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Everything posted by KRviator

  1. A Seppo asking for directions in London. Pom: Take the lift to the 3rd floor. Yank: You mean the Elevator. Pom: No no, it's a lift. Yank: No, it's an ELEVATOR. Pom: I beg to differ, it is called a lift. Yank: It is an ELEVATOR. I should know, it was invented in America. Pom: Perhaps, but the language was invented here....
  2. Given the choice between a J120 and a J230, for the minor increase in running costs, I would go the -230 any day of the week. It offers much more flexibility and those minor additional costs (plugs etc) over the 4 cylinder engine are quickly recouped if you need to hire a club plane at some exorbitant rate for that extra 20% flying you'll be doing. I built an RV-9 when the KRviatrix told me to build a -10 (before kids...). I wish I'd listened to her! Though the -9 suits 90% of the flying I currently do, I can't do the other 10% such as taking the family up together instead of 1 by 1 and I flat out refuse to hire a clapped out C172 that can barely outclimb an anaemic octogenarian.
  3. Yep totally agree! They'll even send you our an SMS reminder when your registration is due for renewal. You can upload photos of what you'll be using the PLB in so they know what they're looking for as well as allowing you to add specific trips (If you're crossing the Simpson in your 'cruiser for eg) and ISTR they also include a battery-due reminder! The ease of use and benefits from registering make it a no-brainer!
  4. One thing a lot of people do not realise with PLB's - they must be registered with AMSA in order to qualify as a fixed-ELT replacement. Reference is CAR252A
  5. Be careful! Putting a voltmeter on any battery may show full voltage, but what matters is the voltage with the applicable load on the battery. Good voltage doesn't mean anything by itself!
  6. After RAAus' backflip on landing fees, you won't catch me voting for anyone that was in the administration of RAAus at that time. Guilt by association and all that. They said they wouldn't do it, then they did. I believe a mans word is his bond and they violated that.
  7. Be interesting to see if I get one.... I had a Rail Safety Medical completed not long after my Basic Class 2 that is valid for several more years!
  8. Some good comments, thanks's all. I had done quite a bit of background research on both the Cardinal and the Comanche but what threw me, and prompted this thread, was the the photo of EJB were the RPM v Prop control didn't seem to correspond. On a closer look @facthunter is right, the prop is pulled back slightly and that'd explain the lower tach. Couldn't get my head around why everything forward didn't equal 2700RPM! I had a bit of a look over the performance specs for the C180 after seeing a couple listed for sale, but I am not wanting to go backwards in performance from the RV-9. A cruise speed of 140KTAS at 8,500' is pretty much a set-in-stone prerequisite and while I might consider a Grumman Tiger if I could get CASA CAR42ZC authorisation to maintain it myself, that'd be the lower limit in terms of performance. There's a couple of really good videos of the 177RG done by a US pilot for those that haven't seen them. The only downside with the Cardinal at present is the carry-through spar issue. From what I have been able to find, Cessna don't appear too anxious to produce anymore of them, so if your carry-through spar fails the inspection, you're screwed.
  9. Not a good look though, we all know what it means, and can have a laugh about it, but someone who knows nothing about flying? "I fly in a rag-and-chew airplane", their first thought would be "WTF?!? No thanks, I'll stick to me tinny!" When dealing with reporters, or the general public, brevity and aviation-specific jargon is probably best avoided for this reason.
  10. A couple minutes with Google (well, the CAsA register anyway) shows he owns a Tri-Pacer. Completely legit, VH-EMW.
  11. Of course, they only really help if you respond to a radio call directed at you. Some muppet was flying about in VH-DDS last week (ADS-B visible to Center), transmitting ZK-MVP on OzRunways (Visible to me) and blithely ignored both my calls (on Area & 126.7), and BN Center's calls trying to deconflict with him for the descent - tried both callsigns and we were both ignored. Turns out ZK-MVP is an ATR-72....
  12. But, Flightrite that's not the point. A 30 YEAR OLD DIED FROM COVID-19! HE WAS 30! SO ALL YOUNG PEOPLE ARE AT RISK, DON'T YOU SEE! Alright, pisstake's over. Here's a source backing up Flightrite's statement, you'll need to scroll down to 1.38pm... "There were some co-morbidities...." some, hey? So more than one? Two maybe? Even perhaps three?
  13. FF is showing 10GPH, about what I'd expect for an IO-360 at that altitude, lines up fairly well with the POH. Could've sworn the prop was fully in but it does look slightly out from the panel, but would that small travel account for 450RPM lower than normal? Or do they just have a really small amount of travel for the prop control?
  14. So I've been eyeing off a 4-seater for the last year or two and it's probably going to be a factory-built aircraft as I'm prohibited from building an RV-10... VH-EJB, a Cardinal RG, was up for sale earlier this year, was removed and has now popped up again, with a few decent photos, one of which is produced below, but it's got me wondering about the engine/prop on it... Look at the power levers: Full throttle, Full RPM, Mixture leaned slightly, and getting along S&L at 8,500'......But look at the tacho's - both are indicating ~2240RPM. Now the IO-360 should be spinning at 2,700RPM under those conditions, shouldn't it? So what am I missing?
  15. So here is another perfect example of the fear-mongering of the politicians. A 30 YEAR OLD VICTORIAN HAS DIED! But I won't tell you if he had bronchial pneumonia, silicosis or anything that would have contributed to his death should he catch Covid, that's up to his family to release - it's secret squirrel stuff. Oh, and by the way, his family don't have access to a daily press conference, a dedicated media unit or an official Victorian Government Facebook account to get that info out there anyway...But A 30 YEAR OLD VICTORIAN HAS DIED! Phuck me.
  16. However, previous generations were fighting a visible enemy. They also had old-age pensions to look forward too, they didn't have to self-fund their own retirement with superannuation - which you don't get paid if you have lost your job!. Oh, they also didn't have the Government telling them "If you've lost your job, you can raid your retirement savings to tide you through". They also benefited from house prices the likes of which we will never see again, with average house prices being only 3-4x the annual income (Source), they didn't have to save for 8 years just to achieve a deposit for a loan, yet alone the loan itself (Source). They also, typically, were able to enjoy a "job for life" if they so chose, casualisation was barely heard of and they didn't need to commute 3 hours a day from the house they could afford to their workplace, they didn't have the cost-of-living outstripping wage growth year on year, and they didn't have the Medicare Levy surchrage or PHI levies.... Yep, those previous generations have made so many sacrifices! And now they're asking the follow-on generations to make even more sacrifices to protect them. A quick number crunch suggests if you withdraw $20,000 from your superannuation at an early age (in your early-mid 20's), it will cost you in excess of $360,000 when you retire. That's based on a 7.5% compounded year-on-year return, which my super fund easily achieved on several options.... 456 hospitalised, of which 38 are in ICU out of 6489 currently active cases. 0.6% of cases need ICU. According to The Age, Victoria has 695 ICU beds, but "with the capacity to rapidly increase that if required" according to the Health Minister. To fill those beds would require a daily case increase between 960-1880 for 10 days straight, yet even nationwide we didn't achieve that lower figure. So to completely fill their nominal-capacity ICU beds with Covid patients would need ~116,000 currently active cases. But this would, presumably, exclude those beds from other patients, injuries, etc. We haven't even got close to that as a nation! But speaking of the nation's response to Covid, where's Mark McGowan or Anastasia Pala-howeveryouspellhersurname coming out and saying "We can help support our interstate citizens and shoulder our share of the health load by accepting some patients in our hospitals!" Or are we not 'all in this together'? Let's not forget the reason why NSW and Victoria have so many cases is because the vast majority of International Arrivals came through Melbourne & Sydney. I think they would be manageable. Just because you have it doesn't mean you will need hospitalisation, yet alone an ICU bed. People elsewhere (NSW & Qld) have shown the infection rate can be kept under control. I'm reminded of that old TV show "Dinosaurs" and their Hurling Day episode...
  17. I applaud your optimism. You're right though, our Kiwi Kuzzie Bros did go all or nothing, and they did it as a nation. Not as individual states, provinces or postcodes. Victoria's lockdown, might, and I stress might solve their issue, but it won't solve the issue of other states forbidding Victorians, travelling interstate, or mandating quarantine if you do happen to get in to the state.
  18. Read the latest from down south? Now you need a signed permit to be able to go to work. Holy snappin' duckshit what a world we live in where you need to prove your innocence to the state and effectively get permission from the authorities just to go to work in Australia. Anyone would think we were back in Nazi-occupied Germany or North Korea! Begs the question "What more draconian rules and regulations will be brought in if this lockdown doesn't work?"
  19. There was the fatal accident at Johnson Ck a couple years ago, caught on video.
  20. Sending it back to Microair isn't an option? I've not used them at all, but can't imagine anyone better unless they're too exxy...
  21. Complete with lockdowns and armed officers patrolling the streets to ensure any violators are suitably punished. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine we would see civilian curfews enacted in a major city. But even as he is enacting these draconian regulations, what does the Victorian Premier say about the state of the hospital system? So despite the Victorian health system 'apparently' coping with the increase in case numbers, despite influenza infections - and the hundreds of fatalities associated with them every year - being a pittance of what they would normally be, he has imposed a state of emergency and civilian curfew on one of the biggest cities in the country.
  22. Those chapters you've referenced in the AIP GEN3.4 are when in communication with an ATC/ATS unit, not for use when operating OCTA. And the only requirement in AIP ENR 1.1 that mandates radio usage in Class G is AIP ENR1. which states: My underlining. Unless you can provide a specific reference, I again stand by my assertion there are no mandatory broadcasts required by a radio-equipped aircraft operating OCTA except as necessary to avoid a collision.
  23. IS that ADS-B equipment or MLAT? I have a vague memory they (ASA) introduced MLAT down there before ADS-B as a cost-cutting measure many years back. Anyone else have a similar recollection?
  24. Couldn't agree more! Though there are a few ways in which you can use it to your advantage occasionally. And I probably came across a bit snarky above, apologies, wasn't the intent. ?
  25. I did. I stand by my comment. Now howsabout you go look up the CAR's and CAAP's and tell us what the MANDATORY calls are...I'll wait.....
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