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Flying Binghi

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Everything posted by Flying Binghi

  1. Another handy thing about turbines is the ability to run on many fuel types/quality’s for a time - although, different service scheds are called up. .
  2. No argument about using the fuel in the mower or etc - it ain’t cheap. Though the claims of pollution? One bushfire will coat every thing down wind of it with lead and other nasties. Sea spray has lead in it. Unless yer running a smelting operation with yer waste avgas I wouldn’t think there’d be any real level of “pollution”.....? .
  3. ?... where to start?..? Jerry_Atrick, Dunno where yer get your info from though the only reason China is building coal fired power plants is because it is the cheapest reliable power there is at this time. Same reason for India and many other countries around the world. Plus the so-called ‘renewable’ energy is Not reliable energy. Re cars and horses: The car that gave mobility to the mass’s, the self propelled model T Ford, were invented about 100 years after the first self propelled vehicle were invented. Jerry_Atrick, To align your car analogy with the current thinking about power, how soon after the first vehicle were invented 200 years ago should they have started shooting the horses - 1 year, 20 years, 120 years...? Re the USA coal situation: At this time they is mainly on cheaper gas. If coal were cheaper they’d be on it. Much like Europe is now kept afloat with Russian gas. Re coal prices: I suspect once methane hydrate starts getting piped world coal prices will plummet. Then good old Oz will think its throats been cut...? Jerry_Atrik, I suggest you do some research thats not from the ABC media. Here’s a start: This Mile-Wide Hole Could Revolutionize Pakistan's Economy ...Oh, and take note of all that ‘China Bank’ advertising around Oz international airports. You got a coal project that suites their political agenda, i.e., that don’t support their enemy India, well they got the funds for you.....? .
  4. - Re “stores of energy”. Recommended search is for methane hydrate. China, Japan, et all, have major research drilling programs under way. We ain’t running out of carbon fuels anytime soon. About 10’000 years supply according to some accounts... - The ship Endeavour was an enterprise of discovery and progress - it were not about Cook as such. - Re “imported fuel” Yep, idiotic in the extreme. Australia could produce all the fuel it needed and yet we import it.. Old Koreelah, if you believe you are doing something wrong then I ask the question why are you still doing it ? .
  5. Yeah... though nowadays yer get called an islamaphobe if yer point out the obvious..? .
  6. Hmmm... Old Koreelah, when did earth become a “lifeboat” ?... if we is using boating analogy’s, I’d liken it more to a ship called Endeavour. Australia has been occupied by humans for over 50,000 years. And yet, if you were to look at Australia a mere 300 years ago one could argue that the then small population of less then a million were living at the limits of Australia’s then known ‘resources’. We are now over 20 millions and also feeding and provisioning many millions more around the planet... Old Koreelah, if you really believe you are using more ‘resources’ then the “poor people”, why are you doing recreational flying? Perhaps you need to “make contact with reality”.....? .
  7. I only flew the amphib version so wouldn’t have a full ‘appreciation’ of the aircraft..? .
  8. Well, thats a new one - point out world comparisons and it is taken as “rail and spew” ... As to future power ‘station’ building... we in Oz is running out of the easy money to waste on ‘alternative’ power and I’d hazard a guess common sense will return in a few years when the green power disaster really starts to bite...? .
  9. I see the word “minimise” - I woulda thought a fuel checker bottle amount were minimal.. .
  10. “..bad investment” ? Why would it be a bad investment to build coal fired power stations ? China has over 600 new coal fired power stations to be built on the order books - China opens a new coal fired power station about every two weeks. India is currently doing a major overhaul of its rail system to supply a coal power station building spree. There is to be a India wide capacity doubling of all rail lines servicing coal fields, coal ports, and coal power stations. There is to be a doubling of the number of coal wagons. Also a major push in manufacturing the worlds most powerful locomotives to pull the bigger coal trains. “...main power feed” YEP!, and yer can make an Outhouse fly if you spend enuf money. Perhaps you should tell the Indian and Chinese governments they is on the wrong track with their ‘investments’.. “...built after 1962”. ??? .
  11. Dunno, I reckon they is a truck to fly. I stopped watching the vid when they mentioned they were putting a turbine in it... .
  12. Nice reliable coal power don’t need them ‘gold plated’ power lines that are needed for the power ‘surges’ of wind and solar...? .
  13. . Even with a huge union burden Australia used to have the cheapest reliable electricity on the planet. Now we have near the the most expensive unreliable power on the planet..... .
  14. You make a good point Student Pilot. I watched the vid of the Cessna and had meself sitting in the drivers seat of it and fergot other aircraft exist..? Agreed, “safe slow flight can be achieved without reference to an audible warning or an airspeed indicator”. Though, what I’m putting forward is not to be low and slow around the rotor turbulence oft found around trees. The video aircraft is practically dragging its wheels though the tree branch’s whilst at min speed - To me, thats a worry. Looking at the comments in the C130 prang thread shows many have the same concerns I do re low and slow. .
  15. Had a look-see at the prelim report: Investigation: AO-2020-007 - Collision with terrain involving Lockheed EC130Q, N134CG, 50 km north-east of Cooma-Snowy Mountains Airport (near Peak View), NSW, on 23 January 2020 If the arrow indicating the drop target is correct then the photo shows a pink ‘stain’ out in the paddock to the left of the drop run. An indication of wind velocity/direction ? Looking at what I take to be the left turning line of flight from the drop point to the crash site looks to me to be tracking roughly parallel to, and just behind, the curving ridge line. I say behind the ridge line reference the prevailing winds that the ‘pink’ indicates. .
  16. Yep! And Monash taught Patton how to use a tank.....? .
  17. Yes. One reason why we shouldn’t speculate to much before the prelim comes out. The prangs happened and will still be able to be discussed in a few months when we have a better background via an accident report. .
  18. I’ve got some early 80’s photos of U/L’s around MKT area. In box’s in deep storage at the moment. From memory there’s a Bunyip, a Winton, a Scout, KM’s Drifter with her son flying, The club Drifter, And a few others. The Bunyip I well remember as I nearly half a mid-air with it whilst taking a sequence of photos. Flying whilst looking through the view finder of me $10 camera I did not realise that things are ‘closer then they appear’. The sudden look of terror from the Bunyip driver made me look around the camera to see the Bunyip mere feet from me wingtip... When I work out how to convert hard copy photos to electrons I’ll post them up. ...unless I get banned again in the meantime..? .
  19. Re the videos - That flying on the stall warning buzzer whilst approaching over trees made me hair stand on end. On a properly calibrated installation there should be a ‘margin for error’ in them buzzers, though it ain’t much. In Oz much of the time there’s a bit of wind blowing and oft times a major wind dumper around trees. On short final more air speed gives yer that ability to do that auto reaction pull back when you hit the big kahooney dump ride that otherwise would have given yer an auto auger dart approach. Years ago I were standing at short final when a very high time, very highly experienced pilot got dumped on short final. His years of airline flying, right up to boss boy check and trainer time, had not prepared him for flying low and slow around the trees. He did walk away though the aircraft were turned into components. More speed better - the only time yer should hear the stall warning during approach is at round out. .
  20. . Hey, I got banned for covering global warming - there been a policy change..? .
  21. R44 prang, Fire, 4pax - Nill fatal. https://www.liveleak.com/view?t=eQbf_1525655974 Watching the vid, when I saw the crowd of females wearing highly flammable wedding dress' run up to the prang I nearly said to the screen - Stay Back.. :ahoh: .
  22. Heck, here's me grinding away at the subject and a big fish is just about to raise me and now they want to shut the table..... .
  23. ? I'm still waiting to hear back about that 116 pages university report. Aparently it has lots of relevance to aircraft safety around wind turbines... .
  24. Common sense, you would think!.... though, considering that most of the numpties turning up at 'protest rallys' are likely on some sort of government largesse sourced via taxation/royalties. And that a large proportion of that taxation comes from mining royalties and/or company taxation... well,.. I think yer'd find a lot of dumb protesters. Though, I may be passing unjust aspersions on them protesters. Why them government funded protesters may have renounced three quarters of their dole cheque to protest how the government gets its money......... Yeah, right - (a flying pig smilie is my first choice though couldn't find one - complaint to Admin about a lack of smilies ) .
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