 5 hours in bed that night! Couldn't even get up to get a Panadol 😵
  9. Gave away motorcycling because of the helmet law? That's like giving away driving because of the seatbelt law. Only a fool would deny that both helmets and seatbelts save lives.
  10. Every time I hear about self driving vehicles I get mildly annoyed. A report I read about a driverless bus showed it cost 50% more to operate than a standard bus with a driver. Like computers replacing people in the hospital system. Actual cost is double but offset by speed and accuracy. (unless hackers stuff things up!)
  11. I have been involved is system analysis and design since the mid nineties. It is obvious to me that many systems in place do not get scrutinized before being put into place. Like so much software these days we have systems that are over priced, full of bugs, not documented and not maintained correctly. Gotta live with it because all the folks with the appropriate skills to fix things are retired.
  12. I made my own 'splitter' and feed the audio into a cheap digital recorder. I then use a video editor (Sony Vegas 12) and very carefully align the audio to match the video. With some practice it's fairly easy and produces good results. The 'splitter' is nothing more than two resistors in series (10K and 1K) wired across the headphone plug with the audio to the recorder taken across the 1K resistor. No buzz, noise etc.
  13. Any damage to the plane will probably have occurred by dragging it through the sand...
  14. When I advertised my Jabiru, I got clowns asking me how many seats, how fast does it go, how far on a tank etc. This sort of thing wouldn't happen if we were allowed to screen people before they bred.
  15. Before quad-copters and drones became well known and widely available to the public, the military was playing about with them, as far back as the fifties. Being able to hover, dart about and move around like nothing known was what made them so special. Flying saucers and men from Mars was a popular theme and as far as the military was concerned, a good thing. They didn't want folks knowing that these 'UFOs' were actually military research vehicles. There has been no evidence in any shape or form that we have been visited by anything made by aliens. I have been on a few military trials which generated ridiculous stories in the press of UFO activity. Any plane that wanders into controlled airspace and is not identified is a UFO. My brother (retired ATC) has seen many, many 'UFOs'. Some folks believe the earth is flat, some think it's only 5000 years old. Others believe aliens walk amongst us. Each to their own I say. But to believe blindly because you 'want it to be true' is just plain silly. And why is it in a time when high resolution cameras have been around for years we still cannot get a good, clear, believable picture of a UFO?
  16. I think he's still got $100K to anybody who can prove UFO's are from outer space. The latest rubbish on the news doesn't say anything, as there's nothing to say.
  17. The line that says "FROM 09 292311" means what? Is it 29th September at 2311UTC or what?
  18. A lot of old cars we might consider classic and wonderful to own are so common in the states they happily use them as scrap. My mate in L.A. had a few 1977 Cadillac's that would make great wedding cars here but over there, they were everywhere and dirt cheap.
  19. If your SWR is below 2 to1 it's not worth dicking about with, unless that dicking about is easily done. Believe me, I have spent a lot of time playing with antennas, from 1.8Mhz through to 470Mhz.
  20. reserve plays no part in the calculation. 135L at 15L/hr = 9hrs. The magazine article is flawed.
  21. Are all these mods legal? I'd only ever want a fully experienced and qualified mechanic (LAME) doing that sort of work.
  22. Generally, when the engine area is that badly crumpled up, you have the engine in your lap and hot exhaust pipes burning your balls. They are very, very lucky people.
  23. Yea, I landed at Bourke and Broken Hill. No body asked me for any ID. Thank Heavens!
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