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alf jessup

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Everything posted by alf jessup

  1. Dazza, Was that Biggles from Bairnsdale or another Biggles based at Southport
  2. 2tonne After viewing his post on the day he posted it I actually replied to his post with quite a few things regarding that he shouldn't be posting this stuff on an open forum when it is blatantly breaking the rules as CASA could pull his ticket if someone saw it so to speak, I also went on that it was not a good practice low flying ect but just prior to pushing the send button I re read what I wrote and thought it wasn't worth the grief I most probably was going to get back. Do I feel guilty for not sending it now?, not really as we our humans make our own choices in life and he made his, would it have prevented this accident if I did? well who knows maybe , maybe not but that we will never know. Alf
  3. Have to disagree with you 503, True flying to the last 10 seconds? True flying is flying to the rules and going back home at the end of your flight to the ones who love you instead of this and putting his family through what they are going through right now. I would rather keep flying for many long years and die a ripe old age instead of cutting it short for no real reason
  4. Graeme, No one is pointing fingers mate but if you go to tell us about your last flight he openly admits to low flying in the video he posted, I don't think you have to be Einstein to work out how it happened The saddest part is the grief he has bought on to his family and friends through no fault but his own by the looks of it. The only positive out of this tragic event is his innocent passenger is still alive at this stage Alf
  5. They won't Butch, it can never happen to them, it always happens to someone else they think but sadly this is not the first and won't be the last until pilots change their flying habits Alf
  6. Orange gyro just like old mates that shared his low flying video around Inverloch / Venus Bay on tell us about your last flight page a few days ago. (Aug 1) Guess if your low enough you will hit power lines Alf
  7. Rodr, Mag checks should be done at 4000rpm, you will probably find it won't miss and fart, as for the plugs it is the norm, you can check the idle air screw making sure they are both out 1 1/2 turns as per Rotax specs, vibration could very well be carby balance if the prop is ok as you say Cheers Alf
  8. I get a pretty good deal off my hangar owner, pay about $1350 a year, ($27 a week) for a secure right on the apron hangar, been with them for over 11 years now and no problems whatsoever. Alf
  9. RW Its called the ABC because the reporters don't know anymore of the alphabet so what hope have we got
  10. Orbost (Marlo) only recently got sealed in bitumen, was closed for about 6 months Its ok Phil the smog and dinge of the motherland will do that to you mate Alf
  11. What a Richard Cranium, some mothers do have them unfortunatley, future Darwin award candidate
  12. Skyranger2 My Tecnam Sierra runs a Hoffman glass over timber fixed pitch prop, very quiet, 4800 rpm which I normally cruise at sees me getting between 95 and 98kts IAS S&L Full power climb on a standard type day 1 up & full fuel see's me pulling 5200 rpm on climb at 75kts IAS and anywhere from 800 to 1000fpm This prop was standard with the aircraft Cheers Alf
  13. Not much Tecnam chatter on here because they are all out flying enjoying their aircraft
  14. Pearo, Concentrate on flying buddy these other hobbies you have seem so dangerous to you lol
  15. You lucky B:tard, enjoy Oshkosh I'm heading off to work tomorrow for 3 weeks
  16. DJ, Supposed to call on Melbourne Radar frequency 135.7 at Carrum for reporting transiting north so that to me sounds mandatory, only following the CASA Melbourne Basin VPG, yes they like you to also monitor Moorabbin 123.0 (west) up to Ricketts point from Carrum but makes no mention of you having to talk to them while transiting outside MB airspace. You locals may no more than a country lad down that way but I only go on what the VPG says Alf
  17. Had a real good flying day Sunday 19th July. Started off with a flight in the Tecnam with my mate Doc from West Sale around Port Phillip Bay to show him how it is done and coming back via the heads. Day started about 7:30 am for me at the airport preparing and pre flighting the plane for the trip ahead, flight plan done the night before, weather printed out and W&B calculated we were on our way at 8:15 am lifting off in to the clear blue sky tracking for Tyabb leaving the frost on the ground behind. The flight down to overfly Tyabb and turn north to join the Melbourne coastal route north at Carrum was spectacular to say in the least with all the lush green paddocks in and around the Latrobe Valley and the clear blue skies and super smooth air we were flying in. Quick check of the area QNH from Moorabbin AWIS overhead Tyabb then the mandatory reporting call to Melbourne Radar at Carrum was made then the eyes and ears were open flicking between Melb radar and Moorabbin frequencies to see what else was jollying around at this usually busy section of airspace this time of the morning, best part was we were the only ones up at that hour on this fine Sunday morning much to my pleasure. Doc was busy snapping away on his phone & camera taking countless photos of the beautiful bay suburbs and city as you fly this coastal route north while I kept a wary eye out for traffic and monitored my alt at 2500, no sooner we were in the coastal route north we were out of it making our way to Bacchus Marsh and a T&G there before departing to overfly Lethbridge then make our way down to the coast via Torquay/Barwon Heads and across the heads making our way back to Tyabb for a cuppa. Turning final for 35 at Tyabb still amazes me when I look down at this so thin looking strip of runway compared to ours at YWSL but a beautiful landing was done and we made our way over to the Foxbat hangar trying to catch up with Mike Rudd. A good 1 1/2 to 2 hrs was spent at Tyabb and I finally had the pleasure of meeting Vev from the forums in person which was fantastic, departure from Tyabb was straight forward and the 82nm flight back home was just plain magic and short with a 10kt tailwind found at 3500 ending a pretty good day so far. A quick trip in to town for a feed because we were starving and some more fuel to check the burn rate off my figures was done and we were back at the airport ready to go Foxbat flying in Doc's plane, while Doc prepped his plane and I refuelled mine finding out the overall fuel used was within 1 litre of what OZ runways had calculated and what the fuel flow meter said was used and what I had mentally calculated. Foxy was soon ready and we were off heading for all places Tyabb as Doc wanted to go back there in his plane, we didn't quite make it as doing the calc's would leave us not being able to get back to home base before end of light as we now had a reasonable headwind so we jollied instead our way down in the general direction enjoying the views before turning back at Darnum and heading back home to end a spectacular days flying for both of us, overall we did 3.4 hrs (air switch) in mine and 1.4 (tach) in the Foxbat which wasn't a bad effort for a couple of hacks After getting home at 5pm I then endured a 1 hr drive each way to my brothers house at Tanjil South to celebrated his sons 3rd birthday, needless to say I was looking forward to my bed when I arrived home at 10:30 pm to end my day Just a couple of photos of the trip but nothing spectacular like around the city Cheers Alf
  18. Scott I hope you are aware that what I posted was no way meant to put a dampener on your pride and joy Was just giving you a heads up of the dramas my mate had getting his bird shipped over from the states Alf
  19. G'day Scott, Lovely looking plane. Let's hope it doesn't travel like my mates trike did out from the states, I think it spent 6 weeks going all over the place then arriving back in Florida the place of departure and getting offloaded again, finally made it's way out to Oz quite later than expected, also had hidden costs when customs of a port opened the container at a cost of $1,000 dollars. Yeah my mate wasn't all that impressed with the shipping Alf
  20. I would suggest that after reading the coroners report that the pilot was 1. Unfamiliar with the handling characteristics of the new trike 2. Conducting manoeuvres below 500 ft 3. Showing off to a certain degree which certainly contributed to his demise As I have said many times aircraft are not dangerous, we as humans are the weak link
  21. Na Bob Alf is at home until the 21st and enjoying this awesome rain that ruins his flying. Maj, Glad you got to meet up with Laurie, real good knacker with a real passion for aviation and a regular visitor down our way
  22. Phil I can't see why we sent you back to the mother land You should come back as the damp and dinge is getting to you over there Please when you come back pack as many 50 gram Bakkie pouches as you can 18 quid seems a bargain for we are paying the best part of 50 bucks a pouch these days Just don't pack them in a cavity that will change your profile or alter your floating waste tube as I really would hate it to jam up as it could bring you down quite quick and also ruin the Bakkie Cheers Alf
  23. Condolences to the family & friends of this pilot. Looks like a Sonex from a Ch 9 report and not a lot a damage going by the looks of it.
  24. Just proves no matter how experienced you are you can get caught out like the rest of us mere mortals, only damage done is some pride and some wallet damage.
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