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Everything posted by scre80

  1. Hi All, has anyone had more experience with Avmap Ultra EFIS?
  2. Picture of the crash. http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/light-plane-crashlands-at-loxton-in-south-australias-riverland/news-story/356a5824c1af91be807c8ef8b8769dd9
  3. luckily everyone is ok, thankfully they had parachutes on and were able to bail out Gliders collide mid-air
  4. Adelaide Soaring Club at Gawler Airfield, train both Recretion Aviation and Gliding Adelaide Soaring Club | Adelaide Soaring Club
  5. Agree with you Bruce, have you spoken to RA Aus yet? When you do, would be good to know their feedback.
  6. We had to pull out unfortunately, weather was too rough on Saturday to fly over from Gawler, we were planning to stay over. Next time!!
  7. Hi Probs David. Look for the people in the blue Adelaide Soaring Club caps, that will be us. Assuming we can get there, weather is not looking too good.
  8. Hope to make it, at this stage 4 aircraft are flying in from Gawler.
  9. That is a great price. Our club is as follows for club members wet hire. $124 J-170 $124 FK9 $147 J230
  10. Yes it is a bit of a hit, but when you look at our hire / fly costs compared to others, you get that money back in no time at all.
  11. Welcome, Hope to see you around the club soon. Happy flying.
  12. Just found the updated release here: CASA 65/16 - Conditions and direction concerning certain aircraft fitted with engines manufactured by Jabiru Aircraft Pty Ltd Valid til june 2019 CASA 65/16 - Conditions and direction concerning certain aircraft fitted with engines manufactured by Jabiru Aircraft Pty Ltd
  13. Anyone know of any updates on this restriction? It is due to expire in 3 weeks. All seems to have gone quiet.
  14. All instructors are volunteers to the club. Annual club membership is $457. It cost me around $4000 to obtain my pilots certificate and cross country / passenger endorsement. We also have a theory instructor who donates his time.
  15. This will be an interesting discussion. Sure there is many views. Near adelaide, there is many private strips and strips not on the map, in amongst strips on the map using 126.7. So for them to be talking on different frequencies will make it interesting. Let alone more congestion on Adelaide Centre for the incoming flights.
  16. Did you want beta testers? And is the app for IOS, Android or both?
  17. Can the mobile app link into data on this site? that way it can be updated from the app and on a PC too? Good spot for clubs to put in fly in details, events, ect.
  18. Like the idea of it. Ozrunways does some of this already, but as you stated, you are after a free service. The trouble would be keeping it updated with relevant information. A few things to add would be - airstrips next to towns / very short walk - Airstrips within xx distance / time from your departure airfield (ie want to go for an hour flight somewhere) - Type of fuel available Cheers
  19. I think she may notice it!! But if you can get away with it, why not!!
  20. Agree there Steve, 600m would be better!! (For me that is). Looking forward to seeing your explorer up in the air one day too. Sad day tim, but excited to hear about your project in the works. And that is a massive Hanger. How did you get that approved (My finance manager / boss would never approve of that)
  21. Adelaide Soaring club is offering one too. The GFA is aiming to have at least 1 running in each state I hear. Having just been on the one at ASC, very much worth it.
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