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Everything posted by spacesailor

  1. SHUSh Don't tell , I have 4 chances . spacesailor
  2. But !, using Hydrogen fuel will make ' Water ' , to be dumped on take off, & cruise . spacesailor
  3. Seems very elegant for an English car . x 1925 RR Phantom 1 This is more English. Room for your TOPHAT . spacesailor
  4. WHEN !. Will they all get onto the RAA register, we are getting closer. Will RAA take over the ' experimental single prop ' light aircraft . spacesailor
  5. But !. It is getting closer to having All light weight aircraft on the RAA register. And out of CaSa's hair . spacesailor
  6. BAD WEATHER ! Throw out a alloy ' storm anchor ' . with tail feathers it will stay nose down anchored to Terra firma . The old dirigibles couldn,t do that as any static would & did start an uncontrollable fire . new synthetic cables , Should be an insulator between the anchor & airship . spacesailor
  7. SO !, a mix of the two could give us less flamibility & only a little loss of buoyancy . spacesailor
  8. They Are ' flushed ' with their success! . spacesailor
  9. facthunter It's the Thrill of zero gravity . I loved it , A T C in the U K, used old barrage ballons. Took lots of lightweight cadets up, Only to have to winch the balloon down , that was more boyent . spacesailor
  10. Marvelous One name that should be known through-out Aviation industry . spacesailor
  11. Many years ago ! , there was an auto screen tint , in a bottle , put on thick at the top & let run down , then thin lower down the screen . No idea if U V compliant for you , spacesailor
  12. It seems ( as a bystander ) that ALL these security I D cards should be merged into one AUSTRALIAN CARD . I have a photo license PLUS a photo Identity card . Why two , because Jackboot Johny said , the photo license is NOT to be use as an identity card. NOR can an ASIC card be used to go through an international airport, OR even the boaties migration office when leaving for oversea's destinations . spacesailor
  13. Formation is right ! But the sound was more radial motor's , very different sound . so , I'll go with ONE radial & ten modern motors .LoL thanks spacesailor
  14. Has anyone spotted the : Eleven aircraft , overflying Toongabbie 2146.they looked like : CAC Boomerangs , or Wirraway's . this morning 01/01.2023. spacesailor
  15. That's a P.12 Lysander . . Just google it, and you see a very Ugly plane. spacesailor
  16. Yes ! . " From Westland Lysander P.12 Light Support Aircraft " Sorry I won,t join pinter for a better look . spacesailor
  17. " buy a low wing " . With retractable gear ! , then you can stand over it , when ' wheels up ' . spacesailor
  18. Cheap and simple ! . plastic bucket , hole in bottom , smaller than funnel , hight to suit length of funnel when end is in filler hole . any saw will cut bucket made of plastic . please dispose of nicely when you have finished . spacesailor
  19. ME I can,t even get the motivation to go to an airshow. and I do miss it . ( soaring like an eagle ). spacesailor
  20. A bit hard on your aircraft !!!!! . Doing a ' forced Landing ' . Don,t do too many . PFL ' Performed Forced Landing ' . spacesailor
  21. pfl & psl , please elighte . I,m not good on abreaviations . spacesailor
  22. My doctor and optometrist are both upset that I don,t wear glasses . At my age it,s expected to have poor vision ! . After all I,m only FOUR in the Old English language. ( SCORE ) LoL. spacesailor
  23. The HummelBird is VSO 40 & VNE 140 MPH . BUT Someone pushed their,s to 170 + MPH. Before the elivator ' blew away ' . Creativity or ' crazy ' . spacesailor
  24. I prefer the ROTODYNE aircraft . It should have been a forefront in aviation, instead of being steamrolled flat . NO RUNWAY REQUIRED !. spacesailor
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