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Everything posted by pmccarthy

  1. The most useful thing I have learned in recent years is that if you hold your arm at full stretch and and hold your hand up at the horizon, the thickness of four fingers below the horizon shows where you can glide to. It works for a surprising range of aircrafty types and speeds, from LSA to military jets.
  2. When I try to view Aviation Classifieds I now get a security warning.
  3. I remember being told when established on final to leave the stick alone and fly with throttle and rudder only.
  4. No square corners in my circuits. I keep them smooth and continuously banked until lined up for final. Just works for me.
  5. pmccarthy

    Grumman G-21 Goose

    I love the Goose since I built an Airfix model of it in about 1965.
  6. Didn’t they just release the cleric bombing maniac? Surely a link is possible, his mates letting us know they are still in business.
  7. I remember a single Comanche with tip tanks that went very quiet one day.
  8. Who can tell us about wing designs? I know little about them, except most wing cross sections were designed in the early 1930s and we just choose one of them. It must be more complicated.
  9. That thrust line problem would seem fairly obvious.
  10. That looks like so much fun! My only gliding experience is out of a station strip south of Broken Hill in summer. Hardly an experience to get you into gliding!
  11. Instead of internal fins there could be convoluted shapes in the casting to (say) double the internal surface area of the sump. Just a ripple would do. But more weight. Another trade off.
  12. After 50 years I still enjoy it and always learn something. It is a good thing.
  13. Twister lost his engine at about 4.45 mins. Do you think he entered a high-speed stall just before impact?
  14. And a very happy New Year to you from cool summery Oz. We have missed your charming smile.
  15. Yes I have. Very interesting. A friend imported a lovely Bonanza from the USA when the A$ Was strong and did very well, but only because he is a LAME and did all the work himself.
  16. pmccarthy

    Canadair CL-415

    There is something strange about the headline photo of 28. There seems to be no inboard wing on the RHS, so it looks asymmetric. I know it is just the photo, but cant is figure out why it looks that way.
  17. I bought one the other day. Perfectly fine for private flying. My first new logbook since 1970..
  18. I landed my PA-28 today in a crosswind and remarked that I would be hopeless in a tail dragger, barely competent now after many hundreds of hours.
  19. Aviataion Classifieds listed 30-40 aircraft just a couple of years ago. It is down to 13 today on a steady trend. It will be gone entirely within months if this trend continues.
  20. You were conned, as I am sure you know, the SE5A did not have a rotary. But I am still envious.
  21. All good, but remember being overweight is not a choice. I would be RAA tomorrow if my wife and I, luggage and fuel, would fit 600kg MTOW.
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