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Everything posted by SDQDI

  1. Why don't they just allow it to be done through the rms/rta offices. Surely it would be easier for everyone involved
  2. I would guess at the brakes being engaged still whether inadvertently activated or not fully released after run up. Didn't seem to be rolling overly freely.
  3. Unfortunately it was one of our local flyers, I haven't spoken to him but have received a text from him and he is going well. No injuries. As a side note I will personally vouch that he does NOT crop dust from his foxbat!
  4. Just to add another rough generalisation to the thread, I also don't use the vsi in the circuit area (unless I am on my bfr on downwind trying to nail circuit height within a foot or two!) and rely on the outside picture. (I do use the vsi a lot when doing point to point flights though, using the good old iPad or gps I get my estimated time left and then get the height I want to drop for example 10 minutes to go and 4000 feet to drop to get to overflight height means I will sit the vsi on 400ft/minute loss and arrive right where I want to be to join or overfly. But have never used it to work out my base or final legs.) You will find once you pull the power any parts of the runway (or paddocks for that matter!) that move up your windscreen are beyond your glide range and any parts that move down the windscreen are under your glide and the part of the ground that stays stationary is the bit where you will roughly hit (kiss). Of course you can do different things to change the result, side slip or turn or add power ect, but it really is a good way to get a picture of where you are heading early on.
  5. Some useful info and better pics here Arrivals, departures and transits | Civil Aviation Safety Authority
  6. Spot on Graeme, I even looked at it on the vnc so no excuse:doh:
  7. I don't know anything about the plane they were flying but I would assume that it was an automatically activated beacon.
  8. Legally, unless it is within 10nmiles of a ctaf, it would actually be area frequency.
  9. I believe Howie is also unavailable HOWARD HUGHES - RIP
  10. Looking up that particular area in the prd section comes up with 'activated by notam, military flying' so I would say when active the big boys are having fun at low level. Not illegal to fly through but certainly wise to weigh up your options if active.
  11. Old K that video is coming up as private! What are you hiding from me? Lol
  12. That has never stopped my wife talking to me
  13. My last couple of flights have resulted in a round trip from home to Taree then back again. Firstly around two weeks ago from home to Taree I Flew with fellow forumite Old K. I think it was after 8am by we were ready to leave and it was a beautiful trip. We basically flew direct although had to slip around a smidgen of fog in a valley or two but the majority of it was clear. I didn't take any pics of this trip but I think @Old Koreelah caught a bit of video but I haven't been privy to it yet:fear:. It was awesome catching up with Ole and his team and after a lengthy tour of their projects old K and I walked down the street for some lunch after which our taxi (my better half) arrived and then we headed off on a nice relaxing drive home (relaxing for me at least as I was driving:oh yeah:). Then last Friday we brought it home. My lovely better half again got the short straw and was elected chief taxi driver and drove my cousin Mark and myself over to Taree. (It wasn't quite that bad, I drove over and Mark and I talked to the 'gentle' sound of snores until pulling into Taree Maccas so she did only have the long haul for one leg) I did a couple of circuits solo just to check everything over and then it was time for goodbyes. We first flew over to Old Bar and did a couple of laps up and down the beach before pointing the nose for home. It was one of the best flying weather days I have ever seen with not 1 ripple for the whole trip even though it was the middle of the day! I got a few pics but they don't do justice to the view, it was amazingly clear.
  14. Rofl I am close minded yet it is you who is ignoring us one by one (or two at a time as was the case earlier!) The word hypocrite comes to mind.
  15. Wally the trouble is that you seem to have a big opinion of yourself which, while it may well be waranted by your greatness, immediately gets the hackles up on most 'average' pilots. Most 'average' rec pilots love to be informed and learn from professionals and we have a fair few pros here (note the correct use of here/hear!) that are respected and listened to. Calling those of us who are annoyed by your up yourself attitude ignorant seems to be very ironic to me. The idea that respect is equally proportionate to the kgs of the plane you fly is imho so far removed from reality that it is laughable and is what I would call ignorant. The likes of Farri have done more to help fellow flyers than you ever will with your attitude.
  16. It was just a poor attempt at humour Deskpilot, my instructor used to say in front of as well but I was just stirring you for saying we couldn't be 'on' our aircraft.
  17. Lol well it was you who told our most esteemed female pilot that ladies and machines don't mix, we could hardly expect her to take that without a bit of a dig.
  18. You sound like one of those pilots who are bound for disaster! One of the first things I was taught was to stay on top of the aircraft, my instructor always said if I wasn't on top of it it would bite me.
  19. [uSER=9485]@Capt Wally[/uSER] did BusaKaine really need a caution in his post here? I guess just another case of big fingers small screen but thought I had better point it out.
  20. I am with nightmare on this one, we are a bit quick to assume the worst here sometimes. The poster did say (from memory) that they left at 9 once the fog had lifted from where they were and being a first Nav using gps wouldn't have been an option so I would assume the fog had lifted enough by then to have at least gaps to see through to confirm their location. Having said that it still is good to talk subjects like this over but we also don't want to scare new pilots away with a holier than thou approach. (Having said that I don't want to come across as holier than the holier than thou folks.......................) Ok rambling is a sign I am late for bed lol nighty night all
  21. that's a good idea, I only gave it a funny thinking of the wife. Old K maybe we should get together and write each other some flash cards and organise a morning to go through them.
  22. Still no fee, best flying location there is. Good weather plenty of paddock options:thumb up: Always more than welcome to pop through and say g'day
  23. Lol no I meant OK as in Old Koreela:nod: He said he hasn't had a scare for quite a while but I know for certain that that isn't the truth! He was a passenger in a car I was driving just the other day so has definitely had a scare recently!
  24. No worries OK I can organise a scare for you:thumb up:
  25. I started maybe 4 or 5 or 6 years ago in a beautiful original J3 Cub. Why would you want to start in anything else!
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