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Malaysian Airlines MH370

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This maybe? Thanks to my next door neighbour for the following thought provoking email... Why does no one mention the Indian Oceans most


advanced and secure air base, the stationary Aircraft Carrier located


south of the southern tip of India called Diego Garcia?

I did, Rank:




Your conspiracy theory is intriguing, but why would the Americans cover up this attack?



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The most powerful radar systems in the region are at Diego Garcia. A

perfect target for such an attack,...

Sounds like a very good reason NOT to attack.





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Maybe shooting an airliner down might be bad PR?

Especially one half full of chinese nationals. Didn't you know that if Walmart was a country it would be China's fourth biggest trading partner. America is selling out to China at the rate of three TRILLION dollars per annum, don't want to upset the banker now do we!



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And the Debris from a shot down 777 wouldn't spread real far would it, and wouldn't be hard to pick up and leave no trace, not that I'm arguing too much but seriously the debris trail from a shot down jumbo would be fairly significant.



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Yeah, well so are we...... :(Which is killing the whole country.

I get a lot of approaches over the last 10 years from people who are interested in doing something in China and the bulk of them have the same reasoning and it ain't the costs, it's the restrictions and regulations that they have to continually battle against.


They have had a gutful of putting 90% of their effort in for the various Governments and the feeling, true or not, that the Governments would prefer them not to be in business.


I'm just the messenger by the way big_gun.gif.bf32cf238ff2a3722884beddb76a2705.gif



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Kitchener was on HMS Hampshire, not Edinburgh. HMS Hampshire ran into a mine laid by a U-boat, not an unexpected naval force. Even Jessop in his book admits the coffin story was only a rumour he dug up in an old file. Various colourful rumours were not uncommon regarding sinkings........or aircraft disappearances for that matter!

Sorry Dutchroll, overlooked your post. Look you, the more insubstantial a rumour, the more likely it is true - because it's insubstantial because "they" are trying to hush it up, not because it's a load of earwax. (where are my pills...)insane.gif.b56be3c4390e84bce5e5e6bf4f69a458.gif



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I get a lot of approaches over the last 10 years from people who are interested in doing something in China and the bulk of them have the same reasoning and it ain't the costs, it's the restrictions and regulations that they have to continually battle against.They have had a gutful of putting 90% of their effort in for the various Governments and the feeling, true or not, that the Governments would prefer them not to be in business.


I'm just the messenger by the way big_gun.gif.bf32cf238ff2a3722884beddb76a2705.gif

I know of a business that had definite QC issues with the Chinese workforce - quite hi-tech by Chinese standards, but regarded materials specs as no more than labels. Can this be coped with? How?



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I know of a business that had definite QC issues with the Chinese workforce - quite hi-tech by Chinese standards, but regarded materials specs as no more than labels. Can this be coped with? How?

Because your friends wrongly believed that their standards of business dealings would be consistent in a completely different country and business culture, they were niave. Pop me a PM if they need help.


"quite high tech by Chinese standards"?? .... are you serious, Shirley?



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This maybe? Thanks to my next door neighbour for the following thought provoking emailWhy hasn't someone put an aircraft carrier there, which could stay on


station, rather than planes from everywhere flying out for 2 hours


search daily. How many millions is it costing for these planes? I


reckon the money would be better spent on a carrier with helicopters.


If it wasn't such a tragic event we could all freely laugh with great


gusto at the mainstream media regarding the disappearance of Malaysian


flight 370. Every single source, substantiated or not, was taken as a


great revelation. It was and continues to be a sad circus of events.


If those following the serious clues left available there is only one


question to ask. Why does no one mention the Indian Oceans most


advanced and secure air base, the stationary Aircraft Carrier located


south of the southern tip of India called Diego Garcia?


Not a peep. Not even an indication of a US managed military


installation that monitors everything in this war region. In fact the


best old metaphor regarding the lack of reference to this location is


"The Silence Is Deafening."


So here it is. As CNN, Fox, MSNBC, CBC, BBC, CTV and all the rest are


prepared to spout off theories without any solid confirmation, here is


one from a source who wishes to remain unidentified from Northwest BC


Canada. This individual comes from a three decade long background of


exposing the secrets the one percent and the military forces would


rather have remained secret. He has recently revealed what happened to


flight 370. 'Film at Eleven'.


Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah prepared and practised with his home flight


simulator and had determined the maximum speed and angle of decent the


Boeing 777 could withstand.


As soon as the flight reached the extent of the Malaysian radar


capability, when he knew they would no longer expect to see his radar


signal, he wished the ground crews good night. He then turned off one


tracking device, waited to see if anyone responded or raised alarm for


15 minutes, then turned off all communication devices. He locked the


cabin door to prevent anyone from entering after asking his co-pilot


to get him a drink or check on a system outside of the cockpit.


The Captain then immediately turned the plane southwest into a know


flight path and climbed to over 40,000 ft. the maximum structural


capability of the Boeing 777. He put on the pilot supplied air mask


and kept the plane at over 40,000 ft until he was certain all the


passengers and crew, including his co-pilot, were asphyxiated.


From his flight simulator experimentation he had already determined


the precise coordinates where he would initiate his next action. To


bring the plane down at the maximum speed and maximum angle of decent


to make a direct hit on the fuel storage tanks at Diego Garcia.


As he initiated this direct course of action the American Military had


not been concerned with the radar blip of this flight at 40,000 plus


feet. They monitor vessels and flights which appear to be a threat or


are invading their space. However they were suddenly brought into


complete attention as their warning systems set off alarms.


The base at Diego Garcia attempted to make radio contact and


immediately dispatching interceptors. Knowing full well this was an


imminent threat, having no time to debate the issue and recognizing


the aircraft was operating in what was basically 'stealth' mode,


uncommunicative, the plane was shot out of the sky.


Becoming aware of which flight it was with the political and potential


military repercussions, the US military ordered a complete lock down


on all communications regarding the event and began dispatching crews


to locate and pick up all the debris.


When the rest of the world became aware the flight was missing the US


Navy offered all their resource to help them look for it in the South


China Sea, then the Gulf of Thailand, Bay of Bengal and the Strait of


Malacca. This kept the worlds attention focused away from the location


they were cleaning up.


US 7th Fleet Commander William Marks told CNN "We wait for the


Malaysians to tell us where to search and we go there."


This is the most telling statement of all. Since when does the US take


directions from Malaysia unless they are simply providing the rope to


let them hang themselves.


The most powerful radar systems in the region are at Diego Garcia. A


perfect target for such an attack, one the USA stopped and one they


simply cannot reveal to the world due to the nationality of the


passengers on board. They will continue to assist in the search while


doing everything to ensure no one even mentions Diego Garcia in the


mainstream media.

Firstly, please supply your bank account number so that we can forward the charges for keeping an aircraft carrier on station.


Second, have you computed the horizon centered on Diego Garcia?


For the rest of the post - you have failed to supply evidence needed to give you speculations any credibility at all.



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Firstly, please supply your bank account number so that we can forward the charges for keeping an aircraft carrier on station..

Well hang on, that Carrier isn't in packed in cotton wool in storage, it operates and costs the same money daily regardless of where it is.


For the rest of the post - you have failed to supply evidence needed to give you speculations any credibility at all.

Errr, that's why they are called speculations!



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Firstly, please supply your bank account number so that we can forward the charges for keeping an aircraft carrier on station.Second, have you computed the horizon centered on Diego Garcia?


For the rest of the post - you have failed to supply evidence needed to give you speculations any credibility at all.

You are taking this a bit too seriously, all this talk of supplying my evidence. The fact of the matter is there is no evidence, there has been six weeks with a string of well ballsed up distractions to take care of any embarrassing evidence, if in fact there was any.



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who knows where MH370 is or why its there


any theory is worth considering


we don't have too many options at this stage


the best we have is a auto submerged computer looking for aluminium in potential sludge 3 miles below water level


if the 777 hit the water (or suffered some other fate in the ocean) ................ this does not explain why there was no debris


finding ANY debris will be helpful



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I think there will be more to this than we are told, as per usual. The search might be something just to appear to be doing something, right? Is there anybody happy with the way our taxes are spent?



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I think there will be more to this than we are told, as per usual. The search might be something just to appear to be doing something, right? Is there anybody happy with the way our taxes are spent?

When we are telling our grandies (or their kids) about "the good old days", we can say we remember when MH370 dissappeared. Just like the Titanic or the Bermuda Triangle, this case will be folklore.

Given the gains in training and operational experience (and to our international relations) it's not a big outlay, especially when compared to the billions spent on recent wars.



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International Relations - pretty cheap for some nice Chinese warm fuzzies



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