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Everything posted by 440032

  1. Aeromedical can still come and go if need be, screw the stupid curfew. What a joke that is, gateway to Australia - closed at 11pm to 6am.
  2. USAF re-armed quickly for this new airborne threat
  3. Local aircraft recovery crews can whip wings off and make things like that vanish pretty darn quickly. I know of some Cessna that landed (went splat) short of an airfield a few years ago. It was gone within about 4 or 5 hours from touchdown, the local busybodies and NIMBYs never knew anything happened thankfully. I suppose the hardest part with a piper is that the wheels are in the wings, how do they sit the fuselage with a noseleg on a flatbed. Don't know. Recovery crews - it wouldn't have been their first rodeo that's for darn sure.
  4. Grain of salt? The whole salt shaker me thinks!
  5. Landed right between the cones too - great job.
  6. Some people will do anything to avoid road tolls.
  7. There's a place called Jabiru. That's the only place I would send my own engine to. I would not trust some plonk who thinks they know what they are doing. I've even first hand seen one LAME do some really dumb schidt to a jabiru engine.
  8. The guy that invented that blasted auto correct BS died recently. May he rust in piss.
  9. No, not a Rotax, something a bit more modern and I'd imagine equally as reliable if well cared for.
  10. A friend has asked about instrumentation for a 2 stroke aircraft engine. It's air cooled. I suppose it needs RPM, CHT, EGT? and volts would be nice. Anything else? Then - what to get? Separate eg VDO gauges or some electronic singles, or, or what? Or, some EFIS something with everything he'll need too, ASI, ALT, etc basics Something not a lot of expense, less than say a $kyview. Probably needs a radio too I guess. Doesn't need inbuilt mapping/charts. MGL something? Kanardia? This is a simple aircraft with not a lot of panel room, bare basics only needed, nothing gold plated. (So Garmin GTHO-XU1 GTS E49 is off the table.) I only know steam gauges myself but I'll have to admit they seem to be going the way of the dodo. (and taking me with it).
  11. It went swimming as VH-DAB. Rans S7S with Zenith floats. It did have a go-pro mount on the fin I know, (because I made it.) WET is a new S21 on floats, coming soon.
  12. Nope, no way. Ambulances would only be called for by the Captain if injuries occurred on a flight - such as by severe turbulence or other medical emergency. A simple engine failure would not trigger ambulances. No way!
  13. WHY T.F. were ambulances called to the airport? (if they were, I call BS.) Like the rest of this whole story!
  14. "History doesn't record the number of go-arounds you do, it only records the one you didn't do, but should have."
  15. Ah, Peter, a correction..... CASA people probably issue fewer CofAs (all types) than all of the industry Authorised Persons in Australia do. As a CASA appointed AP myself for a certain thing, I process the applications and issue certificates under my name, on the applicable CASA certificate form/template. CASA is hands off - but does audit our activities. What we issue goes to CASA after we issue it, they don't see it first and approve it, or interfere. By time they see it, it's done and dusted.
  16. SAAA does not register aircraft. They are CASA registered (VH).
  17. "Tooraweenah"? OUCH! Don't hop the barbed wire then. Happy New Year.
  18. Had to give his press conference 10 days in advance, before closing for the holidays.
  19. https://macnaught.com/documents/instruction_manual/im_hp.pdf or https://shop.coles.com.au/a/national/product/redheads-matches-8674347p?uztq=46abcbb7e16253b0cdc3e6c5bbe6a3f0&cid=col_cpc_Generic|ColesSupermarkets|PLA|Household|Australia|Broad&s_kwcid=AL!12693!3!495221477975!!!u!1930593814556!&gclid=Cj0KCQiA-oqdBhDfARIsAO0TrGGeKqzlTA6spCQz5esJwozhr4NIdkXekcKA-lKFPkJIOee0jS1YXo0aAkslEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  20. Generally true, to the extent that you don't have to carry it at all times, but yes, produce on request eg by CASA - at a time/place/method agreed. (not "right this minute!) but losing it, or having someone else lose it for you, is a way bigger deal.
  21. Pilot logbooks - and your aircraft logbooks too for that matter: They are YOUR logbooks, NEVER leave then anywhere else but in YOUR possession. If someone else loses them, it becomes your problem. So please, don't do it!
  22. I would think that CASA could not direct a sport org to do accident investigations - that's out of their scope. CASA does not do accident investigations so can't make someone else do it.
  23. I know a girl called Peg. (I met her on line....)
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