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Everything posted by Thruster88

  1. The performance gains mentioned in your original post are BS. There is nothing special about a j230, it is an aircraft that will cruise at 120 knots just like a current model piper archer or cessna 172. These two aircraft have always had fixed pitch props. Would they go faster with a constant speed, no because they can all ready cruise at 55%, 65% or 75% power with their fixed pitch props. They have power charts in the POH to show rpm to use at various altitudes to achieve this. Would the takeoff performance increase, yes but only by about 5-10% based on data from aircraft that have a fixed or constant speed option propeller. All aircraft fly in the same fluid and are subject to the same physical laws. Flywheel retention is an issue for the jab engine, do you want to fit a different propeller that may increase the risk?
  2. Just looked at a few weather cams to see how wet it is on the east coast. Nice looking cirrus there.
  3. I use ozrunways. It is easy to do and can be submitted if that is your thing. Weather from windy to get the big picture and NAIPS to be legal. I use a tablet for every thing.
  4. Renewed my class2 medical today. Learned a little bit about the current process. I am now confident self declared medicals will come for PPL license holders.
  5. Spare tube and bicycle pump will always work. Inflation goo may work but not if the valve stem is torn off, unfortunately this can happen when tyres are run flat, example landing with a deflated tyre. Have experience.
  6. I sent an email wed @ 9.52 am. Have a 7 year old low hours 582 on the t500. Not sure what I will do if the answer comes back negative. VH reg ?😂🙄😥😎
  7. 70 litres, that's about a tonne of batteries currently. You could be waiting a little while. Lancair 360?
  8. I don't see how a thruster can be LSA when their production pre dates the introduction of the category https://www.casa.gov.au/aircraft/sport-aviation/light-sport-aircraft/about-light-sport-aircraft Compared to part 23 certified aircraft (cessna 172) LSA sounds like a free for all yet you cannot run the engine on condition unlike the Cessna. Makes perfect sense not.
  9. Glen, you need to get a definitive ruling from the tech manager, good luck with that. Let us know how that goes. In the VH CASA world "on condition" is permitted. Lycoming have a 2000hour or 12 year tbo. For private and AIRWORK ops which includes flying school aircraft, exceeding the tbo is permitted providing the engine meets the 100 hourly or annual inspection. There are thousands of VH aircraft with engines on condition including my two. The way I see it RAAus is just an out station of CASA. A quick look at RAAus aircraft for sale shows most are on condition. If all these aircraft need a new engine it will put a serious dent in the cheap flying. The L2 could show that the engine is on condition due calendar on tech form 13 condition report however I cannot see an item for that on the form. I have been involved in registration of a few 10 and 25 thrusters in recent times, all have engines on condition due calendar.
  10. We should not be afraid to maneuver our aircraft with the prop stopped. Airspeed is controlled with the stick and at best glide speed, typically about 1.4 times stall speed the aircraft WILL NOT STALL in a 30° banked turn. The load factor and increase in stall speed in a 30° banked turn is minimal, the rate of increase in decent is minimal. A 30° banked turn at 70knot gives a turn Radius of just 230 metres, pretty tight so no need to push any harder. As we saw in the recent forced landing in SE QLD the pilots choice of field changed as he got lower, turn onto final at 100 feet, no problem.
  11. It doesn't work and no. You are just posting a variation of the down wind turn myth. What does matter in a forced landing is being into wind for the landing especially if trees or rocks are involved. If we are flying an aircraft with a 55knot stall in a 15 knot wind we can land at 40 or 70knots ground speed. We know the energy to dissipate is a function of the velocity x velocity. So 4 x4 =16 or 7x7=49. Three times the destruction in the down wind landing. It was amazing that the cub pilot didn't die doing all those down wind turns so close to the ground😂😂😂
  12. I carry one of these https://www.amsa.gov.au/safety-navigation/search-and-rescue/challenger-aircraft and a copy of the lycoming engine operation handbook.
  13. Well Thrusters in Australia did become orphaned when the factory became dysfunctional and died.
  14. An ATSB investigation into the tragic deaths of four pilots in a mid air at Mangalore has highlighted the limitations of see and avoid. It concluded that a simple traffic information system, SkyEcho2 and EFB tablet etc most likely would have prevented the accident. Read it here https://www.atsb.gov.au/publications/investigation_reports/2022/aair/as-2022-001/
  15. We have a group on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/1611498805859763/?ref=share Thruster flyers group down under. Anyone can look or join, ask questions or post content. I really like recreational flying any questions about Thrusters can answered here as well.
  16. This is the report from the recent forced landing in Queensland. The pilot did an excellent job, just unlucky to nose over. He also probably wrote an excellent report however it has obviously gone through the office rewrite for reasons unknown and some of the context and timing of events may have been lost. The reason for the engine failure according to the grape vine doesn't gel with the report as it stands. Will there be a follow up with actual reason for the engine failure, not likely based on history. The report: 13/6/2022MelawondiQLDJabiruUL450Jabiru2200STATUS: Under review OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The aircraft departed Gympie AFLD ab... STATUS: Under review OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The aircraft departed Gympie AFLD about 10 minutes before intending to track to Warwick to refuel before continuing to home location in NSW. Just trimmed for cruise at 2500' to assess nav settings and level. The pilot noticed a slight drop in altitude and thought the throttle might be loose. It was not loose, no response. All Ts and Ps looked ok. Then the prop stopped. A restart was attempted but the starter did not budge. The stopped prop was indicating an engine seizure. The pilot contacted another aircraft on 121.5 passed on their information and situation. They indicated they had ADS-B out for further accuracy as they were too busy looking for set down field to take eyes off the airspeed indicator and terrain. Set best glide speed. The pilot saw an airstrip below, but surrounding trees and orientation looked more risky than surrounding paddocks. An adjacent paddock was clear and attainable but on finals the pilot noticed it appeared to full of livestock, so they turned for paddock beside nearby house noting fences across landing path. Committed below 200' AGL had to avoid fences. 1 notch of flaps on base turn at 100'. Full flap near last fence with enough energy for slight clearance over fence. The aircraft immediately drop onto mainwheels on the downhill slope. Soft ground pulled up the landing roll to less than 35 metres. Nosewheel settled and dug into the soft ground tipping the aircraft onto its nose. It almost balanced there and stopped, then fell onto its roof. The only minor injury to the pilot at that point was a bump on the head on the Perspex skylight above (now below). The pilot lowered themselves onto roof inverted as seat belt undone and opened undamaged door to egress.
  17. A mark 3 with the big 18hp Fuji robin engine, same as my first aircraft, learned to fly in it. Good performance and lots of fun on a calm evening. I think it cost about $3200 new and came in a box about the size of two coffins joined end to end.
  18. Will the blades on the 4 be the same as a 3 for the 912, just with less pitch?
  19. Ok I think that someone is me. One of my gripes about RAAus accident and incident is they often appear to be rewritten by someone with zero aviation knowledge. When I flew to the Parkes Flyin for fun April 2 in the RV I spoke with a senior RAAus person about this. They said the reports are not rewritten. I said well that is a concern and left it at that.
  20. RAAus aircraft 45knot or less stall in landing configuration. So approach speed would be 45 x 1.3 = 60 knots. Anyone forcing a jabiru onto the runway at 70 should google "aircraft wheelbarrow". Good way to have a runway excursion.
  21. Hopefully all will be spelled out in the RAAus accident and incident report in enough detail that other operators can learn from it. We will wait and see. I have spoken to the tech person about lack of follow up on serious occurrences. They say they cannot compel operators to give details. I don't think keeping quiet or sweeping it under the rug helps anyone. Here is serious incident that happened 3 months ago. Was it caused by a human factor, a mechanical issue that could be reoccurring or something so rare it can be discounted? I am sure owners and operators would benefit from some basic details. 26/3/2022 Whitemore TAS Jabiru J160C Jabriu Gen 4 STATUS: Under review EXTRACT FROM REPORT SUBMISSION: An instructor and student were undertaking ... STATUS: Under review EXTRACT FROM REPORT SUBMISSION: An instructor and student were undertaking flight training in the Training Area adjacent to the Launceston CTZ. On climb at approx. 3500ft the instructor observed an indication of no oil pressure. The instructor immediately reduced engine revolutions and the engine then stopped. No abnormal sounds or other abnormal indications were present. A successful forced landing was carried out on a disused airstrip at Whitemore.
  22. The medical standard that RAAus currently have is not available to Australian RPL or PPL CASA license holders at this time. CASA Consultation on this area has just closed, evidence supports CASA license holders in private ops having the same standard.
  23. I think you forgot about the SR71a. U2 wasn't meant to be fast.
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