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ABC 7.30 Report tonight • Dying pilot tries to clear his name after fatal plane crash

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I will make sure I see that tonight how this person thinks he can clear their names is hard to imagine after the cowboy outfit they ran.

I’m with you Teckair,

No a very professional run outfit after seeing the videos before they were pulled.


Cameras don’t lie and it is all good and well to act like cowboys but when you mess up or have an incident it all comes back to bite you on the arxe.


Not one bit of sympathy from me, best thing was CASA pulling the AOC and the licences IMO



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Watched the video taken from inside the plane. Here is my thoughts a 180 degree turn from that height with out power was not achievable. I had thought the turn must have been attempted because there was no other option but the video appears to show that is not the case. The plane was flying low over the water and not in the best position to be checking the beach sand surface. The plane was being flown in a manner as though an engine failure was not possible. He was trying to defend the indefensible.



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Well, I'm no expert, and I only saw the video once, but it looked like when the engine stopped, the nose came *up*, then the stall warning came on. Flying with the stall warning on will *shorten* the glide path. The video does not help clear anyone's name.



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It is normal to zoom up in a plane that has inertia (Not a thruster !) to best glide speed. The engine failed at 80 agl and climbed to 150 before starting the 180 turn. If the aircraft had been at 200 agl when the engine failed the pilot would have made it.





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It is normal to zoom up in a plane that has inertia (Not a thruster !) to best glide speed. The engine failed at 80 agl and climbed to 150 before starting the 180 turn. If the aircraft had been at 200 agl when the engine failed the pilot would have made it.https://www.atsb.gov.au/publications/investigation_reports/2017/aair/ao-2017-005/

Maybe but I wouldn't try it I would have gone straight ahead and slightly to the left to the waters edge. Might wreck the plane but less impact.



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The pilot is going to have an uphill battle, given the record of the operator. I have looked at where he was heading to land and declined it. They used to land on aeroplane beach, where there is ample room, but that site didn't look good to me, although a friend landed there in his Savannah.



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The pilot is going to have an uphill battle, given the record of the operator. I have looked at where he was heading to land and declined it. They used to land on aeroplane beach, where there is ample room, but that site didn't look good to me, although a friend landed there in his Savannah.

A Savannah is stol but it could not make the turn this guy tried to do.



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Hello everybody


i am a new student to get my PPL in a cirrus


I have 35 hours only and to my, I find a little difficult the radio calls


so if somebody has a suggestion how I can memorized the phraseology ??





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Hello everybodyi am a new student to get my PPL in a cirrus

I have 35 hours only and to my, I find a little difficult the radio calls


so if somebody has a suggestion how I can memorised the phraseology ??



Easy; Set up a spreadsheet with:

Column 1: the listen or transmit locations starting with pre-start up on Line 1 then down location by location


Column 2: One line down from"Pre-start" type the phrase or action, which in this case might be "Set frequency, listen out"


And so on down the page of locations looking like this:


Pre Start


Set frequency, listen out






(On sheet 1 you might limit this to the circuit only - you can do the departure-cross country-join later)


Insert enough blank lines (about 30 to start with) until all you can see is "Pre Start"


Say out loud or write down the phrase without peeking


Click on the down scroll button and see if you have it world-correct; if not don't worry, visualise what you would be doing at that point, relate the transmission to it, and have another go when you redo the sequence again.


It's important you visualise the phrase so it makes sense to you and relates to your position and action rather than trying to parrot it off.


The two most important words in all the above are "without peeking".


I've lost count of the number of times I've tried to learn off a list of phrases, where I could see everything on the page then got into an aircraft and my mind's gone blank.



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