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Everything posted by spacesailor

  1. I,M NOT RACIST ! . just a ,BIGOT. let me see how many different nationrnalitist in my family !. At least 5 ! Plus my Darling Irish wife . Didn,t say , I LIKE THEM PARTICULY . LoL Makes a Wonderful World . Have you checked my avatar? Two nephews, the elder has just joined the army .spacesailor
  2. Also my ' short-wave listening ' licence . AND the U K ' Broardcast licence ' . Ooops , ?. do I need a ' hearing aid ' licence . spacesailor
  3. Different from my senior instructor! . " your take off was too fast " . I wonder if losing weight is a good thing while training ? . spacesailor
  4. I believe there,s a training club near Tamworth N S W . spacesailor
  5. AND The Biggest problem is your starting AGE !. MOST OF US , start at that age ,when the End of our Working life looms ever closer. So starting at sixty, to build a five year machine ! . Then have to learn all those bureaucratic rules & abreviations . HO ! . It,s making my head hurt ,. BUT Wait , we now have to learn the practical , Flying bit !. On a Pension. WERE DID MY SAVINGS GO TO ! . spacesailor
  6. I have always found , to repair Is harder than to follow the plan for a completely new Thing . spacesailor
  7. KISSING !, Is a disease I like , miss my kissing when , either the wife or I are sick . spacesailor
  8. Perhaps thats the criteria to your build choice, O K With wood , build a wood framed aircraft , ( or boat ). Good with F R P , a nice composite aircraft , ( or boat again, ). That only leaves metal ! , for the loud banging & ' Riveting construction ' . ( or rag & tube ) . Not many people would Try to make a ' plywood ' " Mosquito " . ( but can do in boats ) . spacesailor
  9. How many have failed to finished a aeromodel , that was far to complicated for our skill, at the time of ' plan purchase '. I admit to this , after I decided to build a ' fullscale flying ' LYSANDER spacesailor
  10. DEPENDS HIGHLY !. on the ' average ' person . I could already weld, ferrous & nonferrous metals from my apprenticeship with a Blacksmith tutor. Loved ' elecronics ' by way of ' popular mechanics ' & similar mags. Aeronautical by aeromodling . SO What is ' average ' . I definitely FAIL at Buearocrasy . It took years to be ' given ' a drivers licence. spacesailor
  11. I had a injection for going O seas, such a simple thing like drinking from a unsanitary cup could be a risk factor . So long ago I can,t remember what it,s called . Now that immunization is in my blood & no longer able to give blood . spacesailor
  12. I Have a ' N S W photo identification card ' , But it still not good enough to get into a credit score checker . most Officeous clerks, ' damand ' that photo drivers licence . spacesailor
  13. Try the boys with those , Big Boys Toys Just need to get the servos fitted , then it,s an R C , ' full Flying Scale ' model. Complete with registration. spacesailor
  14. When I took my H F radio test , I asked about ' annual renewal ' ( as about to head offshore, overseas ) BUT Was promptly told " no one renews , just keep up to date " . That was the government licence inspector. Then they want a test for this & another test for that, then they will dream up more ways to get revenue. spacesailor
  15. Not just the farm engines , but the old ANVIL Is getting $ 1000`s , as ornaments for the wealthy , I just like shaping metal on them, but not at those prices. ( old rail track does the same ). spacesailor
  16. Sorry I thought HTC was a type of Mobile smart phone . ( In a VR cardboard headset ) My mistake . spacesailor
  17. Is it the HTC phone that need a 5G speed . spacesailor
  18. Just my poor understanding of ' ocean expansion ' . The Mediterranean has been Filling for a few decades. AND It is rising! . BUT For that length of time it Should be, as full as it can be . BUT Evaporation is reducing that Mighty fill rate . SO IF the earth is Warming, it's evaporation will increase making the earth ' wetter & warmer ' . Just like it was before getting hit by a big astoroid, making " SnowBall " earth. spacesailor
  19. You could Check the pad alignment before spending time & fuel . Then run them while holding preasure But don,t overheat them, take the time to let them cool down . spacesailor
  20. My ' disc ' brakes were woefully out of ' pad ' alignment , so I taped fine sandpaper either side of the disc , then rubbed the protruding pad material down to an better fit , using the disc as a rubbin Block . spacesailor
  21. An Idiot's question !. But How to tell if the clear sheet of plastic iß ' acrilic ' or ' policarbonate ' . I ,m cutting up some at the moment & it just hit me ! , what is this. It scores & saws well, but the heat knife is the quickest. spacesailor
  22. The person I approched is a HummelBird , owner & Is current for that aircraft , SO. I would have thought he would be the BEST I would find . spacesailor
  23. That was my main reason Not to fly my Hummel Bird . There was one instance were a Hummel Bird pilot ,either died from the stress ,or the subsequent crash . The controls are course & the aircraft very agile . So induced oscillations are easily to get into . spacesailor
  24. BUT Using those plugs for a Permanent repair , . I have always been told , they are a Temporary repair only . spacesailor
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