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Proposed Air Park Controversy

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An airpark is proposed for the local suburb of Sunshine Acres in Hervey Bay. There is already and has been for some time an airstrip at that location with operational aircraft. A local (who doesn't like change or seems to be against any form of advancement in the area) has written a negative flyer and distributed in the area. He often writes letters of complaint to the paper.


First - I didn't know if I should place this post here or in the Funnies section. But have a read and a laugh and please comment about it pointing out the things that sound ludicrous to you! I want to totally destroy all of the letters and the writers credibility on this matter if required.


See attached flyer. It came to my attention when it was read on a local radio station. I abruptly went to the station and warned them about reading this again!





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With all those bits falling off planes at 2 o'clock in the morning, it won't take long and CASA will ground them all anyway, and the RAA ones will lose their licences for flying after dark. No one has time to dump fuel when their engine fails at takeoff so I wonder is he maybe exaggerating a little bit there?



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Guest Howard Hughes

For Motz's sake, let's hope the JBAAG don't catch on to the whole fuel dumping idea!


Reckon the bloke that wrote that has inhaled too many 'contrails'.



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So there has been riot's in the streets over this??? Protest Rallies?


I must have missed the news that night...


These people should be held accountable,


for the false information for the purpose of provoking fear and mob mentality..


It's almost a form or terrorism....


What a tosser!!


This really creams my corn....088_censored.gif.2b71e8da9d295ba8f94b998d0f2420b4.gif





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Call him. Win his trust. Take him flying.



Organise to have coffee with the guy and show him what responsible caring people you are who love a hobby that he may not fully appreciate. Explain that there will be no parts falling or buzzing at 2am and why.


I ran a classic motorcross club for 8 years with noisy old 2 strokes and would always visit neighbors close to where we raced and explain what was happening the coming Sunday as well as didn't start bikes before 10am and out of there by 4pm.


Consideration for others is the only way to go forward with any intrusive hobby and ignorance will bite you on the ass quick smart.



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I'm not sure what your point is, if you know what I mean. Yes I see that he has a lot of incorrect facts. But I also see a way to combat this - educate him, instead of going up against him. Taking him for coffee and explaining what type of planes are around and what they do is the way to do it. When he realises that Lear Jets don't fly near there anyway and no one dumps fuel, he will calm down. People only fear what they don't understand themselves.



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rdarby - my point is he is scare-mongering with a whole lot of incorrect facts. The general public don't know what we know. They will just believe his lies and exagerations, and then prevent the project - for no reason. This really annoys me and many others. It is actually none of my business - I do not intend to use the airpark, but others of us do, and there is a regular 'knocking on the head' of entrepreneurial projects here, then complaints about lack of employment. Rediculous.


Thus far the project does have council support - but this lier guy is intent on stopping it.


Another incorrect fact you guys wouldn't know about regarding 'why not use the local airport and it's facilities' is that the airport manager is doing her best to prevent the use of Hervey Bay airport for recreational aircraft purposes! Especially my instructors trike business. Another entrepreneurial kick in the pants.



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rdarby - my point is he is scare-mongering with a whole lot of incorrect facts. The general public don't know what we know. They will just believe his lies and exagerations...

We'll stop the boats!

The carbon tax will ruin the country.


The pink batts scheme and BER were disasters of epic proportions.


Same same.


Unfortunately fear mongering using lies and distortions is devastatingly effective.



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Crayon, he will have very little impact on the project regardless of what he stirs up; it will be decided by Planners, and the arguments he's putting up carry virtually no weight whatsoever, so other than the ideas of talking to him, and perhaps lowering the profile, he's not an issue. The fact that the project appears to have been going for some time indicates that the planning process is proceeding as normal, and it may even be that the public consultation phase (and there always is one) is probably already closed.



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Thanks all for your contributions. The Council Public Consultation has just begun, and that's why this guy is now making a noise. We shall see what comes of all of this soon enough. If I can speak to the land owner, I will give him your suggestions.



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Put your own flyers out and tell them what is happening. No danger, increase in property values, jobs, no increase in heavy vehicles. Letting this guy whip up an angry mob could cost a fortune.



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"far safer than a runway in the sticks"



Couldn't be more wrong... More Airports = More (better) spots to land in the unlikely event of an emergency. Less Airports = Less options and make it more likely a road/off-airport location will need to be used. So that is another thing to educate him on.



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Does this mean I have to fit one of those expensive fuel dumping systems on my Tecnam so I can dump my fuel in an emergency just like the big boys?


This bloke is a Carrot Spanker and needs to stop sniffing whatever he is sniffing ,injecting or smoking.





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I'm not sure what your point is, if you know what I mean. Yes I see that he has a lot of incorrect facts. But I also see a way to combat this - educate him, instead of going up against him. Taking him for coffee and explaining what type of planes are around and what they do is the way to do it. When he realises that Lear Jets don't fly near there anyway and no one dumps fuel, he will calm down. People only fear what they don't understand themselves.

excellent advice. If ever there's a fly-in or BBQ, invite him along. If he can chat with pilots and discover we're real people, not cowboys, it will help. The safety culture of flying, once he's aware of it, should impress him. Even if the planning process is well advanced, one strongly opposed individual can do a lot to make life difficult. Winning him over with reason, courtesy and education has got to be a great way to go.



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excellent advice. If ever there's a fly-in or BBQ, invite him along. If he can chat with pilots and discover we're real people, not cowboys, it will help. The safety culture of flying, once he's aware of it, should impress him. Even if the planning process is well advanced, one strongly opposed individual can do a lot to make life difficult. Winning him over with reason, courtesy and education has got to be a great way to go.

Never works from my experience. You can wine & dine them so to speak, but it never works IMO. Most people who are bothered to complain are generally set in their ways. A lot of complainants are habitual complainants . That means, they have nothing better to do and they like conflict. Me, being a Aries by star sign knows what that means. I find it easier, to just call the complainants wankers.004_oh_yeah.gif.82b3078adb230b2d9519fd79c5873d7f.gif



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