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Everything posted by spacesailor

  1. The original enquiry was from my ' grandaughter ' , who had her first taste of flying , with a tiff flight at Camdem.s , Curtis aviation. I suspect I might have been an ' addon ' for this joyflight . ( hopefully ) . But it may have been for her eldest son , who is at high school. P S the first price seems low . But I don,t think she could afford $ .000 , on a registered nurses pay , hence my enquiry from forum members . spacesailor
  2. This forum is a little STALE ,. So Is anyone willing to give other forum members a joy flight , Seems silly but when you check the professional hire,ers they want a reasonable price for ONE person to go , ' Victor 1 ' , But double for two then triple for three . Come on , it doesn,t cost that much for the extra pax !. About, $ 370 for one $740 two pax, $ then $1000s for three pax . I know RAA doesn,t allow making money but REASONABLE EXPENCES goes a long way , to make people happy. Just thought I would put it out , spacesailor
  3. Most ' outlaying stations have lots or drummed fuel carted in . I once asked to acquire one or two empty drums, but was told '' every one has a use on a station '' . I managed to pick one up & has a third of diesel in it, from whenever it drops to a very low price, ( a $ 1 ) a litre . spacesailor
  4. '' CRAZY IDEA! The Northrop XP-79 ‘Flying Ram’ was a bizarre attempt to make an aeroplane that disabled enemy craft by colliding into them in mid-air. The product of a long line of all-wing fighters originally envisioned by the founder of Northrop, the XP-79 was doomed from the start and quite predictably ended in disaster! . As he floated down to earth the glider started to come towards him but luckily missed, going on to crash into the desert . only a few meters from where Crosby landed. https://planehistoria.com/experimental/northrop-xp-79/. '' spacesailor oddballaircraft.txt
  5. Well !. The trainee did say that the tail hit the trees & flipped it, But did it invert or nosed in . If nosed in , it is well built to have saved the occupants .. spacesailor
  6. More costly than expected !, With RAA membership, Sydney Flying club membership , plus the cost of lessons. At Daves Flying School , you save that flying club membership . that few hundred $ would be a couple of Daves $ 140 advrrtised lessons. spacesailor
  7. NOT QUITE !. I thought the Hummel bird was the 'bee's knee's ' of planes . I had already given Aviation away as ' far too expensive ' for a family man . Then , I had the chance to purchase an unfinished & parts hummelbird . That plane of my dreams , so grab it , while it's still there . No worries about the cost of flying , With 2 litres of oil & 20 litres fuel for the day's fun . The unemployed could Almost afford to fly. Then lessons at the Oaks in a Foxbat A22 , I am hooked . I Loved every minute of my flying . Untill a new instructor brought me back to earth with a bang . Only started with " RAF AIR TRAING CORPSE " AT 15 year old . Medically unfit for the RAF due to child desease . So now I sit in my dream machine & fly like an eagle. LoL CHEAPEST FLYING EVER . spacesailor
  8. It wasn't designed as an ' ornithopter ' but to use those weird wings as ' air-brakes ' . Which was a brilliant idea . An un-Balanced elevator will have a lot of force , to have to Haul back a large elevator would require lots of muscle power !?. What would happen if those forces were too great for the control linkage . Plus that heavy motor on the nose will mean more up elevator !. & the faster you get , the elevator gets heavier . SLOW TO RISE & quick to Plummet . spacesailor
  9. Perhaps those huge elevator's were the cause, over correcting, into a porpoise. spacesailor
  10. WOW That was interesting !. I had never heard of the ' Gull ', before, makes me wonder why it was never a centre piece of aviation history . Similar to the ' wright flyer ' . spacesailor
  11. Bureaucrats or Aviators . spacesailor
  12. T V news ! . " Engine out on take off" , according to trainee pilot , on his second lesson . The tree caught the tail & flipped it upside-down. spacesailor
  13. I didn't know were to put this !. '' USS Alaska (CB 1) - One of the ship's Curtiss SC-1 floatplanes taxiing up to the landing mat streamed alongside, to be picked up by the aircraft crane. Photographed on 6 March 1945 during the Iwo Jima operation. '' spacesailor spacesailor
  14. A little Off-topic , or Not !. just spotted this GEM ' '' PPRuNe Amplify Trading is looking to sponsor five pilots to through an intensive training programme. The objective is to explore the behavioural advantage '' . 1st question is !, Who is '' Amplify '' , And can they afford that huge expense . 2nd question !, Who can Aford '' Full time training ? . BUT found this. '' PILOTS SWAP THE COCKPIT FOR TRADING SCREENS https://www.amplifytrading.com › blog › pilots-swap-t... 15 Oct 2020 — This summer Amplify Trading selected five furloughed pilots to go through an intensive training programme to trade a funded account, live and ... '' spacesailor
  15. We Don,t look under that bonnt !. Because it's a " throwaway part " thats Can't be serviced I E , no more ' grease nipples ' to get lubed. Use it till it dies , THEN GET TOWED . To replace that known , ' unreliable ' crap that cost a few cents ,less , to the manufacturer . A point in today's world . Ford has an issue with E G R units, burning through & blowing radiator coolent out , thereby cooking the motor. WHO told the New owner ? . Not blooody Ford !. spacesailor
  16. '' older gen-x range where mortgage payments aren't as much of an issue anymore and wealth has been built, ''. most of us Older gen are still behind the younger '' working '' generation as that Wealth is only on PAPER ! . we can't spend any of the $millions locked in the Bricks of our houses. even without that mortgage . A lot of us can't find an hours flight time a month , Don't smoke, Don't drink, Don't gamble, And still poor. spacesailor
  17. Ooops skipprdiesel Those Hummel Aviation planes are American . 120 flying at last count. spacesailor
  18. One Hummel Bird builder went to extreme with cleaning up to the best he could !. The result was great . More top speed for less fuel. 61 mpg ( American ) at 140 knots . ( 3.8 L / 100 KMTRS ) spacesailor
  19. All Hummel aircraft have great wing root fairing . Panelbeat on a bag of sand or a wooden former . Make your pattern first in cardboard, when it fits best, cut your alloy to the cardboard pattern . spacesailor
  20. My Aldi sourced solar torch ( Uniden power pack SPB80 ) has '' overcharged it-self & expanded the battery pack . I will have to see if it's under their warranty !. I wonder if it would burst into flame , if not removed from the light source . spacesailor
  21. ' car battery type & fit ! ' . I,ve just got caught with a battery ' terminal post ' being on the opposite side to the one required. That ' bargain ' battery, was not such a bargain after-all . ( watchout for the ' L ' in the specifications ) . spacesailor
  22. Sainty's drag car throws it's belts when ' over reving ' ? Up to 15,000 rpm . spacesailor
  23. Calibration ! . Is to ' off set the antenna, ' to the tail-fin to Remove the ' null ' , so the aircraft behind you gets your signal . TV airial's need the same calibration so you get the best signal possible . Not blanked by a mobile repeater tower . spacesailor
  24. They say if you decide to go to ' trike ' weight shift , you have to rain on ' hang gliders ' ! . It doesn't seem right to me . so if trikes are ( HGFA ) now SAFA . were does ' Powered parachutes ' come under ? . spacesailor
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