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Listen to your body

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Hi Mark,


Great to hear that you have come through surgery well. Just remember that you will get better! The pains will go.


I've been through heart surgery twice & it can be very scary, even during the recovery you feel you will never get better, but you do. Take notice of all the breathing exercises and any other exercises given to you, it will help you so much in your recovery - they are important. Welcome to the zipper club, very exclusive when you consider what the alternative could have been. Take care.





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HI Mark


Good to hear that all went well, as you say :


"Listen to your body "and a good outcome will be had ,on a side note to smoking ,my son whom is 40 has just found out that he has cancer in his lip and gum he has smoked rollies all his life and the specialist told him that he was 90% sure the smokes was the onset , i remenber the YUL BRYNNER ad years ago Dont smoke it will XXX . Get well soon


cheers gareth:cheers:



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Thanks guys all things going well I should be home tomorrow. Afternoon. Can't wait to get some sleep in my own bed

No sleep for you mate. Bloody great heap of communications equipment for you to service. Get to it son!!!


Happy recovery Mark,





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Thanks guys for the comments sorry about not posting a lot I have all this gear but haven't been able to see that we'll the drugs are wicked here. It is about 1.10 am here can't bloody sleep as usual I am hopefully going home tomorrow. I have a lot of thread hopping to look through when I get home



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Well I am home at last...sill feel like a truck has hit me. The biggest problem is trying to get comfortable to either sleep or even sit down to do something. The pills I have to take are just out of control 4 times a day all different types...19 different types actually and half of those are twice a day. Some will only last 30 days but others will be permanent. Now I have found out something very important for diabetics though this little exercise. Escpecially type 2 diabetics.


Before all of this I have spent the last couple of years really struggling to get my diabeties under control. I have become hugely insulin resistant having to take massive amounts of insulin to try to reduce the sugar levels. This ahs the side effect or putting on weight. So I wacked on 15kg trying to do this and it is not acceptable so I fought about this with my diabeties professor we didnt see eye to eye at all about it so I rowed my own boat for a while dropped 13 kg and sort of kept my sugars between 7 and 14 while I did this but they were very unstable quickly flying up and staying up for long periods.


Zoom along to the 4th of January when all this heart stuff started


I was told the day before the operation they were very concerned about what my sugar will do during and after the heart operation as having a high sugar level will make any infection take off like the plague and I would be in real trouble. In ICU I wasn't asleep much after I was woken up and I had a huge insulin pump running at 7 units a hour pumping directly into my neck...one of 8 lines I believe into the central line. My sugar was peaking at around 20 !!!!. Once out of ICU and they got it down to around bet 6 and 11 they put me back on the pills I was using and now supplementing me at breakfast and tea time with 12 units of Novomix insulin, bear in mind my sugar levels used to be around the same but i put on 15kgs and was taking 160 units of insulin a day !!!!!!!


I was talking to this diabeties educator who came to see me yesterday before I left for home. She said she had looked at my sad sorry tale with diabeties over the last 20 years and told me some things that I knew to be true that I have found but the diabetic gurus dont seem to want to acknowledge happens to other people. Not everyone is built the same and some react differently to different stimuli


I could go on for hours now about some of the stuff I have learnt about this and now my diabeties seems to be far more managble with the bypasses done. So anyone out there with type 2 that is having trouble really controlling their insulin properly should go and see a cardiac guy and get a angiogram. It is done through the wrist now not through the groin so in and out real quick when it is done through the groin its a much bigger drama. I truly believe now after the struggles I have had this past 5 years or so are all part of it. This is why they told me my issues wasn't being overweight or a smoker it was the diabeties that clogged up all 3 arteries at 90% usually its just 1 or 2 branches but my were all stuffed





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