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Everything posted by 440032

  1. Ask CASA???? Why not just go look in Part 149 yourself? I just did, it took me one minute.
  2. I dread dealing with tyre kickers and assorted nupties. I had a call about mine and within thirty seconds I told them sorry, it's no longer for sale. (Bogan alert went off)
  3. How does one drink a cigar............
  4. "I want to just pass peacefully in my sleep, not screaming and with all hope lost like the passengers on my flight that fateful day...."
  5. LoonyBob mentioned Corby bebe. Me thinks the loon might have some knowledge of the Corby (and 3 others) Star Baby design (never built) which preceded the other three John Corby designs.
  6. VH amateur built are experimental, which the regs (various in CASR 91) apply to, specifically. RAAus amateur-built are not (by same definition/regs) experimental. I don't know what RAAus do as equiv.
  7. Note - that SAAA advice applies to VH registered experimental. RAAus? NFI.
  8. Reminds me of that video where the cat appears inside the wing root of a little ultralight not soon after take off. He was loving the ride. My black cat would have totally done that.
  9. 440032

    Jabiru bronzine

    A quali boccole ti riferisci Fabio? Forse le boccole di montaggio del motore in gomma? Which bushings are you referring to Fabio? The rubber engine mounting bushings perhaps? Google translate to the rescue - piece-o-p...............
  10. I got this the other day from a friend in USA who sold his Cherokee about a year ago for about 67K USD, and bought a little homebuilt for about 10 or 12. I had some texts with my friend X….. He says here the aviation bubble has burst… Airplane sales are grinding to a halt… He said if I was selling my Cherokee today, I could only get 50 grand for it and it would take 6 months to sell it…. People wanting to upgrade to a better airplane are not selling theirs because there are not enough planes on the market now. The broker that sold my Cherokee for me, he basically has nothing to sell now. He is selling homebuilt projects for people or at least trying to… I saw a project he was trying to sell…. Total junk if you ask me…. X has been a broker forever, very successful. Sold a lot of corporate type aircraft, heavy and light twins, fast singles,,,That was most of his business… Now he is dabbling in homebuilts, but, really mostly projects that are junk….
  11. Yes - that is a Type certificate, for PRIMARY category. (aircraft of simple design intended for pleasure and personal use) Note 1 of page 5 of type cert VA515 says serial numbers (airframe serial numbers) include production and kit built. Kit built, by CASR, is not the same as amateur-built, from a kit. VA515 says: "Only aircraft serial numbers manufactured in accordance with the production basis described in this data sheet are eligible for certification under this type certificate." 006 is not listed, so I would say confidently, that type certificate has nothing to do with 006. Jabiru does have very good records - maybe you could ask them what was the certification basis of 006? I suspect that 006 was not Type Certified at all, just "type accepted" or whatever it was/is called for other factory builts under CAO 95.55. And probably that's what has lead to the MARAP process to make significant changes. That's about the end of what I can throw on the pile.
  12. Does your aircraft have a CASA Special Certificate of Airworthiness? Is it an certificated (not "certified") as an LSA (Light Sport Aircraft)? Is it type certified? (with a CASA issued type certificate?)
  13. Spruce has nice visible grain, hoop pine much less so. Post some photos perhaps.
  14. I too find it has way too many features - I really struggle with the basics. I keep a small notebook of how-to reminders.
  15. https://www.oilvalve.com.au/ They are a ball valve with a locking lever.
  16. Look at the FUMOTO automotive drain valves online. I use these in all my cars, and have one to fit to my Jab 2200. If I'm not mistaken, the one you want is 12mm x 1.75 - but do your own checking.
  17. Ah, photoshop is a wonderful thing. Look up VH-gullible in the dictionary.
  18. Anyone thought of consulting the CASA advisory publication on compasseseses? Anyone? Hello.... tap tap tap... is this thing on???? AWB 34-008.
  19. There is no CTA (low level) at Bathurst. Restricted areas are not the same as CTA.
  20. Someone stole my copy of Microsoft Office. I will find you. You have my WORD.
  21. Laziest person finds quickest way of doing something. This scoop was a bit easier than the instrument panel I made for a guys '56? Ford F100 hotrod a rear window brake light for his 56 Customline.
  22. I have a professional looking leading edge on my scoop, without having anything on or to the leading edge. My air scoop is about 3mm thick. Balsa form made on the cowl, covered in packing tape, glassed over it. Pop the part off, cut trim sand instal. I just sanded the sharp edges off the front. Simples. (insert that sound the Meerkats make)
  23. All's well that ends.😀 Now... about those spanners
  24. Could you lose some more spanners - I have an incomplete set. My prediction is, your thingo will turn up, right where you left it, someplace safe. The most logical answer will be the most likely. You did something out of normal routine with it. (Like parking on nextdoors ramp, then hitting a light.) A mate lost his wallet. For days. Came around here to check because he had been here - nope. Days later in his car, he lowered the sun visor and Voila! Wallet drops in his lap. HE put it up there when he parked on my driveway. Check in the caravan, or near it. You put it somewhere safe(er) before going away maybe.
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