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Now is it left foot first or right foot first


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At our previous farm the house was right on the Bogan river. It was beautiful to see pelicans come in for a ski landing with hardly any wing flapping on the glassy water.

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Living the life on a boat in Port Stephens.


I see up to a hundred perfect landings a day, all amphibious.


Pelicans are just awesome to watch land and gannets are awesome diving into the water to fish.

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That undercarriage looks like its designed for landing on water, what's he doing, lining up with a sealed runway?
Must've been trained by the same instructor that taught these pilots:

Let's have a looksee at what's wrong here...


  1. ASI is off-scale-low
  2. Both engines are shut down (low oil pressure lights on)
  3. Flaps are at 0
  4. Thrust levers are closed, so likely they don't meet the stable approach criteria.
  5. Speedbrake is nor armed
  6. Oh, and my personal favourite - the parking brake is on!

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