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Flying Binghi

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Everything posted by Flying Binghi

  1. Yep. You got that right. Cults have their fundamental beliefs and anyone who asks a question about those beliefs has a finger pointed at them and is called a DENIER. No discussion is permitted... .
  2. The only real problem I see with flying me-self around is if yer overnight somewhere and get stuck there. For eg, due to the motel staff being tested positive. .
  3. Italy and Norway..... Why ? We have our GAFA..? .
  4. The saying I’ve seen and heard many a time is - What your wearing is your survival kit. What’s stored about the aircraft is your camping kit. Wear it or loose it. Years ago I had a minor landing prang a long way from anywhere. When the plot had stopped moving all I could smell were fuel (Tanks intact - Fuel had spurted out both vents) Standing well back from the aircraft I recall thinking that starting from the point of smelling fuel, and all that goes with that thought, that the ‘exit’ were that quick I didn’t even think about it, let alone grab anything on the way out. .
  5. Heh, the famous saying re the 3 F’s about covers it... ...good for the health though... a non-taxable fringe benefit...? .
  6. Re: thread starter subject. I hope the accident report gives an indication of the instrument panel layout. And if there had been any recent panel mods. And had the pilot been flying another aircraft of the same type though different panel layout. .
  7. As neither my trucks or my aircraft make me any money I think I mighta got the question wrong... .
  8. ? Jerry_Atrick, much of the world is buying products that were manufactured in China. China is powered by coal or hydro with a very small ‘other’ power. Therefore, much of the world uses coal to produce the manufactured goods they use. The world wide shipping system via air sea and land is all carbon fuel. Australia’s main income earners are mining, farming and tourism. All happen thanks to the mighty carbon fuel. As to evidence. China buying up Australian coal assets, and the attempts to stop it happening, has been in the news for many years. Jerry_Atrick, seems yer only believe ABC news so my reference sources are a bit limited due the fact the ABC dont print things they dont want to see. Although the ABC did print this... “...Global miner Rio Tinto has cut a deal to sell its Australian coal assets to China's Yancoal for $3.2 billion — if the sale is approved by the Federal Government...” https://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-01-25/rio-tinto-sells-australian-coal-unit-to-chinas-yancoal/8210392 Heh, I used a reference via your own ‘source’ to show a contradiction..? ...So, Jerry_Atrick, I’m wondering what is the background to this new ‘source’ of yours that critiques No Tricks Zone...? No Tricks Zone (NTZ) is in the main merely an English language web site that translates and links to German media reports. I guess by default the NTZ site is as reliable as the German media it references..? If one actually reads the the NTZ article I referenced previously one would note within the links to the original German news articles. With the wonders of google translate yer can then check it..? Some more from the NTZ article: “...the Berlin E-bus experiment: the lithium buses run from 8 to 12 a.m., then the diesel vehicles take over... ...Presumably Deutsche Post had to manage a similarly inefficient double fleet of about 13,000 street scooters. The scooters broke down more often and then soon had to be repaired, and replaced by diesel-powered delivery vans...” https://notrickszone.com/2020/03/14/back-to-reality-electric-mobility-gets-dose-of-shock-therapy-german-swiss-post-to-end-electric-fleet/ Meanwhile, India powers on with coal..... .
  9. Old Koreelah, what’s the video got to do with this thread ? .
  10. Meanwhile, just what are they trying to achieve with them electric cars... “...Germany: ...electric cars are in fact pretty bad for the climate.. ..According to a new German study, electric cars have “significantly higher CO2 emissions than diesel cars...” https://notrickszone.com/2019/04/19/new-german-study-shocks-electric-cars-considerably-worse-for-climate-than-diesel-cars-up-to-25-more-co2/ .
  11. ?........? Well, what to say............. It were only a few years back that China were trying to buy up all of Australia’s coal mines that it could lay its hands on. Them Astute Chinese wouldn’t be trying to line up a supply of coal resources unless their long term aim were to use it..? China is the worlds largest manufacturer of solar panels and wind power generators - if it were a make jobs agenda they had then they would build panels and wind generators and install them. China can ‘buy’ their stuff at a third of the price we’d pay for it, instead, China went coal... ? I do note that when I went to the big hardware shop the other day most of the goods for sale were made in China - Made by using cheap coal power and then shipped to Australia using big diesel/oil powered cargo ships..? Australian manufacturers now have mega power bills that means apart from all the other anti competitive things to be put up with there is now the cost of power to add to products. What’s left of Oz manufacturing is being destroyed by the green idiot agenda to close down our cheap and reliable coal power stations. And yet, we buy the same products out of China that have been made using cheap and reliable coal.....? And then there’s India going coal power in a far bigger way..... .
  12. Heh..? I watched the 185 amphib video. ...And I note the blown tire clearly shows “Not for highway use” printed on it... likely limited to wheel barrow speeds.. .
  13. I think yer needs one of them 737 cattle truck drivers to answer this. Probably a link to the report wouldn’t go astray...? .
  14. Hmmm, ..that looks like part of a question in an IQ test I did years ago..? .
  15. OK, I think we can condense this back down again..? Jerry_Atrick, one of the links you provided is a newspaper article that references the important sounding “Global Energy Monitor”. A 10 second google and I find: “...Global Energy Monitor (originally named CoalSwarm) began in 2007 as an informal effort by journalists and activists...” And yet here we have an article quoting “CoalSwarm” Satellite intelligence shows China in a vast rollout of coal-fired power stations “...China is building coal-fire power stations, many of them previously thought to have been cancelled by order of the central government, at a far greater rate than previously estimated, according to analysis of satellite imagery and official documents...” Seems to me there are 10’s of thousands of news article written by ‘journalists and activists’ stating what they wish were happening rather then what is really happening. Reality, in the next few months there will be more new coal fired power plants opened around the world then Australia has closed to date, or will ever close in the foreseeable future. ...until we go nuclear that is..? ‘Reality’ is the word yer looking for. James Murdock also believes the recent Australian bush fires were caused by global warming. He should stick to something he knows, like the brain fart entertainment business..... .
  16. Been looping the crash vid again. Prelim report lists Cooma 11 minutes prior to prang with a mean wind of 320˚, 30kts, gusting 48kt. Aircraft apparently pranged in a turn heading about 100˚ at time of impact. In the video there is a dirt track shown about 13 seconds into the vid. Looking at google earth I’d ballpark the direction as heading about 280˚ away from the camera. At about 13 seconds there is a bit of dust blown almost directly down the road towards the camera. Looking at the tail end of the water drop I note the nearest smoke looks to be heading northwards relative to the back ground terrain. The cameraman ‘angle’ would get a northwards feel even if the smoke were blowing 280, though my feeling is by looking at the smoke travel speed the direction is 240 or less. If the average mean were 320, though the local were 280 or so, then I’d imagine there would have been a lot of local terrain influence causing wind shear ‘rolls’ and and narrow dramatic wind ‘flume’ accelerations. I’d suggest the little hill the C130 hit, apart from all the other terrain influences, would likely have created its own wind ‘flume’ acceleration just upwind of it. Something else the prelim noted were the C130 could tank 15,000 litres, though dropped 4,500...? Going off the one video I’ve seen so far I get no indication that the C130 simply turned left into raising terrain - the little hill it hit. The prelim mentions “witness videos” and “numerous witness reports”, so more to come I guess... .
  17. Well, I’m a private pilot and a private truck driver...... actually, ah gots more trucks then aircraft - hope That don’t upset no-one..? .
  18. Seems call-sign Jerry_Atrick is angling to escape to shallower waters so will attend to first...? Jerry_Atrick, instead of a hand-wave to other articles, perhaps yer should provide the references/links to the “info you need” Actually, coals use in industry only goes back two thousand years or so. Renewables have been used in industry for far, far longer... “...”A widening ripple of cut forests” spread outward. There were complaints of wood shortage even in Gaul. Coal was used only where no wood was available. Pliny reports that coal was burnt in Campania to make bronze because of the wood shortage there...” via page 148, “Environmental Problems of the Greeks and Romans”, J. Donald Hughes 1994. A hand wave to “economies of scale” and I “should be able to find” don’t work for me. Jerry_Atrick, you is making the claims - You can back up yer own claims..? Nuf for now, the day beckons...? .
  19. Hmmm... offer up some scrutiny of the ‘evidence’, and what do yer get...? .
  20. I only just learnt the big red turbine Maule pranged last year. Sad... .
  21. Dunno that I’d run ethanol through a P+W R985. Suppose yer could do a google for STC’s. Been over 20 years since I looked at what can be run through a C-20. A little E as part of a get home shandy probably no worries. .
  22. - Interesting that you compare yourself to a church - Old Koreelah, yer not part of a cult are ya?..? - Who are these “best brains” that say Australia “could be a clean energy superpower” ?..? - “...problems caused by our over-dependence on coal, oil and gases” Considering Australia has all that in abundance, the ‘problem’ for Oz is self inflicted by Greeny political stupidity. As to other matters, I think Chauvel’s thoughts on his Mid East wanderings with the Light Horse cover it well - We shouldn’t be there and leave em to it...? Anyways, rest period is over - back to burning carbons..? .
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