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Everything posted by 440032

  1. If it has a battery in it, it 100% will have a part number on the battery.
  2. Yes, it sure is there on the website, for the last 4 years. Yes it mentions RV6.
  3. VANS no longer supplies RV6A engine mounts, as found by a local here about 2 years ago.
  4. A 9+ month old newsflash? There are still plenty of alphas, I think the pool is increasing actually as aircraft de-register for various reasons. 2anything is not an available mark,yet. Hope the paint has not dried yet. 8___ only to date (as an initial CASA move to get the program underway) and Xnumber__ In other breaking news, Amelia Earhart is missing.
  5. You can indeed privately borrow or hire a plane from someone willing to do that. I've done it many times, no problem at all.
  6. Some aircraft have two seats???? Wow. Mind blown..... I'm right-handed, but fly south-paw.
  7. Nobody bothered to ask "what engine?" What engine?
  8. My two cents, and how I tackled oil cooler placement on something else - but same basic problem to solve. Mount the cooler to what points are available on the engine. This is the very first thing that needs to be considered I think. There's no point trying to stuff it in the cowl if there's nowhere to mount it to. Modify the cowl to suit.
  9. There's now a cafe on the moon. Great food, but absolutely no atmosphere.
  10. One might think the simplest explanation would be the most likely. Maybe headphone sockets wired up incorrectly? Did you have it done, or do that yourself? There are three solder tabs, and you generally use just two.
  11. https://www.skyfuel.com.au/skyfuel-australia-sale/
  12. Surely RAAus knows of Robert's Jabiru 170 19-4576?
  13. Seems the aircraft were fenced off from the public to keep them (the aircraft) safe? Unlike every major airshow and fly-in in USA.
  14. Your exhaust springs are not missing - they are with the three screws.
  15. Looks exactly like a generic 40A Kubota alternator cover. 6mm metric, with 10mm hex & phillips head. 6mm bolts are everywhere on a car and associated items like this. If they are just to hold the cover on, they are probably short - 10mm long thread or so. Get some at the hardware store, install, reinstall to motor, cleanup tools and pack them away, then find three screws left over.
  16. View from the helicopter - they left the door open! DOH! Good work all you peeps who swam out to assist.
  17. Astute viewers of that series with the slings may notice the stall warning beeping at takeoff many times. Me thinks overloaded to hell and rear CG?
  18. CAMiT built the engines, not Jabiru. CAMiT folded. Totally separate company.
  19. NO NO NO! Not all wooden props are the same! Your prop MAB123 should be mounted according to the manufacturer's directions. JABIRU wood props have specific instructions and torques for the wood they are made from (Hoop pine). I own a Jabiru and Jab prop. Then, BRENT THOMPSON PROPS instructions where NOTHING like Jabiru and they have different torques for different bolt sizes too! I'm looking at his sheet NOW. His props were not hoop pine. I owned one! Other props will be different again. I cannot stress this enough with wood props: DO NOT USE GENERIC MOUNTING INFO YOU READ ON SOME FORUM ON THE INTERNET! Sorry for the rant, well ah, NO, I'm not actually, holy shit........ Mounting propellers properly is not a game of chance and guesswork. That's how they come off! Checking prop bolt torque is also an occasional maintenance task too, as per your prop instructions, remembering that seasonal temp/humidity changes need seasonal checking too. NEV, jump in here please!
  20. We were on a last flight out of Sydenney back in 2012 after arriving from LA just as a thunderstorm hit. They couldn't unload planes, flights were delayed and cancelled (Melb Grand Final eve too, lots of toothless Swans fans wanting to come to Melb) Just as one flight on the opposite gate got cancelled, our Virgin flight got cleared to board, the cabin crew were telling everyone "Move to the back - take any seat WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE, GO GO GO!!!!" They closed doors at about 10:59 and we could and did depart just after curfew. It was a hoot of a flight. Especially leaving all those losers wanting to go the the footy Satdy. Suck shit losers!
  21. "Western Sydney International Nancy-Bird Walton Airport" if you please!
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