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Pauline got a jab

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I'd be surprised if she knew the difference between a Jab and an A380. I'm guessing she just asked for the cheapest charter who was prepared to deface their plane with her mug.



Regardless of what side of politics you subscribe to Pauline Hanson supports the following and she is happy to stand up and say so.


Australians first


Australian manufacturing first (which is why she has a Jab)


Australian jobs first


Australian business first


I don't necessarily subscribe to all of Hanson's views but I do own and operate a business which is involved in manufacturing and provide jobs for 20 families (which are in fact all paid well above the award wage) and I do agree with all of the above.


(Marty the following is not directed at you but a general comment)


If you are Australian and you don't support Australia first you probably should have a good long look at yourself and pick another country to go live in.





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MartyRegardless of what side of politics you subscribe to Pauline Hanson supports the following and she is happy to stand up and say so.


Australians first


Australian manufacturing first (which is why she has a Jab)


Australian jobs first


Australian business first


I don't necessarily subscribe to all of Hanson's views but I do own and operate a business which is involved in manufacturing and provide jobs for 20 families (which are in fact all paid well above the award wage) and I do agree with all of the above.


(Marty the following is not directed at you but a general comment)


If you are Australian and you don't support Australia first you probably should have a good long look at yourself and pick another country to go live in.



Aldo, Pauline Hanson may put Australia first but her ignorance and attitudes on many subjects render her unfit for office in my opinion. Her solution to fixing the economy by "printing more money" comes to mind, as well as her attitude to immigrants.


I agree that we should put Australian jobs and business first (with caveats) but I also think we need people with a certain level of intelligence representing us.



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And I was wondering we some love our country but some are ashamed of our higher intelligence that are running this circus. Sometimes it's nice to see spanner in the works for a wake up call.

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Her solution to fixing the economy by "printing more money" comes to mind, as well as her attitude to immigrants.

Printing more money is a recognised solution to devaluing a currency, while it's a good solution, it has associated risks but a number of stable countries have done it, Google was around back then and all people had to do was to search it and actually educate themselves.


This was another case of making trying to make Hanson look like an idiot when it was a majority of Australians who were ignorant to economics, i.e. idiots themselves, so the attempt to make her look stupid was successful in this case but for the wrong reasons.


Hanson is a PR nightmare, she is not an eloquent person by any stretch, but she is no idiot either.


I think intransigence applies to both ends of the spectrum.

You can see it right now and the weeks coming with the Brexit win, and how "Democracy" is only of value when it's a Left's ideology.


I don't necessarily subscribe to all of Hanson's views but I do own and operate a business which is involved in manufacturing and provide jobs for 20 families (which are in fact all paid well above the award wage) and I do agree with all of the above.

Wow, I'm impressed you wrote that without a word of bitterness. Been there done that, happy to not be doing it in Oz now - don't get that wrong, I would like nothing better than to be doing my things at home, but just had a gutful after 20 years of trying.


If you are Australian and you don't support Australia first you probably should have a good long look at yourself and pick another country to go live in.


That's only relevant if you actually know what is good and what is not for Oz. If Facebook is anything to judge by then a number of Australians are pretty damn clueless and easily swayed by surface nonsense.



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Printing more money is a recognised solution to devaluing a currency, while it's a good solution, it has associated risks but a number of stable countries have done it, Google was around back then and all people had to do was to search it and actually educate themselves.This was another case of making trying to make Hanson look like an idiot when it was a majority of Australians who were ignorant to economics, i.e. idiots themselves...

Printing more money ("quantitative easing") is only used when interest rates are close to zero and falling, otherwise inflation goes through the roof. In the late 90's it was around 5% and going nowhere much, so that knocks that argument on the head. It was a stupid comment pure and simple. No one has to make Hanson look like an idiot, she does it just fine all by herself... as I'm sure we'll find out if she gets in this year.



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I'd be surprised if she knew the difference between a Jab and an A380. I'm guessing she just asked for the cheapest charter who was prepared to deface their plane with her mug.

Actually you are quite wrong. She spent quit a bit of time researching aircraft before deciding on the J230 and then purchusing it herself. And yes she may not be the most elequent person around, but she cares about Australia and Australians and to be honest I will take that over some of the university trained knobs that we have in Canberra now. And don't get me started on the union puppets or the greens.



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If you are Australian and you don't support Australia first you probably should have a good long look at yourself and pick another country to go live in.Aldo

One of the things which I've found quite irritating in the last couple of years is this "love it or leave" crap, which is purely politically driven.

1. Just because someone disagrees with the political direction a country is taking on one or more issues, or even generally, does not mean they are disloyal or do not love their own country.


2. I hope it hasn't escaped anyone's notice that the proportion of the population which does disagree on the political direction of a country changes each time a new government is elected. By default, the "love it or leave" brigade become, from time to time, the ones who are complaining loudest. Yet strangely they never seem to heed their own advice.


3. Pauline Hanson can be pro-Aussie jobs all she likes. Personally I think she's not very bright. And just because I think that, does not mean I'm anti Aussie jobs. Unlike many others in her fan club, I've done my time serving this country and I'm entitled to think lowly of any individual politician and any number of their principles for whatever reason I like. Anyone implying I should leave the country as a consequence of that can take a flying leap.


Not.A Far Right can be shown where he is wrong and they'll drop it and move along to their next rant, a Far Left won't acknowledge being wrong in anyway.


I have friends and relatives in the USA and have spent a lot of time there myself. I've never known anyone on the far right there (which is a lot of people) to change their minds in the face of being shown to be wrong. Ever.


That goes for political topics. Religious ones are just as bad. Doesn't matter what evidence there is that certain far right religious views are simply wrong. They will never admit it. Ever.



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^^ point being Bex, that entrenched beliefs are entrenched beliefs irrespective of contradictory evidence, no matter which side of politics you prefer. Refusing to acknowledge evidence which contradicts what you believe is a human condition based largely on a combination of fear, superstition, and ignorance (both deliberate and unintentional).



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Pauline has laid of the yellow terror in the last few years, so you can't say that she isn't doing this for the money.


She's smart, she realised that Ipswich would be a tough contest in the last QLD state election with both Labor and Liberals trying hard to hold it and that not enough people would vote for her to justify the expense. Each vote is worth $2.90 from ECQ, which doesn't sound like much but electorate has 33,000 voters so there is a $100K prize pool to share. So she moves to Lockyer Valley, which the ALP knows it can't win and the National MP is never seen out of his office and hasn't made a speech in parliament in years, she's got connection with the lockyer valley apart from a strong historical vote. She comes a close 2nd with ALP preferences and bags a bunch of cash, that keeps her "party" going. The difference between a party candidate and an independent candidate is $2.90 a vote versus $1.50.


I don't know if you remember but the reason One Nation was prosecuted was that One Nation was claiming that people that donated money where party members...



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How can you talk about Pauline without it being political? After being put in Gaol, she was eventually released without any conviction or something like that. I don't think she was treated well. Abbot set up a slush fund to "deal" with her . Pretty dirty politics and confusing with all the machinations of the people around her. 100%political. Always was from day one. Who would know what really happened all through that? Politics and truthful reporting don't co-exist, here..Nev



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Trust he is not getting paid.

I found this comment somewhat sad.


Some aspects of Australian culture have completely reversed in my lifetime, we seems to have become a nation of dobbers with a willingly servile attitude. It used to puzzle me how organisations like the Communist Stasi could find so many sycophants, not so much anymore.



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Wow, I'm impressed you wrote that without a word of bitterness. Been there done that, happy to not be doing it in Oz now - don't get that wrong, I would like nothing better than to be doing my things at home, but just had a gutful after 20 years of trying.



Ours is not conventional manufacturing we don't manufacture to sell we design and build our own equipment to support our rental business so we're not subject to the same cost pressures you may have been, additionally we are in oil & gas both conventional & unconventional so there is a better return on our investment than conventional manufacturing.


I can fully understand why you have decided to set up business elsewhere, Australia is not supportive of local manufacturing and the less that is made here the more expensive it is to make it here so it becomes an ever increasing spiral to the bottom until we will have no local manufacturing in Australia. From that point onward we are at the mercy of our international suppliers much the same as we are with fuel but that is another story.





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I voted for Pauline way back when......


She wanted every Australian to have exactly the same rights and privileges as any other Australian.


No discrimination via reverse descrimination. No favouritism to any race, religion or sex.


Something I agreed with anyway........



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At the end of the day, your birthright should give everyone the same OPPORTUNITIES to education health care etc. I'm pretty aware of the bad deal the aborigines have been given but I stick by the above principle. Anything else is discriminatory and has to face that test long term. Their attachment to the land has to be recognised. It's a pity all WE want to do is spoil it and plant revolting houses over good agricultural land and mine the rest, poison the creeks and rivers and destroy the underground water reserves. Nev



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Fadthunter. Do we all really want to spoil and plant houses all over the land. Stuff up agriculture?


I think most of would say No. it is just the politicians talking and they are incompetent.


The pollies want to sell off Australia to overseas interests except for the bits they can get foreigners to dig up and export.


Real Aussies would like to see our agricultural industry looked after, get rid of the monopolies in marketing so our farmers can make a profit and pay taxes.


As for Pauline Hanson, I cannot condone the way Howard and Abbot treated her. They took her maiden speech and then said that she had said very different things. Never believe what any politician says and also be sure that what they offer is so hedged with hidden ifs and buts thet it will never do us any good.



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Yenn, the developers do the wrong thing. It's madness to cover the best land with houses, but palms are greased and what I think makes no difference. Water in a bottle costs more than petrol, or milk. Crazy. Nev



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We are trying to reduce the footprint of housing on farming land with hundreds of units like these being built. How do we house all the population? And who really wants to live in this type of environment?





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We are trying to reduce the footprint of housing on farming land with hundreds of units like these being built. How do we house all the population? And who really wants to live in this type of environment?[ATTACH=full]43962[/ATTACH]

If, we must continue to in courage growth, then we must provide housing, and an environment suitable for a family to live. What we don't have to do, is find the most arable, fertile high rainfall area, and cover it with pavement.

Example, why is the Pakenham area being developed, instead of forcing the development out towards Ballarat?


In my own area Bairnsdale, we have subdivided one of the best farms in the area and called it Eastwood Estate, not happy with that we are now doing the same with Shannon Waters Estate, all the time out past the racecourse, forge creek area we have large areas of flat sandy crap country, with a sheep here and there, hiding in the tussocks



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but she cares about Australia and Australians...

Geoff, if you're right and she bought an Australian made aircraft, then that makes one good thing she's done for this country. It's your belief she cares about Australians, fine, go vote for her. It's my belief she cares only about the Australians that share her particular ideology - the hunker-down, close-the-doors, keep-out-anyone-different-from-us-white-christian-folks one.


You can be educated AND care about the country and your fellow human beings, it's not a zero-sum game. But those people tend to join the Greens.


(Based on your last sentence I can't wait to cop a hiding for that one! 003_cheezy_grin.gif.c5a94fc2937f61b556d8146a1bc97ef8.gif)



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