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Everything posted by DGL Fox

  1. I was there at around 10.30am today and we were standing out near the taxi way watching the schools aircraft come in and take off when we saw the Tiger moth land on the grass and were stunned to see it almost flip over, it was very close, I thought it was gone, so to here that it actually did flip over does not surprise me...I don't know what was going on there this morning with that aircraft, has it been confirmed that it did actually go over? David
  2. I was doing some solo circuits today at YRED and I using 07, the wind was straight down the runway at about 5 kts or so and a few big clouds around over the airfield but in general a great day, as I took off and got to around 500ft it started getting a bit bumpy and once I turned downwind, I started getting uplift under the cloud because on one circuit I got lifted around 400ft and a few seconds later dropped me back down to roughly circuit height, I thought wow that was exciting, then on final as anyone that has flown at Redcliffe I got a heap of sink over the mudflats and then lift over the mangroves on short final and then over the fence it settled down again. All in all it was a fun circuit session at Redcliffe, it certainly keeps you on your toes...loved it... moving onto engine failures etc on Saturday morning in preparation to do my area solos....lots of fun... David
  3. They didn't do what they did in Syria for anyone else but themselves, they just wanted to sell more weapons to the world because this is the only way they can make any money at the moment, what better way to display all of their technology than put it all out in front of the worlds media...I believe their weapons sales have gone through the roof....so don't fool yourself that it was anything more than showing off to the world.....Vlad's pockets are getting a bit low lately what better way to top them back up...but maybe I am a western skeptic... Da David
  4. Da comrade Don...I would never believe this western propaganda... follow Vlad's teachings they are the way to prosperity, truth and justice for all... David
  5. What a terrible thing to see just rotting away...and then the shed will collapse and that's it all gone forever...the Ruskies will never let them out of there as they are to embarrassed over them that they never really flew... ah well another piece of history gone... David
  6. I really liked your video Mike.. well done mate.. I look forward to seeing you again at Old Station.. David
  7. Went down to YRED today to give my girl a wash after the weekend and they were pulling the Cessna out of the ditch today...must have been a real job to get her out as they were still there when I left this afternoon... David
  8. Yes I have done some bouncy landings in the SportStar especially if you land on 3 wheels because I didn't flare in correctly and yes I find a very small bounce and you can hold it and land normally but a few of my worst landing I just power on straight away and get her back in the air and try it again...and on the way around I say to myself do it right this time.. David
  9. I wonder if it was a bounced landing and then loss of control...was there an instructor in their with him or was he solo...I guess it will come out in the report at some time in the future... David
  10. Just so amazing that so many things have to go right for it all to happen...just wow... David
  11. Hello Mark...Welcome to the site.. David..
  12. Yes not sure I have seen that one around the field...looks like he just run off on to the grass and then the ditch next to 07...good to see he is ok and the plane looks like it has not been damaged to bad...actually just looked at some video footage and it looks like a Cessna but I couldn't make out the rego.. David
  13. Well done Brent you are going well...yes we are starting to get into more stable weather now which is great, it was nice yesterday when I did some solo circuits in the SportStar....keep up the good work mate... David
  14. Yes I think that is it for Arthur...I would say it wasn't going to be picked up by anyone... David
  15. Must be a few South Africans around Redcliffe as I have met 3 South African students at Fly Now at YRED lately...nice fellows... David
  16. Thanks Mike, Just a wonderful day flying.... David
  17. I did another solo flight today at YRED in the Sport Star, more circuits but loving it, I have done my 2 hours solo, now onto precautionary landings etc, all I can say is what a magical day we had, the weather today was the best so far this year...I hope we have more days like today... David
  18. I was at the Qld Museum a couple of weeks ago and this is what is hanging there now.. David
  19. Wow it is amazing how fast you loose altitude...When he realized he was to high in the video at the 3.34 segment there is a big round ended road to his right, in video I can't see if there were any wires but I would have continued in my right hand turn and maybe slipped a little and went for the road? The other question I have ...when you have to make fast decisions on wind direction how do quickly decide that, I know you can look for smoke from a chimney or bush fire, or if you can see a dam look for the ripples in the water....any other suggestions as to quickly determine wind direction? David
  20. Yes just watched this latest episode on the Hawker Hurricane...what a great story, I loved it... however, I would love to know who was... as Peter Vacher said "the most wonderful person in the UK" that at the last minute bought it....Nik any ideas ???? David
  21. What beautiful footage...worth the risk I think to see that sort of country....just wow... David
  22. That's very interesting in the cave Mike...did you find anything in there?...you guys should do some research about any missing planes in your area....go and find yourselves an old Japanese zero or similar that would be very exciting to find... David
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