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I didn't say they have anything to apologise for. I just consider that their keeping quiet about the atrocities, in my view looks as if they condone them. I really don't believe that they all condone them, but by keeping quiet how will anyone know what they think.


They are coming from a position of untrustworthyness when we see terrorists dressed as the Muslims are and with similar names, it makes it hard to separate the good from the ba.



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They are coming from a position of untrustworthyness when we see terrorists dressed as the Muslims are and with similar names, it makes it hard to separate the good from the ba.

That bloody Martin Bryant, having the same first name as me and the surname that sounds so anglo saxon, and the prick even had the temerity to dress in clothes that weren't any different to the rest of us.



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How embarrassing, both Turnbull and Bishop criticizing Belgium security

When the bastards can name the three individuals involved almost immediately,

why wouldn't you criticise them?



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Some of you will have heard of the battle of Broken Hill on 1 January 1915, now over 100 years ago. Two Muslims were unhappy with their lot and consulted the Imam who recommended jihad, so they killed some people. In the aftermath the two Pakistanis were killed and then vigilantes ( just an angry mob) tore through the Afghan camp and then for good measure attacked any foreigners they found, burning some shops and houses. We all learned about this growing up in Broken Hill.


If people are badly treated, live in a separate ghetto and are looked down upon by the broader community, as today in Belgium, then these things happen. What has changed is the ability to create much more mayhem when young people decide to act in this way. So the answer is to fix the conditions in camps and ghettos all around the world, particularly in the Middle East, where young people have no future and no hope. It would be cheaper to fix those conditions and create jobs than it is to fund military and security actions.


That doesn't address problems like Syrian refugees and IS, perhaps Putin is our best hope there.



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When the bastards can name the three individuals involved almost immediately,why wouldn't you criticise them?

Knowing who they are and catching them are different propositions, even the war criminal Howard didn't criticize the war criminal Bush after 9/11, nor did KRudd criticize Obungler for not killing Bin Laden.


Its just a poor look to criticize foreign governments in a nation's moment of grief.



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Average Muslims are letting their religon be highjacked by these extremeists.


At some stage they have to own the issue and do something about it from within or they will as a group be targeted innocent or not.


Fear and poverty are strong drivers for communities to keep quiet and not speak out and be manipulated. These groups know this and work hard at maintaining people living that way



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Yes we have home grown terrorists like Martin Bryant and that Murdoch guy with the Barrow Creek Falconio murder. ( Me and grandma (wife) came along past that a few hours later and were stopped at a police road-block) .


So this is how populations work... without incendiary help, there is a one in a million chance that somebody will do a terror thing. Bryant and Murdoch, take a bow.


Add the incendiary effect of a Moslem education and the odds are changed to one in a thousand.


As taxpayer, I think we are paying for their Moslem educations . Is this insane or what?



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Not all Muslims are terrorists,But all terrorists are Muslims.

Read it somewhere.



Have a read of this.




Disclaimer: it was written in January last year so will not include Paris or this week's Brussels.


A summary:


Europe: Over the last 5 years to January 2015: Only 2% of terrorist attacks were committed by Muslims.


USA: From 1980 to 2005: Only 6% of terrorist attacks were committed by Muslims.


The "Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims" line was spouted by Brian Kilmeade from Fox News. Besides being provably false, the author of the above article suspects it's probably part of Fox News' plan to make their viewers even dumber.



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you will never stop people who like to kill. And they are all sorts of colours and so called faiths. All these types are scum. We all remember Martin Bryant. He was very white but I don't remember people saying let's stop white people coming to Australia.

Was Martin Bryant an immigrant? I don't remember that being mentioned before.



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There's actually some fairly illogical reasoning (and some unsupported assumptions about who is happy and who isn't) in that video.


It's not actually "rational" to be frightened of 1.6 billion people when a few dozen of them, or even a hundred of them, have planned and committed terror acts.


If you want to work percentages versus terror deaths/plots/bombings/threats, we should be very scared of conservative white Norwegians, and absolutely petrified of white American libertarians.



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Yes we have home grown terrorists like Martin Bryant and that Murdoch guy with the Barrow Creek Falconio murder. ( Me and grandma (wife) came along past that a few hours later and were stopped at a police road-block) .So this is how populations work... without incendiary help, there is a one in a million chance that somebody will do a terror thing. Bryant and Murdoch, take a bow.

Add the incendiary effect of a Moslem education and the odds are changed to one in a thousand.


As taxpayer, I think we are paying for their Moslem educations . Is this insane or what?

Martin Bryant: 35 dead.


Murdoch: 1 dead. (Interestingly, when you google Barrow Creek, it mentions a the following killings:


1870: 1 white man, killed by aborigines.


1874: 2 white men, killed by aborigines. Closely followed by 90 aboriginal men, women and children, killed by police.


1928: 1 white man, killed by aborigines. Again followed by 70 aborigines killed in reprisal.)


Ivan Milat: 7 dead.


Hoddle St Massacre (Julian Knight): 7 dead.


Arguably the worst terrorist attacks in Australia have been by white settlers against indigenous populations. The true figure will probably never be known but it would have to be in the thousands.


As far as I know, islamic terrorism here has been limited to:


1915: Broken Hill shooting, 4 dead.


2014: Endeavor Hills stabbings - only the perpetrator dead.


2014: Sydney siege (Man Haron Monis) - 2 dead.


2015: Parramatta shooting of the police accountant - 1 dead.


That's 7 deaths from Islamic terrorism in Australia, less than half of which were within the last 100 years.



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Arguably the worst terrorist attacks in Australia have been by white settlers against indigenous populations. The true figure will probably never be known but it would have to be in the thousands.

Marty you shoot yourself in the foot by guessing a number. You would have done better to leave the number open.



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Radovan Karadzic, an ethnic Serbian, was just convicted of war crimes yesterday. He authorised the slaughter of 8000 Bosnian Muslims. His aim at Srebrenica was to murder every single able bodied male. He wanted to exterminate the Muslim community in that whole region.


I should be absolutely terrified of Serbians. Of course in the view of some other people, he was just doing the right thing, or his actions are relatively unimportant in the context of several dozen getting killed in an Islamic terror attack.


I am eagerly awaiting the deluge of social media commentary and Facebook news feed items congratulating the authorities on this conviction and expressing disgust at the horrors of what happened. I won't be holding my breath.


At what point did we humans completely lose our perspective?



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Marty, there was the Coniston massacre in 1928 , that was less than 10 years before my parents were in Alice Springs.


Murdoch was only convicted of one killing, I reckon it is very doubtful is it was his first.


But none of this changes the risk of Islamic State. I like UltraFlash's idea of making citizenship more of a 2 way deal.


And I would like seditious parts of the bible and the koran removed.



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Most of these persons of similar inclinations don't recognise the Court of any country as having any authority over them. They only answer to Allah, God, Yarweh. (so they say) there are too many otherwise powerless young men with nothing to do but devise methods of making themselves dead heroes. They have been flocking to any hotspot around the middle east/africa for ten years or more. Nev



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But the Serbs did not Export there terrorism to other countries around the world ,Iraq,Russia,Belgium,France ,England,Australia,Indonesia,Spain,Somalia,Sudan,USA,Israel,Tunisia,Yemen,plus other countries have all had MUSLIM terrorists murder and butcher innocents,they butcher more of their own Muslim brothers and sisters than westerners, a few of the countries mentioned had their own nut job massacres ,but these people were lone nut jobs ,not affiliated to MUSLIM religion, the debate about countries right or wrong to wage war in the Arab states will rage on, Western countries do not send people with suicide vests to kill civilians ,and i know the debate will go on about us(westerners) invading Iraq , we will never learn why the reasons ,we are only now learning about WW11 and Korea,Vietnam, and yes what the Serbs did was terrible to local Muslim population,not condoning that. The Serbs have a lot answer for as did the Germans in WW11 ,but would we have been any different if we were under the despots rule,we would have turned a blind eye methinks,the majority of Muslims in this country are just trying to get by as best they can, ,but they do have a lot more brooding nut jobs than the rest of the populace,i for one have no problem with multiculturism, but AUSTRALIA first we must remain a secular country no religion must dominate ,CofE,Catholic,Islam,Buddism or any of the others .


cheers gareth



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Most of these persons of similar inclinations don't recognise the Court of any country as having any authority over them. They only answer to Allah, God, Yarweh. (so they say) there are too many otherwise powerless young men with nothing to do but devise methods of making themselves dead heroes. They have been flocking to any hotspot around the middle east/africa for ten years or more. Nev

Maybe it would be a good idea to pay for them all to go to Syria & then Assad and Putin could grant them their wish.



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But the Serbs did not Export there terrorism to other countries around the worldcheers gareth

Well actually in the examples of both the Serbs and the Nazis, it was exported to other countries. Granted, they were mostly neighbouring countries because that was as far as they got. Had they gone any further, the systemic murder would've spread further too.

The point is, for many people the murder and slaughtering of literally thousands of innocent people thousands of miles from their home country is actually far less worthy of expressing any sort of outrage than the murder of one or two or a dozen people by terrorists in their home country.


It's amazing how our judgement and reaction changes when it's close to home. If it's far away from home and many times worse, many people couldn't give a crap.



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