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Is this the correct direction?

Keith Page

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Hello All


I have heard some snippets of information being bandied about, what I have heard and if it is true I am not happy.


Some office staff and a board member are going about and being police officers, I believe the actions should be in favour of the members. Just consider RAAus if there are no members and there has been a great deal of members not renewing their membership.




If things are not being executed correctly why not buddy up with that person and tell them that is not quite correct and I am here to help fix the situation. Make it not a big deal and involve the bare minimum of people as possible. Fix it quietly.


By going into the situation with a big stick and acting like a dictator that is a situation for a breeding ground for a war. We will have factions yelling and screaming at each other “he said, she said, they did” where will that get any organisation, not a fix just a war which breeds animosity. Then people will get disheartened with RAAus and leave I do not want to think about the alternative regarding this issue.


Fix the problem quietly as possible and absolute minimum of fuss, people will respect that. The other point people do not go out there and do things deliberately incorrect, quite often there is a legitimate reason for the error and it is the last thing they need for some expert whopping into them.


Likes of Michael Monk leading from the front -- breaking down the barriers -- he is an example to follow, what I have read regarding Michael’s involvement with this Jabiru issue he is quite noble plus the other RAAus advancement activities.


Keep it up Michael.


As I see the situation -- actions should be in favour of the members however consider RAAus is a recreational fun flying organisation. I do not want to have another war with all factions feuding with each other that will not be advancement of RAAus, not one little crumb.


Advancement and succession are the go.







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Keith, RAA is a self administering body, and contains a lot of Type A personalities


One of the downsides of Type A people is that they tend to disregard any authority.


One the other hand, in the self administering world, and administrating body can be sued for millions of dollars on the first indiscretion.


The days of buddying up, "having a quiet word", " dropping a hint" have been replaced by the "don't come back again Monday" or zero tolerance era, since our future is determined by the mathematics of who we injure or kill.


It sounds like RAA is beginning to catch on and catch up, and sure, this will come as a shock to those who comply with regulations when they feel like it.










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Keith. there are no doubt a lot of us who havn't heard these snippets of information. Please enlighten us or is this another round of inuendo starting?

Yen you will get it all and more. However in the mean time I have to verify some points hence I am asking for some help.

Yen go and have a little listen about.. Its up your way.


Catch me at another gathering I will spell it out for you.







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Hello AllI have heard some snippets of information being bandied about, what I have heard and if it is true I am not happy.

Some office staff and a board member are going about and being police officers, I believe the actions should be in favour of the members. Just consider RAAus if there are no members and there has been a great deal of members not renewing their membership.

Just what type of things have these policemen been doing? What type of offences are being committed? No need for names or places, just an idea of what you are on about would be good.



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Hi Keith,


Are some people with whom we pay with our membershjp money within the RAA attempting to put the fear of God into members like the Gestapo or the "dear leader of North Korea" in order to justify their own position within RAA & somehow think that they are going to retain the existing membership, & if so are these actions being conducted in secret behind the backs & without the knowledge of the Executive Board Members & CEO?



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Further to the abovementioned comments, another thought has come to mind ,whereby one is now pondering if some of the RAA staff & Board members who are supposedly conducting these clandestine or witch hunts on their own members , are they acting as puppets for CASA to report discreetly to CASA, in an attempt to win brownie points with CASA so as to secure their future in the event that CASA or some other organisation take over the administration of RAA should RAA cease to exist in the future?



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So we don't want any divisions, seems like starting a thread with AS YET unconfirmed rumours that you won't explain to us isn't the best way to go about keeping us all united??


Personally (I guess because I'm a farmer) I too like the "mate your not quiet doing it right" approach but as turbo has pointed out (I don't like it but it is true) we will get crucified if we don't follow the right channels and that would destroy us quicker than a few divided factions.


I just saw a report the other day of a boss getting convicted for something that one of his employees had done (they also got convicted) EVEN though he had told them to stop it, he hadn't reported it to the police and they later found out.



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I am a bit amused, I get hold of some good information then present as much as possible and my replys "put up and shut up" &"innuendo ".. or I could sit on it say nothing?


Come on you can do a bit for yourselves, you have some base information to expand on now use and see where it will lead.


I will answer the others later on in the day when time permits.







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You've presented nothing. If you have information then for sure go ahead and share it.


All you have given us is that you have heard something happened (without telling us what) and gone on a rant (about what I'm not sure).



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........... I get hold of some good information ............



You opened this thread by saying "I have heard some snippets of information being bandied about, ........... and if it is true .........." and now you say that you have "..... some good information ......".


That indicates vast differences in veracity to me, so which is it, good accurate info or scuttlebutt?


And I disagree a little with Turbo here. I reckon that it is quite appropriate for RAA Staff to have a chat with members who are doing the wrong thing and correct them in a more or less convivial way (if that member is receptive to such a chat). RAA staff should go out of their way not to adopt the CASA chip-on-the-shoulder, high-handed, wanka, mine-doesn't-stink approach to encouraging or requiring RAA members to comply with the Regs.


Regards Geoff



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Yes, he was flying in a manner that caused me concerns. No regard for physics, time dilation, or Einstein's special theory of relativity.This blatant disregard for the laws of the universe must be stamped out immediately!!!!

He was squawking an illegitimate transponder code too.



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Yes, he was flying in a manner that caused me concerns. No regard for physics, time dilation, or Einstein's special theory of relativity.This blatant disregard for the laws of the universe must be stamped out immediately!!!!

Unapproved aerobatics apparently as well.....



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Just wanted people to prick their ears to what is going on and go get their own interpretation.


Have your own interpretation.


Not a full scale inquiry, just a bit of boys and girls you going the wrong way.







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RAA is a staff, time and money constrained organisation. Sometimes people have to make a judgement call and decide whether to spend time and money (and integrity) on a "quiet chat" or decide that the offender is a serial or gross offender and that having them stare at a formal piece of paper (and personal access to the law or L2s or CFIs) is a more effective and expeditious way of resolving an issue. Turbs mentioned Type A personalities - RAA has them and in a lot of cases a quiet chat resolves nothing and leaves all sides and the complainant very frustrated and even angry.



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