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CASA - Draft Proposal for Jabiru Aircraft


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All good Alf it was more of a demonstration that generalization of facts is pointless and can lead you in any direction.

But Deb,


There is a generalization demonstration of them stopping on a fairly regular basis compared to others, so the facts on this matter at hand are not really pointless.





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The only suggestion I have offered Lee Ungermann is: Maybe it's time to be looking at ballistic parachutes, regardless. (Some aircraft, especially training.)


I believe in Germany insurance is compulsory and companies demand parachutes.


It doesn't address unreliable engines; it's more a possible path than a plan.



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Eventually we won't get people silly enough to do these jobs for us. Nev

Yup, I was Prez of a motorcycle club for 7 years and a pretty casual club at that - only fools and horses, never again.



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That is quite a collection there Phil. I have many others like it. Good to see non Jabiru owners in there too.

Yes Deb,


Makes interesting reading.


A template for those who have not yet emailed their submission.





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"Baited" breath indeed Doc, although I think the word is "bated", short for "abated"


And his nickname is "Major" rather that "Marje"


Ross and I have clashed on many occasions, but I have a lot of respect for him, and I've been watching fascinated as he seems to have been copping it post after post, for a Draft Proposal by CASA, which we have seen is a routine action by the Safety Authority.


Believe me, Ross can't outgun them, and, you might not believe this, but if, after calling for comments from the whole industry, they decide to go ahead with an instrument, it is likely to be based on sound statistical evidence rather than something Ross said at a function.



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No merv i dont thonk they hand out jobs to onstructors, perhaps they should. Instructors unrivalled knowledge of all facets of business, risk and basically everything known and unknown is hard to parallel. At leasr that is often their view.


Its well known of course no one is appointed above their capabilities within CASA, or any other govt dept


His management of this issue is what Im grading him upon.


Perhaps you should access and read Phils dropbox info before asking questions, its the ASTB report.


Great collection of responses Phil



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Yes , it's a collection of responses. Not statistics or data of any kind , I did read them all jet.


I enjoy your digs at instructors :)


Really? Nothing left to offer ? Let's start attacking instructors now, why not. We have attacked everyone else in the industry. Let's continue the downward spiral of rubbish.


Your posts are often insightful and well constructed, but some times they are just a big girly whinge withe sly digs and childish rants.


Please continue to offer the well founded and respectful knowledge you have, we all enjoy it :))



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No one was having a go at instructors, I simply said

No merv i dont thonk they hand out jobs to onstructors, perhaps they should. Instructors unrivalled knowledge of all facets of business, risk and basically everything known and unknown is hard to parallel. At least that is often their view.

Maybe not a real go but it could definitely be read as a pointed nudge.


This whole thread has gotten pretty pathetic. Soon we will need to have different sections at flyins because none of us will get along. I don't always agree with Daffyd but he isn't missing much is he.



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No one was having a go at instructors, I simply said that other capabilities would be required to be in his current position, if they are an in instructor too thats great but not relevant to current role.RAA thought being an instructor gave the skills to manage it too, look how that turned out

Where are the mods, stream of anti Jabiru jibes (pretty low considering how much owners stand to lose right now) then a run of personal insults

I don't understand why you guys automatically label folks as Jab bashers just because they mention the well known problems of the Jabiru engine.



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Or it might be better if we hit the CASA site, looked at the regulations, learnt about the process, realised how many CASA people might be involved in it, and worked out a way to correct the damage done by writing to politicians with a message which more or less said "Regardless of the number of engine failures, forced landings and potential for injuries and fatalities, we want to keep our toys" (which BTW carries no weight at all in a safety matter.)



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Thread cleaned up AGAIN....


Comment on CASA by all means but do NOT target individual employees...you are opening this site up to ramifications that I will just pass on to you


Instructors have absolutely nothing to do with CASA - Draft Proposal for Jabiru Aircraft and neither do cars, motorbikes etc...start new threads if you wish to discuss these


PLEASE, discuss this issue but do not deviate from it, do not be derogatory or put down any other poster because you may have a different opinion, state your opinion but in terms that are not in a way that can cause conflict, and no more one line snarl comments. I do NOT want to close this thread and I hope you do not leave me with no other alternative for the sake of the well being of this site, because that is what will always come first, the well being of this incredible resource for all



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