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Maybe CASA is about to have a FIFA moment

old man emu

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How about we get back to the original idea of this thread?Some gross misconduct from the upper echelon of CASA is going to be exposed.



Is it? Oh but for a few dollars every time I've heard that!

Let's revisit this a month from now, and 6 months from now.



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Youre right re av salary numbers Ditch but the simple method used is good for comparing info berween entities


Thats a very high number and adsurd personel count for a business administrating a whats pretty small industry



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Has that misconduct got anything to do with the other big topic of the CASA meeting on Monday ( apart from the jabiru topic). Involving how CASA stitched up another Australian aviation manufacturer ?

Which manufacturer?



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... 45 Certificate Management TEAM LEADERS in 10 different offices around Australia ... thats not the certificate team but just the TEAM LEADERSIf CASA were real world commercial in their outlook (and as 76% of their revenue comes DIRECTLY from the users of CASA/Fuel) it damn well SHOULD be commercially focused) then the efficiency of their operations needs to be addressed fundamentally and I would expect there to be easily tens of millions of dollars able to be taken out each year in efficiency savings ...


Get senators to notice THE incredible cost and structure of the CASA machine and maybe there is a way of cutting CASA costs to Govt and to the user ...

CASA seems to be a sacred cow while this government makes outrageous cuts to core services:





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$139k isn't going to be an average annual salary."Employee Costs" include leave (long service leave liabilities too), super, redundancy payments, etc etc.


It requires a little care when doing averaging of employee costs to consider the way the average is distorted (e.g. the top 10% probably earn obscene money, but I bet the bottom 30% would look pretty ordinary) and what the costs actually include.


By my calculations from the report, averaging the wages and salaries (excluding everything else) comes out to $102k. $37k less is a fair difference (over 25%)! And again, it's worth considering that the salary package numbers in the public service are not linear. The report shows CASA Senior Management salaries + bonuses was $6.2 million of those employee salaries.


Just saying.......if we're going to throw rocks here, and be my guest because I have no affiliation with CASA at all, it pays to throw them accurately.

Yep but that is the cost of employment and thats what we the users have to cover - never said it was salary ... BUT I am running a private sector company now as the finance manager and 20% over direct salary is about right for SG, payroll tax, Leave loading and LSL. so around $110k would be the salary cost on average. Now I am running a national sales force, admin and service delivery teams with salaries running from $60k to well over $200k and my average is well under that level - I suspect that within CASA there are far too many chiefs for each actual worker AND that overall there are too many people and very poor systems around them.

I quite like the UK/European model of govt efficiency savings to reform - its gentler on the people - make them save 10% additional each and every year for 3-5 years from operating and you get a more gentle movement to an effective overall system. Done that within 3 departments in the UK and its engaging for the people ... they hate you as the harbinger of all things bad but when they rebuild themselves its more long term and collegiate.


Have been involved in 1 US restructuring and its harsh on the people involved. Too fast and too brutal - yes you get the outcome quicker but you have no people loyalty and everyone left standing is ready willing and able to knock anyone else to the ground at a moments notice because it might come again at any time.



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About time it was totally reconstructed starting with the legislation it operates under. They have been an immovable culture and a law unto themselves for too long. Nev

I fully agree with this sentiment. Australian Civil Aviation is ridiculously complex with overbearing legislation and complicated CAOs & CASOs. The suggestion from industry that the system be replaced with the NZ CAA system was met with the pathetically arrogant response from CASA of "Not possible, our legislation is different". Simple answer, change the legislation. AOPA reckons that this would cut CASA staff by half. You'd think the Pollies would be keen on that. I seem to remember reading somewhere that in the last 15 years or so CASA has increased staff by 40% but the GA fleet has reduced by 15%



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I have written to the last 2 treasurers saying how I understood how most beneficiaries of govt largess will bitterly complain at any cuts, but there is this one area where the "beneficiaries" would welcome cuts. I said how I was referring to CASA policing of GFA and RAAAus.


I pointed out that these organizations did little else but look after their member's safety, and we did not want or need the government to spent millions extra on this , especially when there are other areas of greater need.


Well the old treasurer ( Hockey) at least replied ( through a staffer of course) with some stuff about the importance of air safety which I reckon came from CASA.


So far ( 2 months) nothing from Morrison.


Maybe they went to the same bureaucrat who is now their expert on the subject, and he reckons I've been taken care of.



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Untill..............some "investigative" reporter/media organisation, gets a wiff of "a good story" here, maybe then our good senators will get reeeeel serious. Then just maybe.....the rolling snow ball could get real momentum.



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RE: Darren Chester MP - does anyone know whether he is just "marking time" in his oversight of CASA till the next election, or has he been actively involved in issues raised by the Forsyth report.


I don't think Warren Truss was particularly effective with improving CASA. Not sure about Darren Chester either...



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CASA seems to be a sacred cow while this government makes outrageous cuts to core services:

I've seen Hindu sacred cows as well as Aussie sacred cows,(CASA for one). The major difference I've noted is that ours are fat - while theirs are lean. Both outrageously block the traffic in any direction. happy days,



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Crazy but CASA has hundreds of people working for them and they make a mess of it.Yet, on this forum alone there must be 20 or 30 people who could do a better job. slap.gif.22f77bb1d8f43ded898b9ffe8198a15e.gif

There are even those, who single-handed could do the job of the whole 800.



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It's the job-destroying aspect of the CASA behavior which should get the attention of their political masters. If China can have a helpful bureaucracy, why can't we do better? In my experience it is not only CASA, most of our bureaucracies are the enemy of people trying to set up a business.


If I were in power, I would have an ombudsman who heard complaints against bureaucrats. If they were guilty of "unhelpful behavior" then they AND their line manager would get the sack.



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It's the job-destroying aspect of the CASA behavior which should get the attention of their political masters. If China can have a helpful bureaucracy, why can't we do better? In my experience it is not only CASA, most of our bureaucracies are the enemy of people trying to set up a business.If I were in power, I would have an ombudsman who heard complaints against bureaucrats. If they were guilty of "unhelpful behavior" then they AND their line manager would get the sack.

Are you putting yourself out there, to be snapped up by North Korea.?



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It's the job-destroying aspect of the CASA behavior which should get the attention of their political masters. If China can have a helpful bureaucracy, why can't we do better? In my experience it is not only CASA, most of our bureaucracies are the enemy of people trying to set up a business.If I were in power, I would have an ombudsman who heard complaints against bureaucrats. If they were guilty of "unhelpful behavior" then they AND their line manager would get the sack.

If I do drugs, thieve from people and generally become a drain on society, the authorities might appoint a case manager to guide me back to better behaviour.

If I want to invest my life savings into a new home or business I am alone in negotiating the numerous hurdles of bureaucracy. Why can't I be granted a "case manager" to guide me thru so I can get make a positive contribution to my community?


I put this suggestion to a local government person recently and got howled down.


Too many don't realise it's their job to help people to make good things happen- not get in the way.



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In some countries, the job you refer to Old Koreelah exists. Not lawyers, but a semi-profession where they stand in the queues and otherwise handle the bureaucracy. Brazil is an example. These are not paid for by the government.


In Australia, the government provides people to apply for grants for Aboriginal communities, these applications are then assessed by other bureaucrats .


I reckon its a good idea to extend this generally, but they will never agree because this means admitting the system is insane. Paying government employees to counteract other government employees? Well it would provide employment I guess.


There are a few, very few, councils which have understood the message. The story about why there is a trike flying school at Yarrawonga shows what a smart council can do. Apparently their attitude to the proposal was "how can we help?".


Wouldn't it be great if there was more of that around?



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