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Everything posted by spacesailor

  1. Someone bought at auction, a ' powered glider ' ( same time as roulettes auction ). Very quick conversion l should think . if a pilot trains in an electric plane, they would Miss that ' kick in the pants ' thats missing in IC aircraft. Except for " Merlin powered Spitfires ". ( they say " opening the throttle to quick will flip the plane ). spacesailor
  2. Put that electricity into a purpose built airframe, and you coud/would double that one hour battery life. spacesailor
  3. Thats a lot of " avgas " , ( 188 kg batteries ) Will they Ever get to the IC engine efficiency. One hours flight was GOOD for the " Wright brothers " but now we all want , MORE spacesailor
  4. BUT would it have become an ' emergency ' if that PIC had followed hIs ATC ' ORDER ' ?.
  5. A MONOCLE or A pair of ( glasses ). Could be a problem for those with ' foresight '. spacesailor
  6. Ho !, for a little " Hummel Bird " can be parked under a VH plane wing. LoL spacesailor
  7. At the Oaks we had the ' police helicopter ' practicing takeoff / landing, on the adjacent old runway. We never though about the rotor-wash affecting us, as it,s just like the cross wind coming between the hangers. would that have been good for ' crosswind ' training? . spacesailor
  8. If Only Raa whent back to those ever so humble beginnings. The ' shrinking airPorts 'wouldn,t be a problem. SO The Raa problem is trying to be a cheap VH Members club. How many ' rag&tube ' flyers need an " Airport ". spacesailor
  9. Also those little rubber caps on the side of the carbie . spacesailor
  10. I have a nagging thought !, That At max power/climbout the airflow over That cowling would be at MAXIMUM velocity! . Due to you propelling the air to the Rear of your aircraft, by that propeller. UNLESS your using a " ducted fan " propulsion system. spacesailor
  11. Why have " Seating ", Stack em in like " sardines " ,semi reclined & or Horizontal. spacesailor
  12. Will a powered parachute meet that New ' part 103 ' regs !. spacesailor
  13. OR !. You need a New hip. Seriously shortened my stride to a half shioe shuffle. Now genuinely trying to get my stride back. This morning, a few minutes jog, ten touch toes, ten star jumps, 60 pushups , ( half on seat half on table ). And a slow walk back home. LoL ( weight down to 91.5 kg ). spacesailor
  14. YES ,. I agree older drivers have a higher statistical number of accidents! . BUT I have noticed that due to my 'SLOWER ' speed, l get cut off & tailgated a lot more often. Whenever l try to use a normal speed, the wife reminds me " We are Not in any hurry now, enjoy the trip ". I have only been involved in ONE serious accident, but Not the driver, AND It made utube for almost a year, ( wheel ripped off speeding stolen car, hitting our vehicle ). Our driver was a professional truckie ! & could do nothing about getting side swiped. I didn't feel at all like driving for 18 months afterwards. 64 years with only ' speeding tickets plus 3 for parking, & l won one parking case. AND now one ' red light ticket ' of 0.5 seconds, shows how Slow l drive, LoL spacesailor
  15. I have a " EV " mobility scooter. But Wings. !!. It wouldn,t fit Raa classification. ( wing loading ). spacesailor
  16. AGE DISCRIMINATION . 78 standard license. 79 sit a FULL driving test. Before current license has expired . spacesailor
  17. Sounds good !, Could we get a little further ? . Get rid of AGE discrimination !. It took me over 30 years to get my drivers licence, now with out that drivers licence , l will not be eligible tp hold a Raa cirtificate. spacesailor
  18. 'Concours de elegant ' !. Or ' static exhibit '. FULL scale flying. I won a ' Concours scale ' , once. " republic sea bee ". spacesailor
  19. AND Another trike or something reported going into the sea !. spacesailor
  20. Silk, That Was the best , if you could afford it. Will work very good on youur six footer. spacesailor
  21. Go North young man !. PYLON500 Will train you. spacesailor
  22. Correction Pity !. Those B D J ---. It's a Grammer thing.. l missed the comma . spacesailor
  23. Pity those super fast " B D J " planes. Will win every race !. How about fuel efficiency? . 61 mpg, 3 l/ 100. Thats dam good. spacesailor
  24. I used that Pyxis to find my way around Australia. It worked fine, but only gave the coordinates. No moving map, then !. So had to bring along my IBM laptop to get the nap With the coordinates as a curser. The rest was " old school " paper maps & charts. ALSO Have a very old & unused " Sinclair micro pc " . Just couldn't be bothered with it, as superceded, before looking at it. spacesailor
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