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Everything posted by Spriteah

  1. Tarn replyed in other thread. Im happy with TSVN and definitey recommend Lethbridge for RAA. Hve a look at Tomo's GA conversion thread. I have replied there. Call me for more info. Jim 0403228986.
  2. Converting Tomo, Good to hear your stories. I'll pass on mine. Met and spoke with GA school in Bacchus Marsh. I had been told they hated RAA. Whether they did or not I found them to be proffessional as you expect a training organisation to be. We discussed the conversion and they stated although I don't need hours they still have to check off competentcies (spelling) which is totally understandable. Estimated about 7 to 10 hours cross. First lesson, Up to training area, stalls of every type. Climbs, Glides, Steep turns which I found painful but thats another story. Back to circuits and found circuit great, radio fine, not holding off enough. Second lesson, Circuits and better, Emergency drills, Third lesson circuits and everyone's happy except the doc mucked up my class 1 paper work and I cannot solo. Will start some one hour sim this week and start the Instruments over next couple of hours. Will not do GFPT as I will do a few hours solo and then start the navs so will not need it. They want three navs from me. Two with them (short ish) then a big one on my own. I'm happy with this as I will do the navs in a 4 seat Piper which means I get to know a new plane. So I'm guessing about 12 hours total. At the end I will have GA, Time in C152, And Piper. PS sat their BAK and got 76%. It has PPL book questions on it! I was not fussed but overly not impressed with the test as some answers I tend to think were not quite right. From my understanding each school sets their own test. If I had of had them train me then Im sure we would have covered the who test sylibis. PS. Have not started the CTA biso yet. Have been hitting Bob Taites books and the weather is doing my head in. But Im in no rush. Enough for now. Jim Austec Avionics.
  3. RA to GA Tarn, I am currently doing what you are asking. I completed RAA at Lethbrdige Victoria which is not to far from Melbourne (not close either but we have a lot from Melbourne there). Now I am converting to GA at Bacchus Marsh (closer to Melb). I estimate about 10 hours cross over. They are ticking off all skills (but you have to demonstrate) and then want me to do the navs which is fine by me as I will do them in a Piper low wing so will be gaining experience in a different plane at the same time. I am very happy with the level of instruction at the GA school and they are undoubtable making me a better pilot. If you want to chat further give me a call on 0403 22 8986. Cheers, Jim Austec Avionics.
  4. Try and not connect any static and see what it does. As your plane does not pressurise you only need the air to be able to get to it. No real requirement to have a probe. You can use a little tube and then put a small restriction in the end to stop rapid changes. jim
  5. Your messing with a very important instrument for your survival. I do not recommend you try and fix it! If it was reading slow that is acceptable. If reading fast then you are likely to find yourself in a stall spin. Buy a new one! Jim Austec.
  6. Im hoping that some people here can give me some idea at costs of running a plane. I am considering purchasing a C172M IFR with 1400hrs to go on motor. So my questions are: What money per hour am I likely to get if I place the plane online at a school? I would need 100 hourly, generally how much do they cost? I would need insurance approximately how much would that be? On the other side of the coin can I rent it to just a 'few' friends and avoid many of the costs? Any Advice would be greatly appreciated. Jim
  7. Im sure we have all heard of it. Today a small plane crash in NSW I think with a commercial Pilot and nurse on board. I heard the audio of last transmissions to ATC. It was quite disturbing the coolness he had. Saying I cannot maintain height, any airports. Answer was no. Then informed of race course but he could not see it nor im sure make it. From visual reports he avoided a school and road way due to traffic. Hit Powerlines and house. Two fatalities being himself and a nurse on board. RIP. He was a Melbourne pilot. I hope we can all get further info and take on board the lessons from a true proffessional. More nurse mother of 4..... hmmm Jim
  8. This forum prides it self on openness. I recall in my life many times hearing there is nothing such as a stupid question. 172M you are definitely hanging out in the wrong forum with your demonstrated attitude. I do hope you have sent an PM to the original poster and said sorry for that harshness. Even better edit your post and reword. Many pilots calculate in litres. In fact in my current GA training it is litres we are writting on logs ect. I bet you pay for litres when you fill up your cessna. And I bet you can tell me exactly how many litres per hour you burn. Jim.
  9. where did that unit come from? Australian supplier or overseas? Jim
  10. Headset specs sheet now posted under pictures on above post.
  11. I am seriously considering importing some aircraft from the USA. I am interested if there are any other serious (money and skills committing) people here from Victoria. If so message me and we can talk further. I am looking at both RAA and GA suitable craft. Jim
  12. They do but they are not. ANR is excellent on these sets. Gell also. Will post spec sheets soon... Jim
  13. Headsets for sale I have some great headsets available for sale. Passive $180 and ANR $370. I also have demo models for you to test out if you are interested. Please contact me on 0403 22 8986 or [email protected] for more info. AN-1000[P].pdf AN-1000AC[1].pdf AN-1000[P].pdf AN-1000AC[1].pdf AN-1000[P].pdf AN-1000AC[1].pdf
  14. HTC Magic Magic I have with Voda phone. I love the phone and has good apps some fly. It's android and if you are brave you can make lots of changes to it at your own risk. I have flight panel which is great however keep in mind not flight instruments. On a balanced turn acellerometers don't detect changes. But the in built GPS gives you direction, ground speed, Alt, and some climb info. Now that telstra is releasing android im expecting lots of i phone apps to come across. Regards, Jim
  15. Dexter, I have an xair based at Lethbridge. It's a hanuman. Happy to show it too you in interested. Jab motor. Cruise 80kts. Jim Tatlock
  16. I too have had an RV shipped. Vans (company) made all the arrangements. Make sure the timber is treated so the kit gets through customs easily. . Jim
  17. To the best of my knowledge phones are still banned. We know they emit noise and RF at several watts. Jim Austec.
  18. Thats a great example. I've had rougher landings than that with wheels. jim.
  19. I'd like to throw one out to the masses here. Recently and with respect we have lost an ultralight pilot from a possible failure of plane structure. That is part of a current investigation so I have no want to discuss that particular incident. With that in mind it appears he may have been punishing his plane for some time. What I would like to discuss is when do you decide that a fellow RAA member is doing the wrong thing? When and how do your intervene? And what if any has been the results?. I can give an example: A person I know was tending to fly in non VMC/VFR suitable conditions. I accept that sometimes pilots might think the skys are ok but get up only to find they are not. I have done that myself. The person I am talking about would regularly taxi out and get to the air when clearly it was not legal. Action: I spoke to the person about my concerns. I was challenged (nice way to say attacked). However the person does not push the boundary's anymore, at least when Im about. Result: Hopefully keeping someone alive and keeping up the better name of RAA Pilots. Does anyone else have anything to share? Jim
  20. Wigg, I was also with Voda at Temora. Had to get to town and buy a new pre paid phone just to maintain contacts. And Wireless non existant. Jim
  21. All I can add is stay away from Vodaphone Wireless. I learnt the hard way. Also the Apple I PAD when it makes in here could be quite a powerful friend to aviators. Jim..
  22. Well Im considering converting across to GA for my own interest. I have over 100 hours including 20+ Cessna 152, 20 Tecnam 92 and X-air Hanuman and Gazelle. Can anyone recommend a good school and instructor that will not drag the conversion on to make money. Im In Victoria so that is a must also. Jim.
  23. By the sound of it you have an external static source. It sounds like there is a problem there somewhere. Disconnect from instruments check all tubing and source for obstructions (bugs, dirt etc.). Jim
  24. Are there any in these forums. I'm wanting to discuss about completing and instructor rating in a part time capacity. Jim Tatlock.
  25. You do have to like the irony that the aircraft presented as so much better than the RAA stuff has an engine failure and then uses a chute to land safely. Were those chutes designed for the ultralight market? Link here: Light Aircraft Crash in Whitsundays - PPRuNe Forums poking the bear.... :big_grin: jim.
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