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A new Oz engine on the way?


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I'm sorry Bex but I'm going to spill the beans.


Bex has a new wife, that's her in the middle of the photo.


Congratulations Bex!





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I'm sorry Bex but I'm going to spill the beans.Bex has a new wife, that's her in the middle of the photo.


Congratulations Bex!



"Dear, I'm just nipping out to buy 3,789 metres of curtain material, 2,300 square metres of wool carpet, and a dining table that seats 500..."



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Some will understand ...[ATTACH=full]35764[/ATTACH]


.. while others will still want more info than I can offer at the moment, but sorry, that's just the way it is.

My patience ran off an cryed in the corner after 18 months ,

Good luck mate .





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My patience ran off an cryed in the corner after 18 months ,

Oh yeah, very close but just a wee little more to go yet ..... patience certainly takes on a whole new meaning in China.



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At the risk of sounding dumb, is this going to be the site of the manufacturing plant or am I just missing a joke here ?

Correct, not dumb at all. One of 2 sites actually.


It's a long, long story, too long and although it's been a profitable exercise to date asset wise, assets don't buy milk and bread and it's time convert asset into capital and actually start making stuff. Not because I have to but because I darn well want to.



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Oh yeah, very close but just a wee little more to go yet ..... patience certainly takes on a whole new meaning in China.

Correct, not dumb at all. One of 2 sites actually.It's a long, long story, too long and although it's been a profitable exercise to date asset wise, assets don't buy milk and bread and it's time convert asset into capital and actually start making stuff. Not because I have to but because I darn well want to.

as sure we're not related !!!

Doing exactly the same , I am at the moment sorting aviation stuff and my old 1974 xl 350 ,


I went to clean it up the other day and found its never had a tyre off or a spanner on it ( ex sump plug ) 8, thousand miles on road mostly .


Might try ebay ?





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folks..........google "Rotory wing forum".......yank site, then search psru. ( and others ) Have a good read, it goes and goes, the poster 1946 is under the pump.


same poster has ducked and weaved under other aliases, there and elsewhere ...........to name a few, raton,1946,albert,fritz,cheapracer.........dare i mention ***,


you read and make your own conclusions.............just sayin.



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...........to name a few, raton,1946,albert,fritz,cheapracer.........dare i mention ***,you read and make your own conclusions.............just sayin.

Strange how the censor bot knocked out a word in your post but it came through on email ... anyway, 1946 isn't cheapracer because on other sites cheapracer is our very own bexrbetter ...


On HBA (homebuiltairplanes USA site) bexrbetter and 1946 have had the odd difference of opinion about how to go about doing business in China but I must admit to being quite impressed with 1946's Company's PSRUs which they test extensively and they look well designed and strongly built.



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Strange how the censor bot knocked out a word in your post but it came through on email ... anyway, 1946 isn't cheapracer because on other sites cheapracer is our very own bexrbetter ...On HBA (homebuiltairplanes USA site) bexrbetter and 1946 have had the odd difference of opinion about how to go about doing business in China but I must admit to being quite impressed with 1946's Company's PSRUs which they test extensively and they look well designed and strongly built.

twas i that edited the post..........ol mate here, must have a twin over there.



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Russ, I use the handle cheapracer and have done for 20 years on the internet, a glitch at this forum when I as registering locked that name out otherwise I would be he. Ian knows as he tried to help me the issue when I was first registering.


Learning and taking the knocks the hard way while learning the craft of doing business in China has indeed knocked my credibility around somewhat publicly, I am however pleased to say that the whole time everything has continued to move forward and I keep the Moderators/Owners of the forums, as well as a few interested members, up to date with stuff I won't publish publicly for various reasons. Mostly the business side of it.


It is 2 years today that this thread started and I am 2 years closer by Chinese standards, but sadly I am way overdue and look like a wanker by Western standards, that's just the way it is, I accept it and don't mind because I am still constantly moving forward. I thought I was almost there 2 years ago, enough to book a hotel and stall at Oshkosh 2014. In the meantime I will just continue to enjoy and share the forum and if you and a few others want to give me curry, and the answer to every time a few people disagree with something I have posted is to mention my failure to present this engine within their time frame, well that's just fine, and even somewhat justified.


I also leave the standing offer on the table to anyone who wants to come and visit and see exactly what I am up to, just grab some tickets, I will house, feed and transport you while you're here, the humble pie is exceptionally tasty.



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Bex , the tall poppy syndrome is alive and well in Ozz, never give up and dont let the Bxxstards get you down, as you say time is sometimes challenged and you are working in another culture, stay with it and i am sure it will become reality for you


chin up


cheers gareth



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Bex 's offer is genuine, He has offered to pay my fair to China ,


I understand now, as bex does , in commercial in confidence .


The kettles always on . Although has boiled dry a few times !


Keep it up


PS . I met cheep racer on HBForum


He introduced me back to this joint .



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It is 2 years today that this thread started and I am 2 years closer by Chinese standards, but sadly I am way overdue and look like a wanker by Western standards, that's just the way it is,

One of the consequences of announcing to the world that you're travelling before you have both feet on the bus.



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I kept all my " pre/ advertising " to trundling around the air shows with a Bulsawood model and an excited sales pitch !


I got a lot of positive feedback from pilots, so i decided to put my head down , and hey/ presto ;Put in his finger , and pulled out an Avocet !


I had noticed over the years of being "self employed " and making stuff , that so much time =$£€¥ , and money, mainly time gets spent on promoting any " futures " project ,


What i should have done was Film the whole process , probly make more money selling the film !





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One of the consequences of announcing to the world that you're travelling before you have both feet on the bus.

Incorrect, my feet are on the bus, hell I own the darn bus, it's just a bloody slow one with lots of stops on a very windy, mountainous road. But we have reached the plain, the road has somewhat straightened out and the town's lights are visible .... lucky because the fuel gage light has come on.


But correct in essence, lesson learnt from this one and why I dare not mention the other stuff I am doing until time.



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Henry Ford is alleged to have said "No one was ever famous for what he was gunna do", or words to that effect.


So yes, if you pre-announce and then have problems, everyone else could have taken the project to conclusion in the first few weeks.


About four years ago I started a project where I had to pull together a complete vehicle from individual sub assemblies and components and turn it into a fully Australian - compliant model range. At about the six month point I thought it would take twelve months, but it still took three years.



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What i should have done was Film the whole process , probly make more money selling the film !

I'd add, make two digital copies and store them separately.

I had a lot of archives stored in a shipping container, and last week found a hole had rusted through in the top, and a lot of paperwork was glued together. Didn't lose much, but some of my best design work was in there on original drawing paper. It's off to the drawing office scanners asap now!



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