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Everything posted by DGL Fox

  1. Thanks Scott...I am flying to the Straddie Breakfast for the first time tomorrow morning with Keith in his Sportstar...anyone else going? David
  2. Hi All, I had a lesson today at YRED and after the lesson a fellow student decided to take our CTMC up for a fly around Redcliffe and Bribie Is, it was a very nice flying day after some earlier showers, and being that I was a passenger I did what passengers do...I took some photo's....excuse the quality I used my phone camera... David
  3. Yes looks very nice that Spitty...wouldn't mind being around when he fires her up and takes it for a spin...should sound very nice... David
  4. Ah the Howard days when the US said jump and we said how high and what else do you need sir and everything that was said in the US was the God's gospel truth...thank God we are standing up for ourselves a bit more these days and hopefully not so gullible any more.... well maybe some are not... David
  5. How do you think that would go down in the good old US of A that we were signing up to buy S-35's from Russia...mmmm... not to good I would say...I reckon we would get a great deal and a lot more bang for our $ when you look at the conversion rate with the Rubble and a far better plane... David
  6. When remembering Howard and his relationship with the U.S ..... the cartoon of the bulldog Spike and his little mate hanging on every word and doing everything he says and shoving his little mate out in front him when danger was about come to mind. David
  7. Yes I was down at RED today...very bumpy at 1500ft and still blowing...after the ex cyclone moves away over the next couple of days things should improve...yes Thursday is when I am looking to have a fly.... David
  8. Yes all that debt and yet the yank $ is still the leading world currency, and our $ is worth 30% less...unbelievable... David
  9. Yes mate not to far away....just got to find the time to get it done...you will be able to fly over and visit us soon at Redcliffe? David
  10. Hi Scott, This is a great way of doing it in a 19 registered aircraft but what about a 24 registered LSA where you need factory approval for all mods? on my Sportstar the Hobbs is currently hooked up to the master switch which is totally not good, if someone turns on the master and inadvertently leaves it on you can loose many engines hours, it was originally hooked up to the oil pressure switch as described earlier in this thread but it failed and the old owner decided to hook it up to the master and as I said this is not good. Anyone have any alternatives or a more reliable method with a LSA ? David
  11. Watched this again today....scary stuff... David
  12. Hi Brent, Yes I met you there over the weekend, welcome to Fly Now...We are a happy bunch and I hope to see you again soon and wish you all the best for your training... Yes it was a bit to rough for me on Sunday at RED but that's the way it goes... David
  13. Phil great idea...don't they cut off the hands of thieves? David
  14. Hi Danny, If you want a very good flying school it's at Redcliffe close to Brisbane, you can give Mahl Oakes a call at Fly Now.. wonderful instructors worth a call mate... http://www.fly-now-redcliffe.com/ David
  15. Night, Yes for sure thanks, the bitumen runway at Redcliffe is a harder to handle than the grass like when we go over the Caboolture, but I getting there .. David
  16. Camel, This is my son Adam going up in 4910 for a "see if you like flight" last weekend, he did....had a smile from ear to ear when he come back...thanks to my instructor Wayne from Fly Now Redcliffe for looking after him. David
  17. Hi Camel, Yes I am finding it is very touchy when you let the front wheel down, what size front wheel have you got on yours Camel? What model Sportstar is yours, mine is a late 06 but first registered in 07 ...can you still have the wheel spats?? David
  18. I found this very interesting video on hand propping and prop safety in general.... David
  19. Ah ok, I uploaded to Facebook...how about that link? https://www.facebook.com/david.lefrancke/posts/562337090585270?comment_id=562371783915134&notif_t=feed_comment David
  20. I went to flight training at Fly Now Redcliffe this morning and my son Adam come with me, I had a brainwave and asked him to take a video with my old phone of doing some landing so that I may review them later...this is what he took...I will give him my video camera next time and a tripod so don't blame him on the poor quality...thanks anyway Adam.. :) https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=562336023918710
  21. No mate...but it is like starting afresh after the Tecnam but I will get there..I hope it is nice in the morning and no crosswinds... David
  22. Yes Tony you DO know Redcliffe... no crosswinds to lots of crosswind in a matter of minutes...I have done human factors and done pre solo...I think one more to go....yes back at school for sure mate but more interesting... David
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