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New Tech. Manual

Keith Page

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How many accidents are caused by mechanical failure related to building though? Its been my understanding that most mechanical failures relate to incorrect or lack of maintenance or poor pre-flight inspection techniques.



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Knowing what you are doing is a good start. The average person is not so resourceful as perhaps they had to be in the past. Who rivets, welds or solders today or knows the difference between a clearance and a tolerance ? Not many. Nev



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Agree. The chap that did my L4 inspection put off my inspection for a couple of weeks as he had another to do. It turned out during that test flight the engine developed a miss and he had trouble getting back on the ground. Turned out the builder deviated from the plans and reduced the size of the tail feather area, also reduced the size of some pieces of the box spar. On landing the wheels ripped out. Imagine if the engine did not play up the aircraft may have been subjected to some maneauvres that stressed the wings to failure due to the lighter construction materials of the spar.

This proves the point that pre-flight inspections by an L4 won't stop bad designs getting into the air!



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I can see both sides,its great to be able to vent, but its also fantastic when board members or connected people communicate with us...


At the end of the day a forum should always promote freedom of speech within certain tolerable limits, even if it was on RAA own domain.



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Perhaps don't say anything on a forum you wouldn't say to someone's face, if they were built like Arnie S would keep it nice. Nev

But on the other hand you shouldn't refrain from saying what you would say to their face on a forum either, for everyone who speaks their mind, maybe 4 or 5 just lurk, wishing they had asked the same question or got a response to the same comment.



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Plenty are afraid to speak fearing they will get a bit of a put down if they look as if they don't know much. There are no silly questions. There are some pretty "ordinary" answers, and some wrong ones sometimes but that may lead to clarification, as well.


If it bothers you, ask about it. That means it's important to you and no one knows everything about flying. There's always more to know. Never take anything on forum or in some books either, as gospel. Check it out till it fits a logical and consistent result. Nev



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The concept that RAA can operate 'outside' of a CASA imprimatur is a foolish notion. Control of pretty much everything lager than a kite or a kiddie's balloon has by legislative instrument been handed to Federal authority, and CASA is just the latest incarnation of that (see also: DCA, DoT). This is not just an Australian 'invention': ICAO has been vested by international agreement with overarching control of pretty much anything that operates above 500 feet AGL. For example: WIGs that can't go above 500 feet AGL are boats, but are aircraft at 500 feet-plus.


When all the BS about a 'Member's Organisation' is discarded, we fly (if RAA-registered) as a result of 'the King's Pleasure' bestowed by CASA upon an organisation allowed to manage the affairs of recreational aviators. It is RAA's role to ADMINISTER all of the various technical requirements that come from CASA, as the body with the actual legislative power (and responsibility). RAA exists on scraps off CASA's table, it does NOT have the luxury of demanding the size, shape or taste of those scraps.


RAA has for too long been an entirely schizophrenic organisation: trying to be an overarching 'flying club' and the administrator of the agreed ( but not actually, in legal terms, 'delegated')authority for CASA. GFA IS a 'delegated' authority - which is why all gliders are VH-registered.


Those who incessantly denigrate the RAA Board and the RAA administration, should present properly-researched and supported by FACT arguments as to where RAA has moved outside meeting CASA's requirements for its operation. Until that is done, there appear to me to be a few disgruntled individuals only too ready to shoot the messenger.



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I always say what I think...to your face or not. If I am wrong I will gladly apologise...and I have been corrected plenty of times. Too much dilly dancing around now days...spit it out and see what happens its the only way you will know what is actually going on.



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I hope you are kidding Doug...can you imagine the outcome of that...1. RAAus will make you use or know your real identity

2. We see here the way discussions go about RAAus so imagine what a dogs breakfast it would be


3. RAAus could not stop a member from using it, banning or suspending a member they don't like without legal challenge


4. RAAus board would have to answer everything which would destroy each one's reputation because they would be judged on every single word


5. RAAus members would go on the attack


6. The amount of time required to manage it would be overwhelming


7. They could not be considered as official if they got non board members to manage and moderate it


Further more if we take the EAA forums as an example, EAA has a membership 10 times that of RAAus yet if we compare their usage to this site who has a 1/10th potential userbase, their forums are not really used as they have slightly less users than Recreational Flying (.com).


Can you imagine RAAus being forced into answering every question about them that has been posted on this site and then being subjected to further questioning on their answer because if they didn't they would be doomed, they would also be doomed if they did.


Basically it would be a disaster for RAAus and the membership...and money

About a dozen or more years back the AUF (predecessor of RAA) actually had an internet member's forum. Not surprising, when member's questions of the Board (Middleton's days) became too difficult or embarrasing to responsibly answer, a board member moved that the site be closed. The Board supported the move unamimously. What has changed?



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About a dozen or more years back the AUF (predecessor of RAA) actually had an internet member's forum. Not surprising, when member's questions of the Board (Middleton's days) became too difficult or embarrasing to responsibly answer, a board member moved that the site be closed. The Board supported the move unamimously. What has changed?

I still have a copy of all the posts from back then and if you read them, it was an email list run by a Board member from Albury, you would certainly agree that it would be an extremely bad move for RAAus to even contemplate setting one up. One of the biggest things were the legal implications for RAAus being a governing body opening themselves up left right and center



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Members in SA can talk to the Tech manager this week end. From RAAus:


"Members in the Gawler area are invited to an impromptu members forum to discuss RAAus technical matters with our technical manager, Darren Barnfield at Gawler Airfield this Saturday 10 September 2016. Darren and the local club will be supplying a light BBQ dinner from 5.00pm to 7.00pm and is looking forward to engaging with local members and discussing our new technical manual and other aircraft and related maintenance topics that arise."



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Members in SA can talk to the Tech manager this week end. From RAAus:"Members in the Gawler area are invited to an impromptu members forum to discuss RAAus technical matters with our technical manager, Darren Barnfield at Gawler Airfield this Saturday 10 September 2016. Darren and the local club will be supplying a light BBQ dinner from 5.00pm to 7.00pm and is looking forward to engaging with local members and discussing our new technical manual and other aircraft and related maintenance topics that arise."

Will he come to Queensland too do the same




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Members in SA can talk to the Tech manager this week end. From RAAus:"Members in the Gawler area are invited to an impromptu members forum to discuss RAAus technical matters with our technical manager, Darren Barnfield at Gawler Airfield this Saturday 10 September 2016. Darren and the local club will be supplying a light BBQ dinner from 5.00pm to 7.00pm and is looking forward to engaging with local members and discussing our new technical manual and other aircraft and related maintenance topics that arise."

Is he out getting "Yes" votes for the new Tech. Manual?




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