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Everything posted by Downunder

  1. The smell comes from permeation. Basically fuel vapours coming through a solid material. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permeation I had this very bad with my original fuel hose, especially with 98. A pungent fuel smell inside the aircraft after it has been left closed and sitting for a while. Now I have fitted gates barricade hose, I have no smell at all. https://www.gates.com/us/en/fluid-power/engine-hose/fuel-line-hose/4219bg-barricade-fuel-hose-35-50-barricade-carbureted-engines/p/p100015 I still have it however, with my plastic fuel containers so store them well away.
  2. The irony is that if you had a potential tax bill reaching that amount you could pay a couple of accountants 100 grand to manipulate and "legally" rort the system so you paid no tax at all... (and that 100 G would be deductable as well) The saying "The rich get richer" is very true....
  3. From the non aviation witness. . "It was going side to side, like as if the aeroplane didn't know whether to turn left or right, and then he just went straight down there [in the paddock]," the 40-year-old told the Mercury. My take is that the aircraft was simply washing of speed and height....... and knew full well where they were going to land.
  4. Hard to get it all in one spot I guess..... Flat farmland, good weather and unimpeded skys at Merredin. But then the remtoteness ..... Having said that (and just checking), it's only 130 NM from Perth....
  5. I've always though that when a company says it's employees are "our greatest asset", the company actually hates and despises it's employees more than anything...
  6. It is not a picture, but a link to a seperate video of a different incident. (They all are...)
  7. And Merredin sits there unused.... An interesting story here about foreign airport ownership from a year ago but still relevant to Merredin and other council owned airports. Foreigners willing to invest but Aussies not? https://thewest.com.au/business/aviation/chinese-ownership-of-merredin-airport-sparks-controversy-ng-b88705220z Speaking of security, I was just doing some research on the Warburton airstrip and was reading the google reviews on Warburton. When you stay at the motel, you are effectively locked into a razor wire compound at night..... The ...ahh....locals still manage to get in and steal everything they can. One tourist was told "Remove everything on the outside of your vehicle if you want to see it in the morning....." I know people that have flown in and overnighted but I think it might just be a fuel stop for me...
  8. They could charge what Rotax do, IF it beats Rotax on it's weight, performance and economy factors....( It would be turbo charged with altitude normalization) I don't even think they would need to run dual systems to the extent that Rotax does. Surely there is no need for dual redundant injectors in 2019?
  9. Technological advancement requires complexity. It's the "trade-off" for better engine perfomance, weight, and economy. This VW type engine is the perfect example of what "simplicity" gets you. Low power, poor economy, poor tbo and heavy weights. If you want simplicity, you need to accept the other negative features. The Rotax (the carb version and somewhat the injected models) I see as semi-advanced engine. The water cooled heads allow higher compression (better fuel economy and power). Full alloy barrels and the gbox again, advance the performance criteria. I imagine dual carbs goes into that mix as well. A modern engine. Well, I don't think there is one. The turbo and injected 915 would have to be closest I guess....injected, turboed, gbox and water cooled heads.
  10. Yeah, got me baffled as well.. Next they'll be designing drum brakes.....great design and metallurgy. ....but in the end, well, they'd still be just "drum brakes". It's all a bit of a shame that all that effort went into producing what looks (as in visually) like a great engine but just underperforms in nearly every aspect. I can't fathom why you would get an ex Continental employee involved. It's like getting a designer of the Holden HQ on board for your new car...lol. I so wish Honda would make a competing engine to the Rotax, just out of spite and in response to it's absurd pricing. (Monopoly) Including the same mounting points. I imagine a "junior" design team, using Honda's data base, could knock up a 100hp engine in a few months. They wouldn't even have to use advanced or current technology to beat Rotax in EVERY preformance level. Rotax marketing must totally dumbfounded why no one has had a serious crack at the crown ..... for over 20 yrs. DESPITE the purchase price and DESPITE the hundreds of percent markup on parts.... most being off the shelf commercial/industrial/automotive products.
  11. I know they charge $22 for an endorsement. Can't remember if I was charged that for my last BFR...
  12. And double the capacity.....for that 100 hp. Alot of the fuel consumption would be from having air cooled heads and a lack of power probably from lower compression. Can't see it being a particularly cheap engine also...which was essentially WHY people used them.... As Nev said, they went to alot of trouble to cast all their own parts so it baffles me why serious design changes weren't made. Perhaps they were also catering to the offroad buggy/car market with the same parts? I would have gone with water cooled heads personally...... not hard to incorporate a pump if your making your own castings..
  13. How I imagine doing it. (Talking about a circumnavigation, not a tour) I would plan on doing it hard and fast taking advantage of good weather. When you have good weather it can only turn in one direction, bad. I've been caught before, stopping early afternoon in fine weather. The next day it's blowy and some passing showers. Cursed myself for not pushing on to the next stop the day before. Lesson learned. If the weathers good....fly! Definately in the northern dry season. The direction would depend on the current weather. If poor in the south, head north first and hope it's better when you get around or at least forcast to improve. If good in the south, kick off at first light and get as far as you can each day. Looks like he has a 172.... good and bad? More stable and comfortable cruising but probable can't (won't) get into roadhouses for ulp/accomodation ... How would you do it?
  14. I guess the defence theory then relies on the brits and yank willing to fight for THEIR assets....
  15. Yes, so adverse they can't march in a pre dawn anzac day parade...... too risky ...lol. But never fear, school children and veteran pensioners will fill in for them.. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-04-10/no-dawn-service-for-navy-because-too-risky-in-the-dark/10989934 Maybe it's time to just put Australia up for sale to the highest bidder, cause sure as hell we're open for all takers..
  16. The first initative comes from the attacker. They will decide the enemy's weaknesses and act accordingly and probably NOT in the best interests of the defender. Why do defence policy makers always think THEY are the ones who are going to decide how they are going to be attacked. One basic way to overcome a very high tech, high maintenance, very low volume aircraft is through overwhelming numbers.
  17. Originally planned for January? Well, that was a mistake from the start. Might be fine weather in Devonport, but not so much the rest of Aus.... Good luck to him anyway...
  18. Wasn't there a display somewhere where they wouldn't bring it out because it was raining?
  19. Tell that to the Commonwealth bank.... Everything you have said is true, but it can be used for exactly the opposite purpose .... I know one person who had their bank acc emptied... And another who had their super fleeced.... Where did the information come from to be able to do that?
  20. GA members have been dodging costs and ruining it for all of us. Suppose that it is grossly unfair that (RAA) pilots are charged and licence/membership fee and aircraft rego. It's about time GA pilots paid for their licence and rego and stopped ruining it for the rest of us.....
  21. Nobody told "Australian Aviation" magazine then... http://australianaviation.com.au/2019/04/jabiru-aircraft-working-on-new-engine-technology/ This product seems to me, to bring the WORST of both worlds. The inefficiency of a carburator fed engine and electronic control..... If you're going electronic, then be done with it and fit full blown fuel injection and deal with the benefits and problems of it. Otherwise stick to carby fed without any electronic trickery, for better or worse. By taking the middle ground you're getting none of the fundamental benefits of either....
  22. Yes, it bugged me to have the aircraft centred in the middle of the screen in that camera mode. Much better lower down. I generally use a tablet in landscape mode, which didn't give me much room above the aircraft icon.
  23. They're not cheap.... maybe some one will have one floating around..... Put a wanted add in the classifieds? Kievprop.com make them as well. Seem to have an Aussie dealer....
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