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Covid 19

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32 minutes ago, Flightrite said:

Poor old Glady will get attacked over that by the indoctrinated for sure:-) The resident lunatic in Vict will go the opposite way now that the daily BS No's have exceeded 90, extending the imprisonment time & probably increase the oppression as he gets off on it!

I'm surprised you would say that because the NSW model is based on the the unvaccinated taking themselves out and freeing up the government PR budget which can then be used to get everyone back working with any new dissidents extinguished at their own cost.

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6 minutes ago, jackc said:

Hope there is some civil unrest,  the Govt might see the light……..

but I doubt it……

It would be great if the people would fight back against the oppression in large No's but unfortunately too many people have been 'infected' by the grubby Govt's hysteria, we are too much a divided nation after all this BS to be effective!

Edited by Flightrite
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2 minutes ago, turboplanner said:

I'm surprised you would say that because the NSW model is based on the the unvaccinated taking themselves out and freeing up the government PR budget which can then be used to get everyone back working with any new dissidents extinguished at their own cost.

Well, being vaccinated only stops those from getting gravely ill, or dying and that is a big bonus alone.

You can still catch the virus and be a carrier to spread it.  So lockdowns could still continue.

IF vaccination was so good, the Govt would allow those that can prove full vaccination would be able  to cross borders?

Now they want to allow kids to be vaccinated with NO clinical trials to prove it’s safe, experiment on them is the Govt answer.   There is probably only a very small risk to that age group but……nothing is tested yet.

Vaccination trials have been a rigorous trial regime in past years, now there are many shortcuts being used.  The work on Covid vaccines has been unprecedented and all those behind it are doing a sterling job.

But if you think life is coming back to the free and easy we have been used to,  it won’t, full vaccination will not allow it, unfortunately.  But, our Govts are giving that impression which is false.  Then, the people will get really riled up and justifiably so……..

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On 28/08/2021 at 4:19 AM, turboplanner said:

It would appear that when NSW says schools are closed they mean that literally and they are not operating online schooling. If so, that will be a disaster, possibly costing all students a year. Can anyone conform that?

My kids go to a regional underfunded, under staffed high school in NSW, they are currently remote online learning and have one face to face video lesson each day as part of that. The system is delivering learning here albeit (understandably) at a reduced capacity unless you ask for more which is forthcoming when requested. As I touched on in a previous post, parental involvement is very important however I am aware not possible for many for various reasons. The lessons for my kids follow the same timetable, including recess and lunch, as a normal "at school" day. 

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9 minutes ago, Flightrite said:

It would be great if the people would fight back against the oppression in large No's but unfortunately too many people have been 'infected' by the grubby Govt's hysteria, we are too much a divided nation after all this BS to be effective!

Or too many people are believing stupid conspiracy theories and their political bias and unreasonable logic is going against doing the sensible and right thing for the population. Dan is the best premier Australia has.
The current covid crises in Vic is due to the NSW premier complying with Scotty from marketing's bullying and locking down 2 months late, spreading the virus to the rest of the country.


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15 minutes ago, Flightrite said:

It would be great if the people would fight back against the oppression in large No's but unfortunately too many people have been 'infected' by the grubby Govt's hysteria, we are too much a divided nation after all this BS to be effective!

NO guts, NO glory.  While your average Australian has a fridge that runs, stocked with grog, a TV that works and they can watch ‘Home and Away’ in a house without a leaking roof, life is great.   The fridge or TV blows up, there is ‘Afterpay’ NO food, then Food Bank or the various charities.

When ANY of that runs out? Then what?

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7 minutes ago, jackc said:

you can still catch the virus and be a carrier to spread it.  So lockdowns could still continue.

IF vaccination was so good, the Govt would allow those that can prove full vaccination would be able  to cross borders?


It seems like you answered your own question.   Why would WA be keen to allow vaccinated people from states with high covid numbers who are still able to spread the virus to a population that does not yet have an adequate vaccination coverage.   The way out of this will be  when enough people are vaccinated that the virus will still be spreading but should take the pressure of medical systems.   We will then not be focusing on infection numbers but hospitalization, ICU and death numbers.

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My hope is that they will count "unvaccinated by choice" among the vaccinated when dropping the lockdowns.

And, jackc, younger people than me will live to see the day when the wheels come off the welfare gravy train and there will be a lot of starvation for sure. Resource depletion, overpopulation and climate change will see to this, regardless of any viruses. I feel sorry for the indigenous communities which have been made completely dependent on welfare, cos they will fall first and hardest.

Well I need an optimist to prick this gloomy bubble huh.

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11 minutes ago, Student Pilot said:

Flightrite, jackc......

 you blokes had a vaccine shot?

 Nope, not yet….. live in a very urban area and am not a party animal, can  have shopping delivered.  Waiting for more information on Moderna via my medical journal,  I will pick what I want, when the time comes.

Not going to be told WHAT vaccine I am allowed. My medical journal is my bible on all things medicine.

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58 minutes ago, Student Pilot said:

Or too many people are believing stupid conspiracy theories and their political bias and unreasonable logic is going against doing the sensible and right thing for the population. Dan is the best premier Australia has.
The current covid crises in Vic is due to the NSW premier complying with Scotty from marketing's bullying and locking down 2 months late, spreading the virus to the rest of the country.


It would appear that lockdowns do sweet FA to stop the Delta variant spreading, only slow it down, so Glady's failure to lockdown early is a moot point.


Otherwise, Oz's best premier, (who achieved that title by declaring he would arrest and sentence to death* any 5 year olds who dared challenge his directive that they were not to play on a jungle gym, btw)) would have achieved Covid Zero by now with his lockdown measures, rather than having...what was it...?? "92 new locally acquired cases of COVID-19, a number not seen since the middle of Melbourne's deadly second wave in 2020." according to the latest figures...A figure which appears to be rising daily not dropping.



*May be a slight exaggeration, but you get the point

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Gladys and John Barilaro slung plenty of sxxx at Mark McGowan in W.A., when McGowan went hard and early with sharp, short lockdowns in W.A.


Gladys and John reckon keeping business and the economy moving at full speed, is better than concentrating on looming health problems.


Now, the wheels have fallen right off the NSW COVID approach cart, and even the horses are looking pretty sickly.


And there's no sign of any resolution to the mess Gladys and John have created by ignoring the health problem from the outset. The problem is, Gladys and John studied pandemic control at the Trump School of Medicine.


And as at the present moment, the COVID virus is virtually non-existent in W.A., and W.A.'s economy is booming, and people in W.A. are roaming around pretty normally, albeit with general caution.


Shipping and airlines are our greatest source of the COVID problem, and if Gladys and John and Scomo had had some nous, and stopped the COVID virus in its track at the Ruby Princess, with the application of some McGowan Treatment, NSW wouldn't be in the mess it's in now. It's a measure of McGowans character that he could gloat on his COVID success, but he doesn't. Little wonder the man has 98% W.A. voter support.

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1 hour ago, Student Pilot said:

Or too many people are believing stupid conspiracy theories and their political bias and unreasonable logic is going against doing the sensible and right thing for the population. Dan is the best premier Australia has.
The current covid crises in Vic is due to the NSW premier complying with Scotty from marketing's bullying and locking down 2 months late, spreading the virus to the rest of the country.


I think most of Victoria’s small business’s would like to know HOW they are going to survive this mess?  Dan and his cronies are still getting paid handsomely.

Many people who HAD permanent jobs will lose/have lost them.

People’s homes will face foreclosure.  Bankruptcies everywhere etc.

Families torn apart etc, I would place bets there are more Covid related suicides than deaths from it…..people who sing Dan’s praises are obviously not affected in anyway, by his Govts current policy.

Well, when the young of today can only get casual jobs, save money but unable to buy a home in the future as banks won’t loan against casual employment?

It not a problem for me personally, as I am nearing EOL but I feel sorry for the young people of today 😞.

 Sadly, our Govts of today don’t really care, now they want to tale legal action against  each other in the High Court…another cost to the taxpayer?

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1 hour ago, waraton said:

My kids go to a regional underfunded, under staffed high school in NSW, they are currently remote online learning and have one face to face video lesson each day as part of that. The system is delivering learning here albeit (understandably) at a reduced capacity unless you ask for more which is forthcoming when requested. As I touched on in a previous post, parental involvement is very important however I am aware not possible for many for various reasons. The lessons for my kids follow the same timetable, including recess and lunch, as a normal "at school" day. 

Pleased to hear that, because all the news down here only mentioned schools closed.


I agree about the parental/carer support; it's a taxing job with Grade 3 and 4, a lot hard for High school age, because you are having to explain things you'd long since forgotten and you have to explain it fast or the kid is off onto Roblox or chatting up the girls, but very rewarding as you see the knowledge being absorbed.


This year Vic is doing the same as you are getting. One formal session per day going through the lessons. The teacher stays on the line for anyone who needs help, and has informal chat sessions at 11 am and 1 pm for the groups who don't have help in the assignments.


Last year we just had a normal curriculum with nultiple teachers and some couldn't get their systems to work, others hadn't adapted their examples to allow typing on the question papers, electronic hand ins etc.  This year it flows better.


Vic coming out on top with Naplan testing is a good indicator that the students are actually learning more, or putting nre time into the assignments, because they don't have to sit around as the teacher explains to the slower ones. Victoria doesn't usually win Naplan.


There is a lot of Behavioural Psychology built into the Victorian curriculum with a couple of days a week doing fun things which fires them all up.






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One thing the mainstream media does not make aware to the public, is that the current deaths total of 993, actually includes 909 from January last year up until New Years day.

If you Google Covid 19 data Australia you can see that most of the country is in lockdown and businesses going broke for what has been put down as a total of 84 deaths in the whole of Australia this year.

Flu deaths, of which there is a significant number every year, hardly get mentioned.

The fact that we are all supposed to be social distancing and wearing masks, may have a bearing on those numbers.

Make of that, what you will, and believe whatever suits your line of thinking.

I would not want to sway anyone one way or another. However, the figures are there to see on official government sites if people take the trouble to look, which most won't. The majority accept what the media constantly tells us.

Thought for the day............If you don't follow mainstream media, you are uninformed.

However, if you do, you are largely misinformed. 

Positive story's don't gain much attention.


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56 minutes ago, KRviator said:

 "92 new locally acquired cases of COVID-19"

About 60 with sources already tracked and isolated, so no further spread

About 30 new untracked cases being worked on by the Contact Tracing Units.

The new cases have ben discovered off the back of increased testing of over 50,000 people a day for several days.

Increased testing = increased numbers - increased intel.



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At the club yesterday, I heard that there is a phone app that will detect the 'nano-chip' that is injected into us when we get vaccinated. Similar to the chips we put in dogs and cats but so small it's practically invisible. Why people come up with these stupid stories is beyond me and it's so sad people believe them without thinking.

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The tracing system seems to be working well and testing is obviously important, as is doing everything possible to minimise it's spread. It looks like it's going to be something which we will have to live with in the forseeable future sadly.

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Google and Facebook track us more often than the COVID-19 tracing does - and people don't seem to have any problem with those companies doing that tracking.


Yet, if you tell someone the Govt needs to track them for pandemic tracing reasons, they arc up and claim their rights to freedom are being infringed, the Govt is in on a conspiracy, or they want to start a public protest march. It just makes you wonder about the capacity of the brains in a percentage of the population.

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1 hour ago, planedriver said:

The tracing system seems to be working well and testing is obviously important, as is doing everything possible to minimise it's spread. It looks like it's going to be something which we will have to live with in the forseeable future sadly.

It can only work as well as people want it to.  Seen many people walk into shops and simply ‘wave’ their phone at the QR code and go straight past, giving people the impression they have scanned in, when they haven’t.

No supervision of use, so it’s pretty worthless…….

Just like sanitising supermarket trolleys, not many people bother.

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I'm no supporter of Dan and think he should get the boot over the quarantine hotel stuff-ups last year - "I don't know, I can't remember."




The current situation can't be blamed on him. It's the selfish "You're not going to tell me what to do" lot who wander around without masks, having at-risk house parties, believing that Allah or whoever will protect them. That includes the footballers, and I hear today, jockeys who held an AirBnB house party. Most of the numbers coming up daily can be directly traced back to them. If directions had been followed, we would probably have been out of lockdown by now. Of course, hapless Gladys, weak as a wet lettuce leaf.

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