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Everything posted by johnm

  1. if he going to stay in the new work location - why does n't he do some dual flying with that flight school - that might reassure the flight school that 'new bloke' is competent its their aircraft so I guess they choose who fly's it ............... having said that they may be busy enough, the plane is fully utilised and they don't need new customers (........ a rare business that does n't need new business / customers)
  2. the purpose of a flyin / airshow is to see aeroplanes ................ why discourage anyone flying in ... because of an entry fee ? arrivals by plane want to pay nothing. The organisers want to charge as best they can. There must be logically a 'top' fee where no one would arrive by plane because it stings the back pocket to much you need to charge the seething hordes that arrive ....... weighed down by gravity at the earths surface at the gate (not the ones that fly in)
  3. yes - you need all sorts kids - adults - lgbti ? - petrol heads - cafe latte - ............ even boaties
  4. the annual rate bill is not enough ? ............. they're gunna slug you at the boat ramp ! bureaucracies have an insatiable need for money - they are a prime inflationary cause in my book if you apply the same logic re fees / tolls ......................... they'll have to put a toll on: - entry into the library - entry to public toilets - fence all parks and charge entry through gates - fence all rivers and charge entry through gates - fence all beaches and charge entry through gates - fence all airstrips and charge entry through gates
  5. I like post 113 is it an actual need from 3rd parties like insurers ............ etc or as post 113 suggest - the RAA bodies need for more members. Isn't more and more cash flowing in (from new members) called a ponzi scheme (sarcasm ....................sorry)
  6. Suncoast flying ? gympie has a Victa Airtourer assuming for training - come in spinner
  7. it would be interesting to know circumstances of why the chute was pulled on the Sirius ? prop seems to be spinning - was it a factory test ?
  8. gave you a caution onetrack ! (good insight all the same) ............ hoping the FB people you describe get some sort of meaning out of breathing oxygen, somehow
  9. great precedent Bernie .................. but alas 50 lashes probably awaits you when Mr Plod comes to visit ?
  10. pilot maybe have also been trying to go to their left - suitable landing area there ........................ not enough inertia though ?
  11. it most certainly is satirical - some greats stories case in point (more crime - not aviation though): You searched for parking fine — The Betoota Advocate
  12. more crime ....................... being committed at birdsville: Local man slapped with jay-walking ticket in Birdsville — The Betoota Advocate
  13. you punched through 10,000 posts turbo - congratulations are in order
  14. lack of spare money floating around in society not many students with $ 50 notes falling out of their back pockets in some ways its better to have a flight school operating at say a high $ 300 per hour than have NO flight schools operating at a low $ 150 per hour ?
  15. I think that hawker hunter would be worth at least $ 25k oz ? (guess) .................... computes to £140 english pounds There must be a skill to fly one of these remotely - probably harder than sitting in real thing
  16. it might have been a biggy ? but a quick skim of the video ............. there was nothing to compare the scale - that's always the bit I like even a box of matches on the wing, a can of baked beans rammed up the tail pipe, a human ......... something please
  17. Whats the legality where aircraft 1 and 2 are flying downwind Aircraft 1 flies a 747 circuit and continues downwind say 2 miles Aircraft 2 - following aircraft 1 downwind - calls and turns base at say half a mile - before aircraft 1 calls base ? .......... can aircraft 2 legally do this ? - rather than follow aircraft 1 ........... the thing being that aircraft 1 thinks that their circuit is safer than aircraft 2
  18. 1st time Ive read this thread - not an overly interesting subject ...... what ! Figured the conversation would be about where its at ! ......... Sex, politics and religion - tsk tsk tsk0
  19. about 1982 ? when I was at a Motueka NZ flight school someone said there was a mozzie in a farm shed down the road me and my mate went looking ................ sure enough we found it, asked Mr farmer if we could look - it was in good nick ................ with other aircraft (can't recall the others) from memory the main wings and tail were on and standing on undercarriage ............and the elevators were off. we sat in the cockpit - it was complete (more or less) even the pilots handbook was there to read (something about if plane mishandled someway watch out the prop blades would n't break off ?!?) (thanks one track - item 66 of your POH ! - crash landing) I'll try and find out where that mozzie ended up
  20. Yes - most / some dont identify who there comment is made to ?............... if you direct your post to a comment - identify who you are dressing - or trossreing
  21. MORE unabashed advertising attached
  22. look at 21.7.17 - location: unknown Accident and defect summaries - RAAus
  23. I don't think anyone here has suggested that planes that have radios ............... are not used ?
  24. seen this on the RAA website - location of aircraft not known ! - must have been an anonymous notification but no doubt event is now in the aircraft log ? '21/7/2017 Unknown QLD Tecnam P2004 Bravo Rotax 912ULS During a routine 100hrly inspection/oil change, a substantial quantity of solid debris [crushed alum... During a routine 100hrly inspection/oil change, a substantial quantity of solid debris [crushed aluminum in appearance] was found in the oil tank. The engine was removed and sent to the Rotax agent, where it was stripped and inspected. No sign of contaminant or damage was found. Only other way for debris to enter the oil tank, is through the oil filler cap.'
  25. a good reminder of instructor ethics FH if you buy a top quality sausage - there's still no guarantee that top money was paid for its contents, either price is an indicator of sausage quality - its no guarantee though (delete 'sausage' and insert 'flight training' as necessary)
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