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Everything posted by DGL Fox

  1. Just wondering if anyone has had any recent info this airfield please? I can't find anyone to call for info..thanks David Wonga Beach Airport ICAO: YWGA
  2. Best of the season to you guys too...I bet your doing tough up there on Fraser Island...wish I were there... David
  3. I have just had this discussion with the insurers, yes your passenger is only covered for $250k but the key words are I think in the case of an accident ... if you are found that you have been negligent or proved that you were at fault in some way..I think that is the way he put it...then then your standard members insurance probably won't be enough. I think they should immediately raise this amount but I guess if they do so will our membership fees. David
  4. Yes that is true, he didn't actually say in the ACT but what we are saying is still correct, he said "management of a few airports or properties" the way I see it unless we had under our control an airport or property in EVERY state there is no point in talking about this and if we waved the magic wand and it was possible, who will choose these properties, us or them? David
  5. In general I think it would be a good idea but in practise, as you say Frank where could we buy an airfield where this deal would be an advantage for ALL members...so good idea but sorry back to the drawing board.. David
  6. I am looking at the moment for an Ipad...I think an Ipad Air 64gig or 128gig with wifi and cell would be the best size and power for my Sportstar panel...the Ipad mini is to small and the full size Ipad is to big..so the Air is the one for me... David
  7. I don't want controlled airspace endorsements under RAAus, I just think it is going to bring more rules and regulations and costs along with it, all I really want is a 750 kg MTOW so that our LSA's can be made a bit tougher for our outback airstrips etc and be able to carry 2 people and some luggage and full fuel safely so that it keeps us well under the MTOW, I think at the moment there are quite a few LSA's that would struggle to do that and stay under 600kg. David
  8. We have a friend at Redcliffe that owns and still flies a Sportstar and I think he is 87 years old....young Keith we call him...fantastic guy and we all love him and he can tell you stories when he flew for TAA that he says most people wouldn't believe but once you know him you do..I respect him so much...wish he was my Dad...good luck Keith and stay safe and keep flying mate.. David
  9. Very nice, well done to the people that put that together..RIP John... David
  10. Haha....an attempted Kiwi joke...funny....not.. David
  11. Well looking at the average age of RAA membership most of us are over 45 and with some of us our memories are not as sharp as they were when we were 20, I see some people say that if the checklist is simple just memorize it and that's ok but I just wonder how many of us go back to the start of the checklist or go back to the start in our minds if we are distracted by something outside or inside the cockpit? It is very easy to miss something if we are disturbed while doing your checks.. David
  12. Hi All, Just read this crash report (see attached) and as I was reading it I thought that this could quite easily be me, the small things that you are supposed to do before we fly? I am a low hours pilot myself and I have been guilty of missing items off my checklist like, being distracted by my passenger like being not quite on top of my game on a particular day, on the "small things" After reading this story I think have I been like this, shortcutting my checks and I have to say yes to this, no it wasn't anything major or life threatening but these are the things I have noticed and that I am trying to not repeat, because, if you read the story we can see that it is not one single event or a single miss that lead to the crash but a lot of little single "misses" that led to this event but a whole lot of silly little ones that we may have got away with previously. I think there is a thread here about checklists and I think some posters said that they don't use one or we should just memorize them so that we don't need to use a an actual hard copy, well I don't subscribe to that, as a low hour pilot I don't think I could be comfortable just going off my memory, I am not 20 yrs old anymore, I think for each flight before you push in that throttle you should be clear in your mind and take those few seconds to assure yourself that you have done everything that you needed to do to ensure you and possibly your passenger will arrive back on the ground in the condition that they left it... There are just too many things in our life that can affect how we fly and what we do to make it a safe flight every time every time we go up whether it a LSA/ trike or paraglider. Please don't skip the "little things" as they can all add up to something big that no one wants most of all you and your loved one sitting beside you.... Please lets all have a wonderful and safe Christmas and 2017 so we can all enjoy our flying with our friends and family... David Final destination: Birmingham | Flight Safety Australia
  13. RIP John Glenn, he was a true pioneer of the early space program..a true hero in my eyes of those early days... David
  14. I watched that program last night as well, I think there is no doubt that the Wrights were not the first powered flight but I always thought it was the first "controlled powered flight" but the Smithsonian with their signed contract would never admit that they weren't...well not unless they were to get rid of the Wrights Flyer... David
  15. I don't know if anyone is to interested in the spaceshuttle program but over the years I have found it very interesting, they have had their up's and of course downs like Challenger and Columbia but overall it has been inspiring to watch. The photo's and video's that have come from the International Space Station and the lift off video's of the shuttle have been awe inspiring. Well it sad to see the end of the shuttle program but hopefully the world can pull together a program to get us to Mars and beyond sometime soon. Congratulations to all the countries, crews and people that contributed to this great adventure, I have loved watching it over the years and I never get sick of watching them blast off into space...well done all.. Here is the last mission of the shuttle Atlantis...
  16. Hi Phillip, Welcome, that is a nice part of the world you live in, I would like to come over there one day for a visit and a fly of course.. David
  17. I am shocked to find out that it was John, he was one of my instructors at Go Fly for a while, he was very experienced and a good instructor and good guy...so sad to here about this, my condolences to his family and friends...RIP John.. David
  18. Great explanation...loved it... now they just need a new type of engine for the future !!!! David
  19. Don't think I have heard of a "design feature endorsement" for RAAus, what is that exactly? David
  20. Mike sounds great, I would probably want to stay the night, is there a field up there where the accommodation and food are close by? David
  21. Hi Mike, Yes you are really enjoying flying the Nynja around, I will have to fly up to see you one day once I finish my navs... David
  22. Does anyone know where I can buy the VDO oil pressure sender as a reasonable price? That is what my 912 has fitted. thanks. David
  23. HI Hayden and Alicia, Great videos, I have watched up to the 5th episode, is that the last one? you guys must have been cooking in the RV with no sun shade? David
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