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Everything posted by 440032

  1. Looking at the part 91 regs on the CASA website, today, there is nothing between 91.005 and 91.830. Nada. Nought. Nuffink. (No MOS DJP...) Regarding the "strict liability" penalties, see attached. strict liability.pdf
  2. Has anyone (other than me) taken a look at those mentioned regulations (and more) in the CASRs Vol 2 and 3 (on the CASA website today). Let me know how you go.
  3. Are the senders suitable/matched for the installed instruments? Years ago, a mate's VW oil temp went thru the roof on the first flight. Oil temp sender was a different brand to the guage, totally wrong. He got the correct sender to match the guage, then all good. The clue was that the oil was actually still cool so clearly it was not a cooling problem at all.
  4. A friend I've known for nearly 20 years was an engineer for Rex. The treatment he got from management has destroyed him, he's lost everything, job, home, family, everything.
  5. Haven't found the what or the when, but the where is at AERO expo, Friedrichschafen Germany. Ist gut, ja?
  6. I find it all rather odd, I can fully maintain a car - even owned by friends, motorbikes, boats, with no qualifications. I also do some part time work at a car repair shop. I'm yet to see a service manual, tool calibration sticker, operations manual. I also see LAMEs servicing aircraft in my travels. Never ever seen a Cessna service manual on the bench.
  7. Humbert Tetras, oui. (thanks for the clue on the trailer.)
  8. Yes, correct, that is not the one on Waihi beach. Middle of Taupo. Hadda a coffee and a hamancheeze toastie there at Easter.
  9. Piston return springs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFX_Xq9WHTI:393
  10. This is all it says on Facebook, you haven't missed much: 70 years of continuous operation this year fly in local observation fly round cotton gin tour, Local mineral waters baths Saturday night dinner Sunday morning brunch and farewell visitirs Schedule · Saturday, June 22, 2019 8:00 AM Sunday morning brunch before departure 8:00 AM Local observation flight in own time, plan available 6:30 PM Dinner Enjoy your visit-ir. (I spent a month in Moree one night.)
  11. Broken piston return springs (and low on blinker fluid). (I own and operate a Jabiru engine. My piston return springs are A1.)
  12. Dunno about the Caravan, you could probably fit one in a 747 Jumbo Jet.
  13. "wild pig"? It was absolutely enranged! (Got no ephelant nuffin yet...)
  14. How do you get an elephant into the cargo pod of a Caravan? (Put him in, close the door.)
  15. Golden Arches in Taupo has a whole DC3 in the carpark.
  16. Self evacuated eh? I'll bet they did......
  17. Someone in the know from SAAA (me) has reached out to KR to offer current state of play info and advice.
  18. I've always found it very odd - how can a business that I have no dealings with, invoice me for something they did not provide (a VH landing someplace)? What if a guy I know who runs his own business, asked me to invoice his customers and seek payment for him? You know what they'd say? Stuffed & Get. Sjussboolschidt. Doesn't make any sense. I'm okay with paying a landing fee if I have to, but to whoever provided the runway, not some third party that I have no contract with and who get my details from the public VH register, and sometimes get it wrong, invoicing me for places I've never been. Easily sorted, but I have to tell them. Has anyone invoiced AVDATA for your time to tell them "it wasn't me." Word has it (happy to be corrected...) AVDATA contact councils and say "Have we got a deal for you! LANDING FEES AT THE AIRPORT! And YOU don't have to do a thing, leave it all to us!" How much of a cut do they get from every dollar?
  19. Back to the PPL for a moment for a comparison.... a PPL holder is authorised (not qualified) to work on aircraft to the items listed in Schedule 8 Pilot permitted maintenance (which includes doing a daily inspection) and training is not required, just that they be competent and use the approved maintenance data and suitable tools. There is no competency check system. Many PPLs are perfectly capable of doing the basic work, (oil changes, plugs, tyres, etc) but may have no clue where to write it up, or how. Flying schools do not teach maintenance tasks (other than daily inspection).
  20. For another sunglass alternative - COCOONS Fitovers. I get mine direct from USA. Will never go back to prescription sunnies or clip-ons, no way.
  21. OME posted the answer a while back in post #8. Any mention of "in writing"? - no there is not. Any mention of "for individual aircraft"? - no there is not.
  22. Ah, back in the saddle at last.
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