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Silly aviation pictures.


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That was a very sad event and a tragedy suffered by quite a few on here. I witnessed a lot of the damage.

Thead drift Trivia for the day..........Lismore is the only town in Australia where they have a speed limit for boats in the main High Street. Years ago SES flood rescue boats travelled too fast down the High Street and bow waves smashed all the shop windows. FACT!

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When I grew up in Newcastle the area around Maitland and Morpeth regularly flooded. I became aware of the extent of the damage and resolved to Never live where Flooding happens. I think it's a toss up as to whether bushfires are worse.  Nev

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1 hour ago, Marty_d said:

But how many times did a giant woman wrap herself around your plane?

Marty, I'd settle for once......)

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