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Everything posted by SDQDI

  1. I do like the look of a big glass panel BUT unless it is needed for autopilot or the likes I think it is overkill for me. Actually now that I have had my plane for a little while (certainly not a long while by any standards!) I think that good old analogue gauges are plenty good enough and the only glass thing I would ever consider installing would be an iPad dedicated to Ozrunways.
  2. :popcorn:Ooooh boy this is going to be fun to watch, it was interesting enough when Ian had a dig at Kaz's piloting skill but now Bruce is having a dig at her weight? A braver man than me is Bruce:peep wall:
  3. I think if you hit someone or someone hits you the odds of getting satisfaction from being right would be slim. Actually the fact that you collided would prove that you didn't do enough no matter what you did.
  4. Unless it was a misheard 'glide' approach? That would make the most sense. But I am all for getting worked up about it
  5. Tech while I totally agree that bomb weight would be limited and to carry anything bigger than a hand grenade would require a hefty multicopter I think you underestimate the capabilities of them. Knowing when you are over the target is so easy and very accurate with live video to an iPad that would make it impossible to miss. I don't know what your average hand grenade weighs but I would say a medium size quadcopter could carry one with ease and I have no doubt that they could deliver within a metre or two which would still be plenty close enough to cause big problems.
  6. Having it come up on ozrunways doesn't mean it has adsb. All the local defence trainers here run ozrunways for traffic nowadays which is sort of handy for keeping out of their way.
  7. I think Turbs was basically agreeing that cutting in was ok M6:thumb up:. In his example he had the 152 doing big circuits and he cut inside so I think he is basically agreeing that it is all good, as long as we don't blabber on on the radio which I totally agree with at any busy airstrip.
  8. Couldn't agree more in regards to electronic aids Oscar! Having said that the op was doing his navs and I do think it is important to do it old style at the start:thumb up: But yes diversions with ozrunways on an iPad or iPhone is a piece of cake and can happen instantly, I wonder how many incidents could be avoided by proper use of an electronic Nav aid? How many folks have run out of fuel miscalculating their time of arrival? Maybe it would be more of a safety benefit to mandate everyone carry 2 electronic Nav devices instead of paper?
  9. While my reply was tongue in cheek I have had a little think about it. If I have an aircraft in front of me on downwind that has gone 2 miles past the threshold and hasn't turned base I would assume that they are leaving the circuit (talking generally about the 1000ft circuit traffic) after all that is nearly 4kms which imo is absolutely rediculous UNLESS they are extending because of other traffic in front of them. If I have gone a half mile past the threshold and they hadn't turned after 2miles I would certainly check their intentions on the radio and in a good mood (should always be in a good mood when flying!) ask nicely if I could cut in. It is a bit hard with hypothetical questions though as there are so many variables. For example if we were the only 2 in the circuit and they didn't want me cutting in I would probably turn base and maintain circuit height then turn upwind and do another circuit rather than exercise the priveledges of my xc endo.
  10. Just make the call "Turning base, have the aircraft departing on downwind in sight"
  11. Click on your avatar (on top of the side menu on my iPad) and find the tab saying preferences, NOT 'alert preferences' just "preferences" and in there you will find options to relieve emails for different things, just unselect those you don't wish to receive:thumb up:
  12. We are lucky inasmuch as we have our lines under business so we have access to the business centre. I haven't called Telstra since, I always go straight to the business centre in Tamworth and talk face to face with a local and they do all the ringing for me. Can take just as long but so much less hassle.
  13. Fully agree M6, I enjoy doing the 45degree join onto downwind but at times have found others on a downwind leg which is so far out that you can only just make out the runway let alone the windsock. I like to fly my downwind so I can see the runway and windsock very clearly and so I have enough time with an engine failure to maintain my downwind heading for 10-15 seconds and still make the runway easily.
  14. Expensive it may be but they do have a fairly good reputation generally and as much as people moan and groan about slippery plastic fantastics they do sell fairly well and this engine will fit in perfectly and will no doubt compete pretty well in the four seater market.
  15. I would have to agree, not because the brs wouldn't work below 500feet because some of them do but because if a pilot is far enough behind to get to the stall spin stage then the reaction time for pulling the chute would not be instant which it would have to be to be effective. As for Bristels I think the local one here at yqdi has a brs so I wouldn't be surprised if they all did.
  16. If you are into going for a fly up in the cairns region it might be worth your while contacting @farri who flys out of his own strip in a drifter around Deeral which is a smidge south of cairns. Otherwise I can't be of much help, there was a member on here flying around the Whitsundays but I can't remember his name but it would be beautiful area.
  17. It might not be that newsworthy but it makes the world of difference. Reading through it comes across that they have been deliberately snubbed which would not be very nice if it was/is true. If the story happened the way RAA, Ozrunways and SAAA said though it turns it around the other way. Just going on what we can read I think Ozrunways decision to pull out completely while harsh is the only way to go on without too much loss of face for any party.
  18. But they had more on their Facebook which was in the first post of this thread which reads as follows. We have been supporters and sponsors of this event in the past (under the Oz-kosh name and AUSFly/NATFly before that) so this action has come as a complete surprise (and contrary to what has been written elsewhere, we were not formally approached to provide sponsorship this year). We hope that this policy is short lived and we can once again support this great cause of bringing Australian pilots together to enjoy one another’s company and celebrate what it is to be an aviator. Which contradicts what Ozrunways, RAA and SAAA have all put out inasmuch as they all say they were asked.
  19. Yenn reading through the various letters from the different mobs it seems that most of them are on the same page except avplan. It doesn't look like ozrunways pulled out because they couldn't exclude avplan but rather because they copped a lot of flack from everyone after partial truths (if the majority of letters were true) were released. It seems ozrunways didn't originally aim to have the exclusive deal but only when more money was needed did they negotiate the exclusive deal after (according to most) avplan had been approached. It seems like a bit of a shemozzle and is disappointing how it finished.
  20. A quick google shows up a lot of scam warnings along with some articles claiming Bill Gates invested 2 Billion in it. So if Bill invested 2 Billion why would he let Elon make ALL the decisions for an investment of 93 Million? BS meter is off the charts on this and I certainly would caution anyone against investing in such a scheme.
  21. I personally think that all instructors should have done spin training. When teaching dumb students like me stalls it is very obvious to me that it wouldn't take a lot of effort for said student to inadvertently react wrong and be right at a spins door, having an instructor trained to deal with that if things go south seems wise to me! As for individuals I am generally against mandating extra trading requirements but I am all for encouraging ALL pilots to continue further training to maintain/increase their skill set. I haven't done spin training but it certainly is on my list of "to do's" alongside finish off my ll endo. Actually spin, Low level and recovery from unusual attitudes seem like very wise tools to have under our belts and certainly wouldn't hurt to have them when things go south. I don't know how we can encourage people to do them, obviously financial incentives would be helpful but money doesn't just happen so that isn't really an option.
  22. Thanks for posting this Craig. Your pictures haven't come through though, they may need resizing to get them to download.
  23. I wonder if a simple little whistle, like what is on those vortex throwing footballs, couldn't be upscaled a little and made to work? They would weigh nothing and it wouldn't be too hard to make a little pop out mechanism for them.
  24. Absolutely spot on! While I meantioned holding stuff in I certainly don't want that to come across as forbidding talk to anyone. By all means if you are troubled over what you have seen or had to do please don't be hesitant in talking it over with someone.
  25. I have a little experience with accidents and would advise that it is best to be a little restrained about what you mention especially on a public forum platform such as this. As much as the rest of us want to know what happened it is best that information is gained from official channels. It is hard to bite your tongue sometimes but is mostly the best way.
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