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Everything posted by facthunter

  1. Good effort in the circumstances.. Leaving the gear up would have made the difference between making it and not. Buy a lottery ticket on that one. Nev
  2. It will contaminate your oil a bit more than when it was younger. Parts are too expensive to start fiddling. Unlike cars they run at about 75% power. When you pull the engine through if you know how a good cylinder feels, you can relate to that. It's not a bottle of wine that improves with age. Depends a lot on where you operate from. Nev
  3. How many hours do you intend to run it to? Nev
  4. Nice sideslip straight to 3 pointer there. That's not that easy to do. Nev
  5. I don't think we know the details sufficiently to know the exact context and manner this was done. . I KNOW the seat of the pant's works in everything, except simulators. Don't turn your back on anything that is going for you. Nev
  6. I don't know how I ever found time to have a job. Nev
  7. It's a very old and incorrect term. Never used by people in the game.. Nev
  8. "PLUNGED" 6000 feet in 3 minutes. That's a moderate rate of descent at height. This is getting to be unabated BS.. IF the seatbelt sign had been ON no one would be hurt. It's easy to put people out of their seats. A sudden altitude restriction on climb will do it.. The slightest negative "G" and you're floating around. You're moving at 480 Knots. Nev
  9. IF you have good seat of the Pants feel you will avoid stalls if an instrument and/or your calculations are wrong. Every different flap setting has a different stall figure and is weight and Cof G position affected as well. Spoiler float will require added speed and so will icing. AoA or Reserve lift Indication is essential to be safe. IF you don't have that seat of the Pants is a definite help. When you first did S & L , as you slowed you noticed the controls getting lighter and less effective , wind noise reduced and pre stall Buffet when you did stalls . Remember? Nev
  10. Also never use a rattlegun on anything with gears opposing it. Use a soft steel washer to protect the flange surface. Scratches are crack starters. I see pictures of the engine being supported by the drive flange. I wouldn't do that either. Nev
  11. I hear this morning it hit an airpocket. There's no such thing.. Certainly attracting a lot of Media attention. Nev
  12. You might have to reclaim your lifestyle, at some stage. Not many can do "craftmanship" these days Nev
  13. When you lack speed or height you won't make the field. Raising the nose won't help. At the other extreme when there's a lot of thermals around you can go around from 20'.. Spoilers make the job easy. Nev
  14. I'm not in any way critical of your product. Be assured of that. Nev
  15. It's the Inter Tropic Convergence zone and is near the thermal equator. When I used to fly F 27's from Darwin to Baucau (Timor L Este) at certain times of the year the clouds went to over 60,000feet and looked like a wall of green Ice. Planes have disappeared without trace in that area. Nev
  16. Depends on what plane they are in. Just strikes me as amusing.. Hope you get the response you wanted. . Many times I've made stuff for people who suddenly seem to get other priorities when the product is ready. . Nev
  17. A good pilot should make a fair go of it in clear conditions. Adding a bit of speed is acceptable and desired. IF the plane feels like it's losing lift even though the ASI says OK . I go a bit Quicker. When it hardly floats during the hold off I confirm my instincts were correct. Seat of the Pants shouldn't be ignored. Even works for big stuff but you fly them to one knot so don't ignore the Gauges. Sometimes in a holding pattern SOME people have gotten a bit slow, so picking up a bit of buffet will save the day and wake you up. Nev
  18. Weather radar is specifically designed to show precipitation and dense clouds. You can pan up and down to determine vertical development If you have no idea what you are doing you can mistake a lake for a storm cell. Radar is ESSENTIAL for safe flight. Downwind of a big CB is also no place to be as you can get large hail in clear air.. You can also pick areas where a lightning strike is less likely and avoid major cells in a frontal line. I have NEVER gone through a thunderstorm cell . You may have to deviate well off track. but you do it IF you want to manage risk..Nev
  19. Overstating the Capabilities of the link trainer. Nev
  20. It's about the minimum height you'd lose in any upset in the thin air where you're cruising. Nev
  21. Passengers like to be able to stand up in it. Nev
  22. The cruising height for most of these planes is quite close to both stall boundaries, (VMo and Mmo) Under those conditions an "upset" is quite likely in a turbulence event. Turbulence or control input will slow the plane down.. Nev
  23. That would be a very poor rudder from the point of spin recovery effectiveness. Nev
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