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Everything posted by johnm

  1. No HITC - just agreeing with you ...... I thought 'more' you might expand on the matter (with your experience) ......................... its more important looking out the window and avoiding first off A near miss is a good thing (compared to a direct hit)
  2. Make a good new thread that ................. planes taking off with all sorts of things being dragged along for a ride -fuel caps included
  3. may be those numbers are n't right - I'll ask the local LAME
  4. 1 kilo = say 36 ounces gold say $ 1,300 / ounce ...................... 1 kilo gold = $ 46,800 report is saying (255 kilos / $ 255 m) - 1 kilo of ice = $ 1,000,000 ! (they say ice can be manufactured from products in a hardware store (or water in a freezer)) I think there'll be plenty out there that will step forward as the next distributor. The capture of this shipment actually increases the price of the next sale, encouraging even more to be the next distributor - there's got to be a better way in reducing the impact of drugs to keep the subject 'on topic' - this will mean more Cessna's flying to Australia from America
  5. Nice one alpi pete - you would be part of a very select club ............. having flown solo accidentally
  6. in regards to flying solo ............... I can't recall if I ever taxied an aeroplane solo prior to flying solo even if only to taxi a distance to fetch the instructor would there be something worthwhile in this (giving the instructor some exercise at least) is there some rule against it ? might be good for student pilots please be gentle with any smart answers
  7. Waignawa fallowdreer ? .............. fotgetting how to spell the rivers
  8. We are drifting Fh ........?. But im being nosy ....... why are you a groover (im 60) ........... of pistons ?
  9. .............. just for the conversation - good variation in answers I suspect most ultralight planes suffer from brake fade quickly, so how you stop best, needs to be thought about (or read)
  10. A theoretical ......... If you were taking off with say 1 notch of flap (or no flap) - lets say grass runway - plane has brakes - fixed undercart And you had to stop takeoff - lets say loss of power - no groundloops or deviation from runway is possible The remaining strip distance is minimal - what would be the best way to stop ? .............. i'd go for full flap and brakes ?
  11. I dont think money has a lot to do with safety if you have met a minimum safety requirement- it might decrease the odds of a blip .......... it s not a gaurantee though The nsw govt could spend billions on any 20 km stretch oh highway - plus get any number of paternalistic / patronising adverts on any number of tv screens - for some reason someone will have an accident - all the same for sure To say 'big spend airlines' are a sure bet compared to 'ive done whats required airlines" is a mirage - its subjective Whats the answer - ruggered if i know - an engine brake on that dead engine would be a start - or maybe explosive bolts and get rid of the mota That airframe took a pounding ? - not to mention the humans
  12. walked water ? ................ to get to the 206
  13. if I derive any masochistic pleasure from the reports ............................. I'll go to the confessional otherwise I'll treat them as .............................. useful information (as best as can be had)
  14. I think the data is very useful - you can search type of plane - engine etc Of course as said it is arecord of reported instances - how many others are happening and not being reported ? ............ my guess would be probably about the same again I'd like to see in the data age and hours toal for pilot (poliitical party and race probably not relevant) Pilot age and total hours could be good data
  15. just in case some don't know - link below for RAA reports - the table can be searched good stuff by RAA - thanks - very current and up to date info re the trials and tribulations of flight Accident and defect summaries - RAAus
  16. wonder if pilots saw it ....................... probably looking inside at screens - or would on board radar pick it up ?
  17. this website seems to start talking about canopy removal ............... - good luck ? - Tecnam P2002 JF Maintenance Manual (Page 678 of 1289)
  18. On the advice of poster above I'll stay away from FB ............... most humans want to be part of a group .............. and its attributes ............... I'm guessing FB does not have many of those attributes ?
  19. $66 per year at the gympie aero club captain wally We have a real good x section of members - all seem to fit in like the rest of the human race Without sounding pious - I can remember FHunter saying clubs are to be enjoyed - and enjoy (try) the differences of each person - we should all try this best we can (including this forum and this thread) Its a good thread - lets not the mods close it
  20. more Capt Wally .................... ! .............. Your not hated. I think you have an interested following ......... you certainly shoot straight from the hip i guess what you described you find in all jobs - mind you they say some pilots can be particularly egotistical beasts. - what was it like under the expert eye of some captains when you were 1st officer - what were you like as capt to your 1st officers - what was the worst flying experience you had with a senior pilot - what was the worst flying experience you had with a junior pilot - did you ever smoke a joint while up there high - did you ever down a scotch while up there high - did the cabin crew have a better job than pilots - did refuellers have a better job than pilots - did you change airlines much - or once employed you had to stick to it - how many hours and years did you clock up - was there any commercial flying that you did find enjoyable - have you thought of returning to some sort of paid flying - like instructor .......... shan't ask again
  21. Capt Wally .............................. all the above sounds very intriguing - how about starting a thread and talk about those decisions or matters that made you jump of the bus ........... we'd like to hear some of that stuff
  22. 1982 ? - piper tomahawk (s) $ 30 & $ 33 per hour (the instructors were raking it in) flew a tomahawk a couple of years back - compared to an ultralight a tomahawk is heavy and stable - not unlike a kitchen bench ............. with wings
  23. come on you lot ..................... bring the accused (s) to the fore - I want names, times and dates of these footless deruddered incidents
  24. Ironically I michaelm states he is a lawyer ....... so whats all the fuss about Emjoy your flight (s) mike - make sure you dont get charged more tjhan $ 600 / hour for your half share
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