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Photo thread for the heck of it


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You got me 011_clap.gif.1a419e0bbf161730dc67def0cf6fdcf5.gif


Flew right over my head that joke, I will blame lack of sleep.


Can't take the credit as it's a pic i came across online.


I tried to take a photo of one of our bizjets but I am no photographer and it came out <mod censored>.



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Our chairman, Big Prop Bob Arnold,. . .( AKA Santa's little helper - no I dunno either ! ) AIrcraft is a veteran Whittaker MW6, this aircraft has won British National Microlight championship competitions in Russia, France, and lots of other places in Eastern Europe some years ago, flown by Test Pilot Eddie Clapham. It has been "Looped" 15 times in succession, and travelled more miles than Antoine de Saint Exupery. . . . it has a Rotax 582 - 2 stroke, ( premix ) with a fluid gearbox, allowing for the monstrous propeller, which, as you can possible see from the photo, only clears the pod by 49 mm. It is a rather low revving prop, but carries all of the fat Gits at our airfield with consummate ease, and takes off, no matter what the load, in a very short space.; usually, in nil wind, around fifty metres or less. The airframe has in excess of 7,000 hours, and it is on it's sixth engine. . . . Bob flies this more than anyone else, is an ex gliding instructor and often flies it backwards in strong winds. . . ( and I thought all the weird characters were in Australia. . . ) Bob never flies anywhere without his goodly supply of strawberry milk. . . .but WILL steal any red wine he sees being consumed at the airfield bar when he get's back from one of his odysseys. . . . . ( I made the pod stickers as a joke six years ago,. . .and he's never bothered to peel 'em off ! ) I first encountered this thing in 1985 at the Microlight Nationals at Haverfordwest, ( West Wales ) flown by a guy called Steve Slade, who is a paraplegic pilot. He asked me if I could remove his crutches from inside the wingtip spar tubes,. . .where they were wired in. . . . .tell you what,. . . .there are some characters about in the UK as well. . . Steve holds the UK record for the most airfields landed at from dawn to dusk in a competitioon five years ago. . .never beaten. . . .




With all that history, it almost qualifies for the London to Brighton.


Do you have any idea when it was built?





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sorry about the double image,{it,s pretty late lol] but here,s another if you wanted to take a couple of mates with you lol




4000 × 2664 - en.wikipedia.org



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Our chairman, Big Prop Bob Arnold,. . .( AKA Santa's little helper - no I dunno either ! ) AIrcraft is a veteran Whittaker MW6, this aircraft has won British National Microlight championship competitions in Russia, France, and lots of other places in Eastern Europe some years ago, flown by Test Pilot Eddie Clapham. It has been "Looped" 15 times in succession, and travelled more miles than Antoine de Saint Exupery. . . . it has a Rotax 582 - 2 stroke, ( premix ) with a fluid gearbox, allowing for the monstrous propeller, which, as you can possible see from the photo, only clears the pod by 49 mm. It is a rather low revving prop, but carries all of the fat Gits at our airfield with consummate ease, and takes off, no matter what the load, in a very short space.; usually, in nil wind, around fifty metres or less. The airframe has in excess of 7,000 hours, and it is on it's sixth engine. . . . Bob flies this more than anyone else, is an ex gliding instructor and often flies it backwards in strong winds. . . ( and I thought all the weird characters were in Australia. . . ) Bob never flies anywhere without his goodly supply of strawberry milk. . . .but WILL steal any red wine he sees being consumed at the airfield bar when he get's back from one of his odysseys. . . . . ( I made the pod stickers as a joke six years ago,. . .and he's never bothered to peel 'em off ! ) I first encountered this thing in 1985 at the Microlight Nationals at Haverfordwest, ( West Wales ) flown by a guy called Steve Slade, who is a paraplegic pilot. He asked me if I could remove his crutches from inside the wingtip spar tubes,. . .where they were wired in. . . . .tell you what,. . . .there are some characters about in the UK as well. . . Steve holds the UK record for the most airfields landed at from dawn to dusk in a competitioon five years ago. . .never beaten. . . .Phil.

With all that history, it almost qualifies for the London to Brighton.Do you have any idea when it was built?




Actually Planey,. . . .I wouldn't have a clue BUT. . . .since the MW Club is now based at Otherton, I will ask the great man himself ( Mike Whittaker ) and I reckon HE will probably have a good handle on that subject. . .


. . . . oh dear,. . .I watched it yesterday, . . we had a solid Easterly blowin' around 18/20 Kt,. . .and Bob the Knob flew thae bloody thing backwards across the airfield,. . . and Mungo Me,. . .had left my camera plugged into the darned laptop at home. . . .this guy, well,. . .he isn't any kind of "Showoff" and only did tis as there were hardly any witnesses. . .cold day, ( +1.5 Deg C @ 0830 GMT. . .Brrrrrr ) so he set the thing up at 1000 ft, and then flew backwards into the distance. . .


( Won't use a radio,. . .nononononononoooooooo seems to think it's some kind of black magic. . and against his religion, although I coached him thru the radio course fifteen years ago and he still has a licence. . .. so he disappeared over the South west horizon, and actually flew backwards for 9 NM. ( according to his Pax, who had his iPhone thingummy on. . . . . ) He said to me later,. . ."Effin 'eck. . .if I'd had a radio, . . .I could've flown backwards through RAF Cosford's zone. . . . [ ? ] . . .I said, er,. . .why would you want to do that. . .? He says,. . .WELL. . .I'll bet nobody's done that thru a MATZ zone before. . . . No,. . .you're probably rioght Bob me boy,. . .I'll bet nobody has, . . .I mean,. . .you have to ask for permission and. . . .Oh I give up.


And what REALLY gets my goat is that most pommies [who have been there] think that Aussies are daft. . . . . .( The title "Santa's Little Helper" begins to come into focus now. . . . . )


I have to admit that when I flew in OZ,. . .I met some really unbelieveable characters,. . but now, I'm not as cerrtain as to which country has the best ones. . . . .


***Edited to add. . . .***


Bob is away next weekend, but the following one. . .I shall endeavour to take the video machine, and go flying with BOB. . .in "Mother" the aircraft you have already seen. . .I'll have to jury rig a cam onto the aircraft somehow,. . .I'm not very technosavvy regrettably. . .but I HAVE 2 WEEKS TO PREPARE. . . .we also have "Daughter" . . .the second most flown MW in the UK,. . .this one built by Kim Wilcox. . .Father of Toyah Wilcox ( UK Pop star of the 80s ) and very good furniture builder,. . .a trade to which he returned after chucking shitloads of clusterbombs onto Iraq in Gulf War One . . .



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Our chairman, Big Prop Bob Arnold,. . .( AKA Santa's little helper - no I dunno either ! ) AIrcraft is a veteran Whittaker MW6, this aircraft has won British National Microlight championship competitions in Russia, France, and lots of other places in Eastern Europe some years ago, flown by Test Pilot Eddie Clapham. It has been "Looped" 15 times in succession, and travelled more miles than Antoine de Saint Exupery. . . . it has a Rotax 582 - 2 stroke, ( premix ) with a fluid gearbox, allowing for the monstrous propeller, which, as you can possible see from the photo, only clears the pod by 49 mm. It is a rather low revving prop, but carries all of the fat Gits at our airfield with consummate ease, and takes off, no matter what the load, in a very short space.; usually, in nil wind, around fifty metres or less. The airframe has in excess of 7,000 hours, and it is on it's sixth engine. . . . Bob flies this more than anyone else, is an ex gliding instructor and often flies it backwards in strong winds. . . ( and I thought all the weird characters were in Australia. . . ) Bob never flies anywhere without his goodly supply of strawberry milk. . . .but WILL steal any red wine he sees being consumed at the airfield bar when he get's back from one of his odysseys. . . . . ( I made the pod stickers as a joke six years ago,. . .and he's never bothered to peel 'em off ! ) I first encountered this thing in 1985 at the Microlight Nationals at Haverfordwest, ( West Wales ) flown by a guy called Steve Slade, who is a paraplegic pilot. He asked me if I could remove his crutches from inside the wingtip spar tubes,. . .where they were wired in. . . . .tell you what,. . . .there are some characters about in the UK as well. . . Steve holds the UK record for the most airfields landed at from dawn to dusk in a competitioon five years ago. . .never beaten. . . .Phil.

With all that history, it almost qualifies for the London to Brighton.Do you have any idea when it was built?




All UK regn can be looked up online at g-info




At the moment there are 10 MW6 in permit and 4 that have been converted to single seater redregulated. The rest are out of permit or still being built.


Mark:G-MZOK is the one in the pic and original regn date was 1998 and current Reg. Date: 11/06/2004. Its in permit till 2016 so is still a two seater



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With all that history, it almost qualifies for the London to Brighton.Do you have any idea when it was built?Rgds.Planey

Actually Planey,. . . .I wouldn't have a clue BUT. . . .since the MW Club is now based at Otherton, I will ask the great man himself ( Mike Whittaker ) and I reckon HE will probably have a good handle on that subject. . .


. . . . oh dear,. . .I watched it yesterday, . . we had a solid Easterly blowin' around 18/20 Kt,. . .and Bob the Knob flew thae bloody thing backwards across the airfield,. . . and Mungo Me,. . .had left my camera plugged into the darned laptop at home. . . .this guy, well,. . .he isn't any kind of "Showoff" and only did tis as there were hardly any witnesses. . .cold day, ( +1.5 Deg C @ 0830 GMT. . .Brrrrrr ) so he set the thing up at 1000 ft, and then flew backwards into the distance. . .


( Won't use a radio,. . .nononononononoooooooo seems to think it's some kind of black magic. . and against his religion, although I coached him thru the radio course fifteen years ago and he still has a licence. . .. so he disappeared over the South west horizon, and actually flew backwards for 9 NM. ( according to his Pax, who had his iPhone thingummy on. . . . . ) He said to me later,. . ."Effin 'eck. . .if I'd had a radio, . . .I could've flown backwards through RAF Cosford's zone. . . . [ ? ] . . .I said, er,. . .why would you want to do that. . .? He says,. . .WELL. . .I'll bet nobody's done that thru a MATZ zone before. . . . No,. . .you're probably rioght Bob me boy,. . .I'll bet nobody has, . . .I mean,. . .you have to ask for permission and. . . .Oh I give up.


And what REALLY gets my goat is that most pommies [who have been there] think that Aussies are daft. . . . . .( The title "Santa's Little Helper" begins to come into focus now. . . . . )


I have to admit that when I flew in OZ,. . .I met some really unbelieveable characters,. . but now, I'm not as cerrtain as to which country has the best ones. . . . .


***Edited to add. . . .***


Bob is away next weekend, but the following one. . .I shall endeavour to take the video machine, and go flying with BOB. . .in "Mother" the aircraft you have already seen. . .I'll have to jury rig a cam onto the aircraft somehow,. . .I'm not very technosavvy regrettably. . .but I HAVE 2 WEEKS TO PREPARE. . . .we also have "Daughter" . . .the second most flown MW in the UK,. . .this one built by Kim Wilcox. . .Father of Toyah Wilcox ( UK Pop star of the 80s ) and very good furniture builder,. . .a trade to which he returned after chucking shitloads of clusterbombs onto Iraq in Gulf War One . . .


Pop stars of the 80s eh! do you recognise this guy?....i'm the andsome bugger in the red shirt...wish I still had the hair!!!





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Just had a look at the cicare 8, and this is what they say about the engine:


Based on the ROTAX 900 series, with improved performance and features, the EPA POWER 917 is a block of ROTAX engine with dual injection and carbon fiber components, which ensure a reliable and safe flight.



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Pop stars of the 80s eh! do you recognise this guy?....i'm the andsome bugger in the red shirt...wish I still had the hair!!![ATTACH=full]38629[/ATTACH]

Dunno Mike,. . . was it Gary Numan ? ? ? He used to fly a Harvard . . .. .strange, I thought he got all his kicks "IN CARS" . . . .004_oh_yeah.gif.138bad2925a1e956b63ce847119413ca.gif



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Dunno Mike,. . . was it Gary Numan ? ? ? He used to fly a Harvard . . .. .strange, I thought he got all his kicks "IN CARS" . . . .004_oh_yeah.gif.138bad2925a1e956b63ce847119413ca.gif

Yes it's him I used to work with his uncle who introduced us then we'd bugger orf flying with his brother john...dems woz da daze!
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Yes it's him I used to work with his uncle who introduced us then we'd bugger orf flying with his brother john...dems woz da daze!

My Missus used to go all wriggly over that bloke,. . .! ( But bear in mind she was a "Goupie" when I met her, and she'd had enough of the other four guys in the band and I got Fifth choice ! ! ! ! After seeing me and my band perform, I'm not really surprised that she thought Numan was good ! ! ! !

I was most impressed later on though when I saw a TV documentary about him and his mates flying Harvards,. . .


Isn't it odd, that if you think some bloke is a total plonker,. . .as soon as you find that he is a kindred aviation spirit, all the animosity suddenly goes away. . .!


I met Actor Martin Shaw ( The Professionals & Judge John Deed ) who owns a Stearman. . .and he's a nice character . . . . really down to earth - except when he's flying of course. . .


Gary Numan seemed to like the "Zero" markings on his,. . .as in your pic,. . . My aviation Med examiner, Dr. Steve Lim, had a Yak 52 at Fivepee Green, but he didn't paint Japanese markings on it . . .however, he DID wear a bandana on his bonce with a red sun on the front, the bloody banzai idiot. . . .the berk flew underneath me in the circuit at the "Green" once, he was about fifty feet underneath me going in the wrong direction for the advertised runway. . .Plonker.


I forgave him as the airfield electricity went off, Bleeding Labour government power cuts ! The emergency Gennies didn't kick in ! and he'd not got any airfield information. . . .still,. . .all part of growing up and being British I guess.


I DID remind him about this near aerial assassination on my next visit for a mediacl renewal,. . .I passed that time. Dunno what I'll do for the next one though ( every 12 months over 60. . .) as I've just heard he's retired to his nice house in Barbados. . .( Jeeze, I wish I'd been a Doctor. . .)



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Just had a look at the cicare 8, and this is what they say about the engine:Based on the ROTAX 900 series, with improved performance and features, the EPA POWER 917 is a block of ROTAX engine with dual injection and carbon fiber components, which ensure a reliable and safe flight.

Nice looking thing...wonder what it will sell for?David



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I met Actor Martin Shaw ( The Professionals & Judge John Deed ) who owns a Stearman. . .and he's a nice character . . . . really down to earth - except when he's flying of course. . .

My wife goes all wriggly about him... she loves Judge John Deed! I love Stearmans... so I guess he's got the thumbs up in our house.



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My Missus used to go all wriggly over that bloke,. . .! ( But bear in mind she was a "Goupie" when I met her, and she'd had enough of the other four guys in the band and I got Fifth choice ! ! ! ! After seeing me and my band perform, I'm not really surprised that she thought Numan was good ! ! ! !I was most impressed later on though when I saw a TV documentary about him and his mates flying Harvards,. . .

Isn't it odd, that if you think some bloke is a total plonker,. . .as soon as you find that he is a kindred aviation spirit, all the animosity suddenly goes away. . .!


I met Actor Martin Shaw ( The Professionals & Judge John Deed ) who owns a Stearman. . .and he's a nice character . . . . really down to earth - except when he's flying of course. . .


Gary Numan seemed to like the "Zero" markings on his,. . .as in your pic,. . . My aviation Med examiner, Dr. Steve Lim, had a Yak 52 at Fivepee Green, but he didn't paint Japanese markings on it . . .however, he DID wear a bandana on his bonce with a red sun on the front, the bloody banzai idiot. . . .the berk flew underneath me in the circuit at the "Green" once, he was about fifty feet underneath me going in the wrong direction for the advertised runway. . .Plonker.


I forgave him as the airfield electricity went off, Bleeding Labour government power cuts ! The emergency Gennies didn't kick in ! and he'd not got any airfield information. . . .still,. . .all part of growing up and being British I guess.


I DID remind him about this near aerial assassination on my next visit for a mediacl renewal,. . .I passed that time. Dunno what I'll do for the next one though ( every 12 months over 60. . .) as I've just heard he's retired to his nice house in Barbados. . .( Jeeze, I wish I'd been a Doctor. . .)

Fifth choice eh!...Gawd elp' yer mate haha!...yep yer right, "Isn't it odd, that if you think some bloke is a total plonker" I thought the same but at the time his uncle was my boss and I didn't know he was related to him....but my flying instructors were British airways captains and I used to go to cranebank (British Airways Flight Simulators) in the dead of night flying on the sims,and uncle Colin introduced me to his nephew who wanted to go as well, there began a wonderful relationship lol!!!And then there is my dear friend Ian Bowles an Australian...whom I did a lot of flying with in the shorts 330...wot ee taut me I carn't pass on cos if ee got found out he'd be arrested hahaha!


Last I heard he's a captain on 747's for a major airline i'll tell you who but not on here...but also heard he got reprimanded for mooning at a terminal gate but was seen by pax hahahaha! typical f**king Aussie lol!



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With all that history, it almost qualifies for the London to Brighton.Do you have any idea when it was built?Rgds.Planey

All UK regn can be looked up online at g-infohttps://www.caa.co.uk/application.aspx?catid=60&pagetype=65&appid=1&mode=search


At the moment there are 10 MW6 in permit and 4 that have been converted to single seater redregulated. The rest are out of permit or still being built.


Mark:G-MZOK is the one in the pic and original regn date was 1998 and current Reg. Date: 11/06/2004. Its in permit till 2016 so is still a two seater


Thanks for that Kasper old son,. . . . I never NEED to look anything up cos I know YOU'RE out there ! Actually G-MZOK will be flying shortly, uncle Bob has custody of that as well as "Mother" the Big prop. The propeller size is 6 ft - 8 in by the way, (2.2 metres 'ish ) "Bigprop" gets mothballed in a nice warm dry shed over the winter months in deference to it's historic value.





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