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Proposed Air Park Controversy

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Never works from my experience. You can wine & dine them so to speak, but it never works IMO. Most people who are bothered to complain are generally set in their ways. A lot of complainants are habitual complainants . That means, they have nothing better to do and they like conflict. Me, being a Aries by star sign knows what that means. I find it easier, to just call the complainants wankers.004_oh_yeah.gif.82b3078adb230b2d9519fd79c5873d7f.gif

I think it's a good idea to try to be reasonable first. I agree it might not, probably won't work. But if you've tried, it always helps in court later.



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Ahhh, I see it all now. This Peter Schuback is running for political office and needs an 'issue' to get himself some publicity. What better way to get publicity than to generate a controversy and be in the centre of it. Cynical, very cynical and manipulative.




Unfortunately, once you've got a politician wannabe on your case, they're bloody hard to shake loose. The more you fight them, the more they revel in it and benefit from it.



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Pauline Hanson won 25% of the primary vote in QLD in 1998. So don't underestimate the stupidity of the average QLDer. Seriously, you need to take any sort of threat as having potential to damage your airpark's future.



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I was recently involved in a planning fight with a local politician who was a pretty smooth operator. Word of caution when speaking to a politician is be very careful in what you say - there were many things we said that were turned against us both in the local paper and at the administrative tribunal.


When we suggested publicly that he was a little loose with the truth, we received confidential letters threatening us with defamation actions.


Mind you, in our case the politician was very smart and well connected, whereas from this blokes letter he doesn't seem real bright.



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This is a PLANNING issue, not a debate evening, pork pie auction, whistling contest or novel writing competition.


Most of you would not hire a vacuum cleaner salesman to teach you how to fly, so why would you, without any Planning skills, without knowing what criteria match what zoning, what issues are critical to the proposal and what are not, make random suggestions which, far from helping, may provide ammunition to the other party.



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Pauline Hanson won 25% of the primary vote in QLD in 1998. So don't underestimate the stupidity of the average QLDer. Seriously, you need to take any sort of threat as having potential to damage your airpark's future.

The problem was that Pauline was honest & told it how she felt on different topics. A big no no in politics. Successful politicians are very good of talking a lot and actually saying nothing.They are also good at breaking pre- election promises .



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Pauline was a crackpot. First she moves the Asians to NSW, then the work camps for the unemployed/single mothers, then jailing people for minor offences. Eventually you end up in a police state/command economy.



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Pauline was a crackpot. First she moves the Asians to NSW, then the work camps for the unemployed/single mothers, then jailing people for minor offences. Eventually you end up in a police state/command economy.

one persons crack pot is another persons hero.



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Don't write him off as a loony. It is the squeaking gate that gets the oil. Don't ever think that beaurocrats are intelligent or sensible, treat them as loonies. Do what others have suggested and try to get him on side.


Come to think about it if I did that sort of thing I may be able to get a free ride in a Lear jet.



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The councilors have the last say


I guess that the applicants have already considered this and done all the necessary paper work


Me, I would have an informal chat to the councilors than I knew. Express my opinion and leave it at that.


Hopefully a good and sensible outcome for all


Good luck



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The problem was that Pauline was honest & told it how she felt on different topics.

No, there's a couple of other problems - she's racist and stupid, and her publicly stated opinions on many subjects were not only disgusting but factually incorrect. What's more of a worry is that in 2004 and 2007 federal elections she got 4% of the vote in her electorate, which just goes to show that the two most common elements in the universe really are hydrogen and stupidity.



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No requirement for anyone's opinion to be factually correct - just my opinion.


And just because I disagree with you does not mean that I am stupid.


Incidentally, my opinion is that some-one who does not know whether an aeroplane is stalled or not - is not necessarily stupid either.



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So you don't mind if the people leading this country (or trying to get voted in) have publicly stated opinions that are factually incorrect? You don't think that them showing the public that they believe something that is demonstrably untrue, would give you some doubts about their ability to make rational decisions in the good of the nation?


You are entirely correct. Just because someone disagrees with someone does not make them stupid. And your example is also correct - in some circumstances. Like most things in life though it depends on context. A trained, experienced pilot, in good flying conditions and a fully functioning aircraft, who's got themselves into a position where they don't realise the aircraft has stalled could be considered stupid. A person running for public office who, in their autobiography, claims that by 2050 Australia will have a president of Chinese-Indian background called Poona Li Hung who is part machine, could also be considered stupid.



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I think you'd be wasting your time trying to convert this NIMBY to the cause. Ditto the others who may gather to his banner.


Publicly attacking him, no matter how ridiculous his claims, just gives him publicity.


Above all, you have to avoid giving the broader community the impression of "big business" bullying the "local battler".


The proponents of the air park need to be aware of his claims and have their responses to them ready - but focus their energies on convincing the ultimate decision makers.


They can do this through personal contact and by putting out their own media information which addresses the issues but does not attack the objector.



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