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Everything posted by Roscoe

  1. Ive just cancelled my booking for 20 and 21 Oct at Stockman Motor Inn if anyone wants to jump in and grab those dates.
  2. My 170D has one, smooth and quiet.
  3. Battery voltage 12.8. Have sent a pm thanks Bruce
  4. And i took the following readings at the Alternator during a ground test 1000RPM 8.3 volts 1600RPM 13.3 volts 2000RPM 16 volts
  5. I have a situation that if i do 3 or 4 circuits in my Jabiru, after i land my Radio transmission to the tower is unreadable, but if i increase the RPM to 2000, the signal is fine. The Battery is new, and at present the plane is outside with a Solar charger attached. The problem is not there after a longer flight, so it appears that the Battery is discharging at low RPM. The other day, i was unreadable to the tower on final at 1500 RPM, but as soon as i taxied off and increased the RPM, the problem went away. Also, at first startup the transmissions are fine but i am noticing that by the time i've done the run ups etc, my ready call to the tower is weak. Was not using landing light on final. No problem in cruise. Any body else had this issue?
  6. And it hasnt been officially cancelled yet has it?
  7. I agree. I wonder if there is any chance if salvaging things to some degree, by people who were going to fly in, flying in anyway , and just enjoying some comraderie without any of the assiciated stuff?
  8. Appreciate your thoughts Yenn, however the option should be there for those who choose to use it. My earlier post regarding trip to Bundaberg was not hard work at all and in fact was made easier by ATC trying to assist in every way. I think there is a perceived fear of stuffing up by a lot of Pilots which could be overcome by exposure to cta and it's very satisfying to complete a flight in cta that went well
  9. Consider this hypothetical scenario A Commercial GA Pilot with a Class 1 Medical Cert decides to retire from Professional flying and gets himself an RAA Aircraft fully equipped with Radio and Transponder. He decides to let his medical lapse and operate in the Some good points Nev. Many Pilots just want to be able to transit CTA Airspace and it's not difficult. And i can recall flying into Sydney on a Sunday arvo for a cup of Coffee (because we could). But getting back onto the CTA Access thread, I think a lot of RAA Pilots would just like to be able to transit a CTA area without landing which is a safer option than being pushed out to the hills which is the case on the East Coast. I recently flew from Bankstown to Bundaberg, coastal all the way and had a great experience all the way!. Williamtown was an easy coastal transit at 1000ft AGL, a call to Coffs Tower at Nambucca Heads and was cleared for a straight in approach to land for fuel, Gold Coast Tower cleared me for another Coastal transit at 1000ft AGL and then a nice scenic run via the Islands vfr route up and into Sunshine Coast Airport, which again, was just a call to them at the southern reporting point and cleared for a base leg entry for a landing and overnight stay. None of this was difficult, and and the Controllers at each Airport were very helpful. I had never flown into Sunshine Coast before, and told them I was unfamiliar with their procedures, and I was given red carpet treatment, directions to parking and fuel, etc, etc. You just have to spend the time planning the flight, going over the radio work, and not being afraid to clarify anything you don't understand. Like you Nev, I have also operated in the GA environment for many years, so yes I am used to it, but with proper training and an equipped aircraft, it gives the RAA Pilot much more flexibility and confidence. I am in full support of RAA seeking approval for its Pilots CTA access PROVIDING the training and aircraft is up to scratch and the Pilot can demonstrate competency.
  10. I thought we were discussing Medicals? However, IF an RAA Pilot is trained, and the Aircraft is equipped, why deny access to CTA?? We assume that the RAA Pilot is fit and healthy like his GA Counterpart . RAA Pilots sign a declaration re medical standards and i don't see any trends showing RAA incidents or accidents solely due to med issues
  11. Agree Col. If an RAA Pilot wants to go to Coffs, why not? Port Macquarie has RPT as well so is that a no go too? Where does one go?
  12. I say again, show me the statistics that confirm that a trained RAA Pilot is more of a risk than a GA Pilot operating in Controlled Airspace.
  13. Do you have any facts or statistics to support your argument that RAA Pilots are not medically fit to venture into Controlled Airspace? You are denying these Pilots access to holiday destinations such as Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast, and Coffs Harbour because of the perceived risk of collision with an Airliner? If the Pilot is trained, and the Aircraft is equipped with Radio and Transponder, why can't he or she operate into a Towered Airport as is the case in America? Show me the facts regarding sudden incapacitation in the air resulting in death. I am aware of one such incident in the last 2o years and that was a GA Pilot with no history of Cardiac issues. Your argument also precludes these Pilots from operating into Bankstown and Moorabbin on a quiet weekday because of a perceived medical risk? Sorry, i don't agree.
  14. I've held an ASIC ever since they were introduced, and the only time i've been asked to show it was by a lady at the Airport Cafeteria who offered me a discount on a cup of coffee if i had one!!
  15. Got it thanks Kyle. Any comment on my email above regarding Solar charger?
  16. Just worked out the photo upload process! This is a Solar Battery Charger i saw in a Auto Supply shop. I am not sure about the instruction on the box which talks about a controller so as not to overcharge the Battery? I run a 12v Odyssey PC625 in my Aircraft. Would appreciate advice if this Charger is suitable. Thanks guys.
  17. Hi Kyle Can you tell me the steps to post a photo to a thread? I seem to have lost the instructions that i had a few weeks ago. Thanks a lot.
  18. I have the MGL combined CHT/EGT dial which flashes a red light if preset limits are reached but i havent heard of an AUDIO alarm one.
  19. Hi Bernie can you give me a step by step guide on how to upload photos to forum posts? I'm ok with text and email but a bit lost with this website Thank you
  20. Hi Rich, what setting do you have on the Gopro lens view? 1080 wide seems to cover too much Cockpit so just asking what you use in your videos, thanks
  21. And i say again, I will get the train and leave when I like. I cannot understand being forced to hang around until 5pm and then deal with the multiple rushed departures and the added stress that ensues. If there was a window that allowed departures mid afternoon, I would fly in, but no way with the restrictions as promolgated.
  22. G'day Rich, according to the website, air display times are 1030 to 1700 both days and any aircraft arriving after 0945 may be turned away .
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