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Everything posted by Thruster88

  1. RAAus "the inventor of self declared medicals" put in a submission 🤔 CASA Medical Consultation Last Friday RAAus made a submission to the CASA Aviation Medical Policy Review consultation. RAAus welcomes CASA’s review of this oft maligned regulation and looks forward to CASA’s review of all consultation feedback, with a focus on addressing risk, learning from the successful practises that have been used by Sport Aviation Bodies for many years including the use of AUSTROADS medical standards, and addressing their own administrative issues associated with Aviation Medicals. See here for a copy of the RAAus response. As a PPL holder for recreational purposes and RAAus member I found their responses a little disappointing. Would they be protecting their turf? If PPL's get self declared medicals at the same standard it would hurt their business model. Bring on the level playing field.
  2. You were just behind RFguy and Thruster88 leaning against the post at 7.25 watching the tractors. We will have to catch up in '24.
  3. Pilot had 30 years of incident free flying, knows what is important. "I had to keep my eye on the airspeed, because one of the biggest dangers in doing an unexpected landing like this is you stall it in a turn and … it's a much more serious accident than just landing fast in rough ground."
  4. Not sure if vent line is the correct term however if the carb bowl over fills for any reason fuel will exit via these. My incident was caused by having to idle the 582 low due no brakes on a bitumen taxi way. Carbs get shaken up.
  5. Unfortunately the carburetor vent lines are not done correctly on many aircraft with bing carbs. On one occasion a lot of fuel suddenly came for the carb area and hit the windscreen on my thruster during taxi, if it had been a cowl engine I would have been completely unaware. Most likely caused by a suck float valve.
  6. Looks like a coaxial helicopter with an eight blade propeller from the red herring company at the rear.
  7. The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated said GA. A few fun facts. RAAus registered aircraft numbers have been in a slight decline over the last three years, currently at 3290. None of these require LAME maintenance. VH register continues to grow, ok some of these are RPT aircraft the rest from Kingairs to cessna 150s and helicopters are all GA. Prices of nearly all GA piston aircraft are crazy high at the moment, people want them. They all require an annual inspection. At my local airport the GA flight school, the GA ag operator and the GA maintenance were I work are all going great. I love a good fact.
  8. If the Creed family sold their property would the new owners be obliged to continue to host The old station flyin? Be very nice if they did but completely understandable if they had other plans.
  9. Right now any RAAus pilot can go and get an RPL and fly that C152. It will take the same time as getting a group G endorsement if they are competent. The only difference is they would need a medical. It is going to be impossible to justify a Cessna 152 under RAAus can be flown without a medical while one under CASA still requires a medical. I see self declared medicals for private RPL and PPL pilots coming soon.
  10. Cheap fun flying is still with us https://www.facebook.com/groups/1611498805859763/?ref=share
  11. Matt's answer to the AOPA question, does RAAus support the push for self declared medicals for VH private pilots was interesting. He could have said, we absolutely support that. Instead he gave an answer any politician would be proud of.
  12. In flight fires in certified aircraft like the C182 are extremely rare, just do a search in the ATSB site. In a crash situation I cannot recall a single incident were a fire extinguisher would have made a difference. Not having a fire extinguisher may focus the mind on important things like not stall/spinning the aircraft.
  13. Two instructor pilots in the Musketeer, I guess not all pilots get it.
  14. That is a normal start for a fuel injected lycoming. The engine is primed to a slightly over rich mixture, mixture control then placed in cut off, crank engine until it fires, advance mixture control. Works every time, always some black smoke. A typical Van's RV would match the Aztecs cruise speed on 1/3 the fuel flow.
  15. I don't believe you would be able to maintain it yourself because it is not essentially the same as your build. Multi engine, retractable gear, hydraulic system etc. Ask the regulator some questions, I am sure you won't get a definitive answer. 🤔
  16. Had a great time at Old Station with RFguy. Well worth the 1200nm. Something for everyone including a very nice Musketeer sport. Was nice to meet Jack C. It is a beautiful spot in the bush. A country show with aircraft as a bonus.
  17. Interesting article about one of the early car based diesels the theilert 1.7, based on a Mercedes I think. Even with all the resources of a large company there were many problems and a lycoming version of the Diamond Da42 had to be developed. https://www.aviationconsumer.com/aircraftreviews/diamond-da42-l360-lycoming-reborn/
  18. It could be the throttle in said aircraft is not operating as it should. Friction in the cable requires more of a pull to get the throttle closed for example. In maintenance we get to see it all.
  19. I am surprised that you F10, a very experienced pilot, has fallen for the down wind turn myth. A thruster flying at 50knots with a bank angle of 60° can complete a 180° turn in 4.8 seconds. Flying in a 20 knot wind at altitude our ground speed can go from 30 to 70 in 4.8 seconds. I have done this many times and there is no acceleration felt or loss of airspeed.
  20. 176 knots @ 34lph, RV with a small tail wind or a Lancair 360?
  21. I am sure it is a fantastic engine, the problems may start when the required reduction drive is mated with the engine, perhaps some harmonic vibration that cracks the crankshaft. In an aircraft like a Thruster no problem, in the RV it would be no way for me. The engine in an aircraft is often referred to as the power plant, all the systems have to work, the power plant is only as good as the weakest link.
  22. A quick calculator fact check may show the data is not quite right. 20 million registered vehicles in Australia, so 15,300 ICE fires per million per year makes 838 per day in Australia. Seems a little high. Wonder what % is due to vandalism or criminal activity.
  23. There was this one http://www.raptor-aircraft.com/models/dieselgtaudi30lv6tdi.html however who wants that much grief, a Continental io-550 would have been a cheaper alternative as it panned out.
  24. This is the vid us AOPA made. It shows their head of safety doing the turn back in his super cub with the stall warning going off. Not good form from someone making a supposed safety video.
  25. Food poisoning is the most common cause of pilot incapacitation according to an ATSB study I have read. having a medical most likely doesn't help. http://www.kathrynsreport.com/2016/03/dr-chen-au-peh-gets-food-poisoning-bogs.html https://www.atsb.gov.au/publications/2015/ar-2015-096/
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